
Arise and Shine

Glenn Beck: 20,000 troops to America?
December 1, 2008 - 13:11 ET
Pentagon to deploy 20,00 troops inside USA...
GLENN: You know, I was going to talk a little bit about India and Pakistan but I want to change because there's a breaking headline now on Drudge. While the rest of the world is going to pay attention today to Barack Obama and Senator Hillary Clinton and they are going to make this the big story, the big story today, at least for those people that are following the world, should be Pentagon to deploy 20,000 troops inside the U.S. for domestic security.
I told you this story two months ago? Was it two months ago, Joe, when I first found this story. And I said on the air this cannot be true. It can't be true. The only source I could find on that day was in Stars and Stripes and I knew that Stars and Stripes wasn't going to print something about the troops that wasn't true, and I brought that story to you. Now, these guys are being deployed for security for chemical, biological, terrorist activity, natural disaster. But this is what the National Guard is for. The reason why our founding fathers said there would be no standing army is because the federal government has no place in your town. The power to order troops, the power to be able to have people with weapons in your neighborhood must not ever be in the hands of the President or the congress. It must be in the hand of the individual governors. Our founders knew this. 20,000 -- this is a battalion. This is something entirely new.
Now let me ask you this question: Why? They are going to give you all kinds of stories. If anybody really rises up and says anything, if anybody in the media is anything but mindless sheep, they will see exactly what this is but they'll -- I'm sure. I mean, they will go after, you know, they will go after the most ridiculous stories on the planet but when it really comes down to it, they seem to not understand. They seem just to buy the government's excuses on so many things.
When I'm at these book signings, we had a bunch of Constitutions. I bought a bunch of Constitutions from the Constitution Center in Philadelphia and I'm handing them out to anybody who is in the Service and I've signed each one of them and they are little pocket Constitutions and they come up to me. And if they mention the service or I ask people before the book signings, if you are in the Service, introduce yourself. I give them a Constitution and I shake their hand and I look them right straight in the eye and I say, we are counting on you to know this. This is for domestic security. Well, what exactly is domestic security and how many steps does it take before you say domestic security is for martial law? What has to happen? Does anybody see the powder keg that we're sitting on? We are sitting on a powder keg. All that somebody has to do is do something stupid and the place goes up like a match. And I'm telling you our government knows. No one is telling you the truth, but I'm telling you I know what I know, and I know that I know and these people -- I'm not the smartest guy in the bunch. I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer. I'm not some war gamer. I'm not some, you know, somebody who is -- they would never hire me to put puzzles together, for the love of Pete, at a puzzle store and somehow or another I can see all of these pieces come together and no one else can? Bullcrap. They see it and this is why 20,000 troops are being deployed here in the United States of America. Gang, I warn you fascism is coming and it has nothing to do -- listen to me carefully. It has nothing to do with Barack Obama. Remember this has happened under George Bush's watch. I am not a conspiracy nut. I don't believe in the Star Chamber. I don't believe that there are things going on where these dark meetings are happening. I don't believe any of that. People just keep taking steps one after another because we have to do this. Somebody knows that we are sitting on a powder keg in this country. Somebody knows that we better take precautions because this thing, with the economy -- I'm telling you, I am telling you, I hope to God I'm wrong. I hope in twelve months, A, I'm still on the air; and B, that I can come to you -- mark this -- Stu, you have your calendar. Put this in your calendar.
STU: Okay.
GLENN: That I hope I can come to you today and say -- I mean a year from today I want to be able to go on the air and say I was wrong about the economy; it looks exactly the same as it did last year. I hope to God I can say that to you, but I'm telling you alarm bells are going off in me and they are getting louder and louder and louder and I don't think you are going to recognize this country or its economy next year. And when the economy starts to go, people are going to get more and more desperate, more and more hungry, more and more worried, more and more into conspiracy theories. You have something like what happened over in India a year from now and I think even today, this country has a possibility of turning on itself and we must root ourself in the Constitution. And listen to me and please preach this, say this as much as you can to anyone that listens. This is not a Democrat/Republican thing. This is not Barack Obama is the bad guy and George Bush was the savior. George Bush is the guy who started this ball rolling and Barack Obama is going to continue rolling it. This is a Democrat/Republican political parties both taking us down the same damn road. This is both of them. This is not a problem with the Republicans, it is not a problem with the Democrats. It is an American problem, and Americans will need to solve it. Americans are going to have to solve it by standing their ground. Americans are going to have to say "Excuse me?" And you will not be able to do that unless you are -- unless, A, you know what we are, you know who we are, you know what we're founded on, you know what the Constitution says. Gang, eternal repercussions if we lose liberty. Eternal repercussions. It is in our -- this is our watch. You are a watchman on the tower if you see it coming. The blood of everyone who you could have woken up and said "Storm coming" will be on your hands. If you ring the bell, if you say to people "Prepare, find who you are, find out what we are, keep peace in our heart. Please don't tear each other apart. When an event happens, be a peacemaker." If you don't do those things, all those that you could have alerted, their blood, going to be on your hands for eternity. Those people who won't wake up, you did your job. You've got to move on and wake up others. And I know there are a lot of people that are listening right now and saying to me, "Oh, Glenn, you are such a fearmonger. Oh, Glenn, oh, please, the sky is falling, the sky is falling." Let me tell you something. I wish you could stand in line and meet the people that I have met in the last three weeks as I go from city to city and shake their hand in these bookstores and time and time and time and time again people come up to me: "I saved my savings, I saved $10,000, I saved $20,000." One guy told me last night, "I saved $350,000 because of you. I would have lost $350,000, but you know what? I was listening to you and something in my gut said, you know what, you better take that seriously. I did, and I got my money out. While everyone else was saying, oh, no, stay in, oh, no, invest more." You pray on it. Don't take my word for it. You've got to do your own homework, but you must understand the people in the media, they don't get it. The people in the media, they are not looking at the bigger picture.
You know what, for so many people in the media, their agenda is either liberalism or on the other side I believe their agenda is the parties, the Republican party or the Democratic party. And for those that don't have an agenda, it's just a job, man. It's just a job. I'll tell you why I'm in it. Because believe me, I don't want to be in it. I've told you before I'm ready, man. I'm ready to go live in the side of a mountain, you know, and have a farm and raise some cows and, ooof, all the stuff I swore I never wanted to do, I want to do it. I just want to raise my kids and just have a nice life and just lead a normal life. That's what I want to do. I ain't doing it because I know what time we live in. And if you know what time you live in, you've got to do the hard things. And just because of the times we're living in, let me be very clear on what those things are. If you hear any message other than "Be a peacemaker," if you hear any message that leads you in any direction of hatred, you're on the wrong path. It's a new day, gang, and you're about to enter a new world. Yesterday's thoughts I don't believe apply. What you thought your life was going to be like in five years, I really don't believe it applies anymore. That doesn't mean you stop. I'm still planning on all kinds of things for the next few years. I'm still planning on doing these things and that thing. We're working on projects and we're doing everything because you know what? As I said at the beginning, I hope to God that I'm wrong, and with God's grace and with Americans being Americans and Americans really saying, "Okay," without the tragedy, because this tragedy comes, whatever it is, God help us all, it is going to change things in the blink of an eye, if we can just be those September 12th people, before the tragedy. We're going to be fine. We're going to be fine. But we are so fragile right now, and I don't care what they tell you. They ain't preparing for another Hurricane Katrina. The Pentagon is deploying 20,000 troops inside the U.S. for domestic security. I'm sorry, but I'm trying to figure out how that one works exactly, and that's not Barack Obama doing it. That's George Bush doing it. How exactly are we deploying those troops? Are they under the President's power? Because I don't want George Bush or Barack Obama, I don't want Ronald Reagan controlling the troops inside the country. You don't do that, period. The federal government does not deploy troops for domestic security. The governor does it with the National Guard. They answer to the states. You cannot allow them to have that control. If our federal government, God forbid we get our hands on a dictator, God forbid -- and I know people said to me ten years ago, "Oh, Glenn, we'll never..." gang, we're on the eve of it. I'm not saying it's Barack Obama. Hell, it could be Sarah Palin in four years that does it. But I'm telling you we're on the eve of fascism. And if you give these people power now or in the next two weeks, the next four years, the next eight years, I'm telling you, you get the wrong person in there and you get a crisis situation and that person can grab power. And it is what many people have wanted to happen since Mussolini was in office. A benevolent dictator. Because capitalism, this republic doesn't really work. Read the words of some former Presidents including Wilson and FDR that everybody loves so much. Prepare. Prepare your heart and prepare your mind and prepare your children. Know what you know, know who you are and k

Robb "Yissachar" Berry
Watchmen of Issachar ministry
832.444.8951 Cell

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Comment by James and Terry Hamilton on December 4, 2008 at 7:59pm
Daniel You will not find it on the Main Stream news That is just rehearsed Junk for crowd control

All of a sudden the doors will get kicked in and the people will wonder why?

I remember back in my inner-city ministry days[ Early nineties] in Fresno it was a war zone on the streets...
The cops would issue block wide search warrants Just start kicking in doors or using battering rams..
I know I worked alongside the Gang task force as a minister/volunteer..
Back then a group of attorney's I was working with to help protect the people, stated one day
They were waiting for the Other Shoe to drop on the Fourth Amendment..
It did in 1994' ~ It seems we had the last honest election back when Perot was running then T Mr Clinton took that away in 96..that set up the two party system...well really one party..The AmeriKan Commie party

Daniel' look for the Internet news,..not mainstream
Or go to several of our groups ~~Totalaterian Agenda ~~~The AmeriKan Rippoff,.. or unusual mysteries

Sharon B. is always updating them daily

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