
Arise and Shine

The Seven Laws of Noah demonstrate that almighty G-d has rules and laws for all human beings ...and that G-d loves us all. He does not leave anyone, Jew or non-Jew without guidance.
To the non-Jew He has given the Seven Commandments.

Since our sustenance comes from G-d, we should seek to earn it honestly, with dignity, and not through false means. To violate the property of others, by robbing or cheating, is a fundamental attack on their humanity. This breeds anarchy, plunging mankind into the depths of selfishness and cruelty. It was for this sin, above all, that the Flood was brought upon the world.

It is my opinion the only rules we as Torah observant members of YAHweh need are the 'Six orders working in our lives..revealed to Moshie and handed down through the ages by the zsages
They are:
Moed=festival days
Kadoshim=holy things

The Goyim should deal with and understand the Noahide laws and do them
All else is an attempt to meddle in some vain way to control and whip the sheeple

Do not worship Idols

Do Not Blaspheme His Name

Do Not Murder

Do Not Commit Immoral Sexual Acts

Do Not Steal

Pursue Justice

Do not be cruel to animals.

Maimonides states "Whoever among the Nations fulfills the Seven Commandments to serve God belongs to the Righteous among the Nations, and has his share in the World to Come.".

Although there are many reasons for a non-Jew to follow the Laws of Noah (because one finds them moral and/or they appeal to his intellect or his sense of justice), in order to become a 'Ben Noah' (Child of Noach), one must, essentially, follow these laws because he recognizes that they were revealed by G-d (Ha shem) through Moses to the children of Israel at Mount Sinai.

Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson
, leader of the Chabad Lubavitch world Jewish movement, universally respected, and revered has said that the Noahide Laws observance by all humankind will bring about universal peace and the Messianic Redemption.

The Rebbe explained: because the basic nature of our world is perfect and good, our every good action is real and enduring, while every negative thing is just that -- a negative phenomenon, a void waiting to be dispelled.
Hence the common equation of evil and good with darkness and light. Darkness, no matter how ominous and intimidating, is merely the absence of light. Light need not combat and overpower darkness in order to displace it -- where light is, darkness is not. A thimbleful of light will therefore banish a roomful of darkness.

The Seven Laws of Noah demonstrate that almighty G-d has rules and laws for all human beings ...and that G-d loves us all. Ha'Shem does not leave anyone, Jew or non-Jew without guidance.

To the non-Jew He has given the Seven Commandments. Maimonides states "Whoever among the Nations fulfills the Seven Commandments to serve God belongs to the Righteous among the Nations, and has his share in the World to Come.". Although there are many reasons for a non-Jew to follow the Laws of Noah (because one finds them moral and/or they appeal to his intellect or his sense of justice), in order to become a 'Ben Noah' (Child of Noach), one must, essentially, follow these laws because he recognizes that they were revealed by G-d (Ha shem) through Moses to the children of Israel at Mount Sinai.

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Comment by James and Terry Hamilton on May 27, 2009 at 11:07am
Maimonides states "Whoever among the Nations fulfills the Seven Commandments to serve God belongs to the Righteous among the Nations, and has his share in the World to Come.".
Comment by James and Terry Hamilton on May 27, 2009 at 11:06am
Really,....... If we cannot obey the basics, how can we be entrusted with the greater truth, let alone greater deeds [ works] for the Master....Shalom
Comment by James and Terry Hamilton on February 1, 2009 at 11:12pm
Note the Us Congress has adopted the Noahide laws,

There is no mistake<>Deal with it

It was most likely what the Original church was based upon.

Read and study Judaic and Historical info.
You will then understand what s being said

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As The Zohar itself proclaims: "Woe unto those who see in the Law nothing but simple narratives and ordinary words .... Every word of the Law contains an elevated sense and a sublime mystery .... The narratives of the Law are but the raiment within which it is swathed."

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