What if-?
Your missing the power, missing the message of the founding fathers?
Consider also that the oldest known religion on planet earth understands that because of the 'Ethics of the Fathers” who have gone before us, They are a memorial forever before Ha'Shem as a daily reminder of Emunah from His set-apart people. We who are hidden servants [or a Tzaddick] of G-d have given over our heart by a lifetime of questing after His Torah truth to flow from within to those who the Master… Continue
Just a few musings and a video for you today: All one in the Divine
Shalom Shalom,... We are all one in the Divine.
Sometimes I would cry out of my heart that the Children who profess to follow a certain famous Sage, a Tzaddik who was noted for great and notable deeds as we all should be about our fathers business would get the message.
No body got it very well those who were closest did not get it was the time for the King to come for his Bride… Continue
VISIT OUR MAIN SITE for your free E-Book “The CORK in the BOTTLE" This simple writing WILL set you free for the GREATER WORKs ministry to come forth in your life.…
There are six orders The Mishna consists of six orders (sedarim). This explains the traditional name for the Talmud as 'Shas'. 'Shas' is simply an abbreviation of shishah sedarim, six orders'. Each of the six orders
contains between 7 and 12 tractates, called 'masekhot'.
Each masekhot
is divided into smaller units called 'mishnayot'.
Zeraim ("Seeds"), dealing with prayer and blessings, tithes and agricultural laws (11 tractates)
Moed ("Festival"),… Continue
People want the rivers of G-D to overflow their lives.
But more important are they as well ready for a full immersion into the depths of the Master and all that only He can reveal?
Ezekiel went from ankle high to overflowing immersion completely consuming his life.
Do you remember what He did?
He taught the stony heart issues with Israel the heart that had to be made a heart of flesh.
Friend, When… Continue
Just as the horrifically evil events we have recently witnessed, as incomprehensible as they are, have shaken the entire world for the worse. So every good deed done now can reveal untold blessings and change the world for the better. That is why G-d gave Seven 'NOAHIDE'…
I am a Sephardi Jew..Not a Xian,....Yeshua was a Jewish man Yet it seems some people have forgotten that small yet important detail and he was not running off at the mouth with some new testament theology, He was in fact relying on old Rabbinic teachings as the cornerstone of much of what he and other taught at the time.
I suggest you read the Life and times of Hillel by Aronson also Jesus the Pharisee by Harvey Falk to get a better perspective of the times and… Continue
Mensch Someone to admire and emulate, someone who is of noble character.
The key to being “a real mensch” is nothing less than character, rectitude, dignity, and a sense of what is right, responsible, and decorous.
Here is my humble attempt to help you achieve mensch-dom.
Help people who cannot help you.
A mensch helps people who cannot ever return the favor. They have a sense of what is the right thing to do
You’re a mensch when you give and… Continue
Are you tired of Christian Foolishness? If so Lets get back to basics 101
Really it is a good start and good entry-level intro for the Goyim [the Gentiles] ...But friends it is a long way off from real Biblical teaching. To say the least.
I even see My Messianic friends incorporate the trinity teachings in their discourse and really that too is a MESS...to say the least....
Either come out of Her or Perish is the concept of the… Continue
I actually saw (and heard) a man with the doll, warning against it on our local news a couple of weeks ago!
NOW WATCH THE PROOF ON YOUTUBE VIDEO!IN GOD WE TRUST NOTHING you buy your kids should be from Fisher Price or it's mother company, Mattel.
Watch this VIDEO and see why! SEND the LINK to a friend
this is propaganda.
If you never read or watch… Continue
Glenn Beck: 20,000 troops to deploy...in America?
December 1, 2008 - 13:11 ET
Pentagon to deploy 20,00 troops inside USA...
GLENN: You know, I was going to talk a little bit about India and Pakistan but I want to change because there's a breaking headline now on Drudge. While the rest of the world is going to pay attention today to Barack Obama and Senator Hillary Clinton and they are going to make this the big story, the big story today, at least for those… Continue
The Seven Laws of Noah demonstrate that almighty G-d has rules and laws for all human beings ...and that G-d loves us all. He does not leave anyone, Jew or non-Jew without guidance. To the non-Jew He has given the Seven Commandments.
Since our sustenance comes from G-d, we should seek to earn it honestly, with dignity, and not through false means. To violate the property of others, by robbing or cheating, is a… Continue
I didn't write last week as we were busy, and David and I actually just picked up and went away for two nights to the Dead Sea, which is our favorite get away. It was needed. We were able to leave Ami in Natan's and Ariel's capable hands, and this was a blessing!
Basketball and School
Ami played his first basketball game last Sunday. He played for one and a half quarters and made 3 points!! He said, "Oh, I wasn't really playing", meaning, it wasn't like before. Thursday and… Continue
Added by Lori Jones on November 11, 2008 at 10:40pm —
No Comments
Deu 6:1 Now these are the commandments, the statutes, and the judgments, which YAH'commanded to teach you, that ye might do them in the land whither ye go to possess it:
Deu 6:2 That thou mightest fear the MAR et Elohim[ L-rd thy G-D], to keep all his statutes and his commandments, which I command thee, thou, and thy son, and thy son's son, all the days of thy life; and that thy days may be prolonged.
Deu 6:3 Hear therefore, O Y'Israel, and observe to do it; that it may be well with… Continue
I'm very interested in end-time preparation, are you? I realize Yahweh could give us manna and water like he did the children of Israel, coming out of Egypt, and he's promised our bread and water will be sure. But if we want more than bread and water, we might do a little planning ahead. When that time comes upon us where we can't buy or sell, what will you need? Think about your daily routine and what you use. Soap, toilet paper, energy of some kind. Do you have a generator? Batteries? What do… Continue
Added by Ruby on June 26, 2008 at 1:23pm —
1 Comment
On the first night of Shavuot ( The Day after Shabbat, basicly June the 8th, 2008~~~The year of new Beginnings), The Covenant followers of YAHweh throughout the world observe the centuries-old custom of conducting an all-night vigil dedicated to Torah learning, and preparation for receiving the Torah anew the next morning.
One explanation for this tradition is that the Jewish people did not rise early on the day G‑d gave the Torah, and it was necessary for G‑d Himself to awaken…Continue
We are serious about your spiritual/physical health & well being~~~
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~Shalom/Welcome to SHEKINAH~LIFE'¬ Your hosts Jim and Terry Hamilton
B"H. As The Zohar itself proclaims: "Woe unto those who see in the Law nothing but simple narratives and ordinary words .... Every word of the Law contains an elevated sense and a sublime mystery .... The narratives of the Law are but the raiment within which it is swathed."
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We are serious about your Spiritual/Physical Health & Biblical Growth~~~ Serious students Listen, write notes, and study~~~ Take this to heart~~Anti-Rabbinism, Polygamy proponents and anti-Scholasticism will not be tolerated here! May the Torah truth be Revealed to All who come to this site Lastly a simple reminder; Read-Read-Read your TaNaKh until HaShem's Torah Becomes seamless within you As Sephardic Jews of the house of IsraEL,and Moderators of shekinahLife and in order to keep the Shalom... We do not endorse Paganism of any sort. so lets keep it in line with historical truth..and we thank you in advance.... **********************************************