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Baal HaSulam's melodies in modern arrangements by the Bnei Baruch friends Hope this helps you rise… Tags: Baal_haSulam-melodies James and Terry Hamilton Nov 14, 2014 69 views
Amazing heart in this young man..truly he loves his maker . . .his friends, the people Israel and h… Tags: Oren-Levi, arvut James and Terry Hamilton Nov 14, 2014 87 views
Lets ascend Above our-self's . . . James and Terry Hamilton Nov 14, 2014 30 views
Jewish-conversion,.. a great desire to know G-d sent this benedictine monk toward conversion to Jud… Tags: Jewish-conversion James and Terry Hamilton Nov 13, 2014 59 views
Neither I am me. Nor You are You. Also I am me. Also You are You. We have become One. In such a Way… Tags: harmony-peace-unity, WE-are-One James and Terry Hamilton Nov 13, 2014 31 views
Michael Laitman explains what the 72 names of God are, and how they can and cannot be used. Taken f… Tags: 72-names-of-G0d James and Terry Hamilton Nov 12, 2014 120 views
Rain prayer, proclamation - ends with Shofar blast. WE felt directed to film from a high point [Mck… Tags: sephardi_prayer, shofar James and Terry Hamilton Nov 11, 2014 44 views
An Ethiopian Israeli whose family made Aliyah when she was only two years old, Hadas Yosef share he… Tags: Ethiopian-Israeli James and Terry Hamilton Oct 4, 2013 102 views
There's a party in Jerusalem and EVERYONE is invited! Watch this entertaining sneak preview into Su… Tags: Sukkot James and Terry Hamilton Sep 28, 2013 27 views
Sukkot ist das jüdische Laubhüttenfest. Einer der wichtigsten Bräuche bei der Feier dieses Festes i… Tags: Sukkot James and Terry Hamilton Sep 28, 2013 39 views
Breathtaking new Shema, written and performed by Anna Brooks (Temple Israel of West Bloomfield, MI,… Tags: Shema-Yisrael James and Terry Hamilton Sep 19, 2013 405 views
Rosh Hashana explained from a deeper perspective. Great JTimes presentation with Chaim Ratz asking… Tags: Rosh-Hashana James and Terry Hamilton Sep 4, 2013 36 views
This discussion on Education with Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman and Chaim Ratz discussing education… Tags: Jewish, Education James and Terry Hamilton Jul 26, 2013 28 views
Integral Thinking is discussed with Dr. Michael Laitman and Chaim Ratz on how to develop integral t… Tags: Integral-Thinking James and Terry Hamilton Jul 26, 2013 84 views
Kadus, Kadus -- Holy, holy Sung by the kesim, Ethiopian religious leaders, at the masjid (synagogue… Tags: Kadus-Kadus, Ethiopian James and Terry Hamilton Jul 20, 2013 38 views
TOGETHER As the heart opens up, it embraces the world, and with a great big shout to sing for love… Tags: together-unity James and Terry Hamilton Jul 20, 2013 106 views
From Personal success to a societal success. Michael Laitman on societal change not individual chan… Tags: success James and Terry Hamilton Jul 19, 2013 19 views
The ShekinahLife is a Heartbeat away...however Anti-semitism is on the rise. Dr. Michael Laitman di… Tags: Laitman, Kabbalah James and Terry Hamilton Jul 8, 2013 59 views
Excerpt from the Daily Kabbalah Lesson of July 9, 2010. Dr. Laitman describes the process.... Tags: kabbalah-bnei-baruch James and Terry Hamilton Jul 7, 2013 20 views
Excelente Canção !!! Tags: OneVoice, Younity James and Terry Hamilton Jul 3, 2013 21 views
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~Shalom/Welcome to SHEKINAH~LIFE'¬ Your hosts Jim and Terry Hamilton
As The Zohar itself proclaims: "Woe unto those who see in the Law nothing but simple narratives and ordinary words .... Every word of the Law contains an elevated sense and a sublime mystery .... The narratives of the Law are but the raiment within which it is swathed."
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Jim and Terry (mobile)\
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