
Arise and Shine

Al Green
Greenpastures Ministries
Lakeside, Or

Some times I sit and wonder what the next step in our walk is,
And sometimes I just sit.

I have heard of the great need for the "Church" here in Coos Bay,
and it seems to extend even to the eastern borders.

The Church has been injured and I feel partly at fault.

I've repented and wish to atone for my part, and asked for time to help

I desire revelation as to my part in the restoration of the BODY,
knowing that the restitution of all things is at hand, yet "the all
thing" is just out of my reach.

I know for an assurance that the BODY will survive and the CHURCH will
be victorious and without end, and that the increase of the KINGDOM
will never end. Yet my part in this increase seems to be taking a very
long time.

I desire with a great desire to see the BODY healed, delivered and set
on the path to the fulfillment of God's plan, but I have trouble with
my own patience and my personal walk has been slowed to a crawl. Where
in my younger years I was always running with the bulls, now in my
latter years I find myself lying with the sheep, resting on the deeds
of the past, while knowing there is a healing and restoration to be

My hope is it hasn't all been assigned to others, and there is still a
time for my part to be accomplished.

Let me try to encourage all with these words, The Lord is not yet
finished with us yet, He is perfecting all of us and providing a place
for us to prosper in him.

May God bless you and keep you on the path to completion.

Al Green
Greenpastures Ministries
Lakeside, Or

Friends of ShekinahLife,..... go to Al's page today and say Hello /Shalom...He needs to see the Master can still use him ..He has lost the fire ...Help fan it into a flame...Thanks '''/////moderator James

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