
Arise and Shine

What if-?
Your missing the power, missing the message of the founding fathers?
Consider also that the oldest known religion on planet earth understands that because of the 'Ethics of the Fathers” who have gone before us, They are a memorial forever before Ha'Shem as a daily reminder of Emunah from His set-apart people. We who are hidden servants [or a Tzaddick] of G-d have given over our heart by a lifetime of questing after His Torah truth to flow from within to those who the Master sends us to
Living within a world of ongoing Chaos, each and every one of us, think nothing to shout for the coming of Moshiach now'.

However in the meantime we need to become a form of moshiach among the people as a community in offering study,meals to those in need, Tzedakah' if you have it give it, if not pray Ha'Shem increase your tent stakes, always remember any form of benevolence is a gesture of lifesaving love.
Moreover just living the lifestyle of a man of YAHweh a man of integrity and shalom.
Those who obtain a level of study and in the accompanying integrity of knowing close intimacy with the Divine have much to share, Sadly they are too often misunderstood.
Yet ready to share. Those who stand aligned with those who have gone before us as Divine sparks ready to ignite with moral and intimate wholeness that comes only with Devikut- with the Divine until we come to realize we are all one and not to do to another what we ourself's abhor.

R.Hillel, head Nasi of bet Hillel said it well,... all else is commentary.

We as people need to find a balance between our good deeds and our integrity to shine as an example to all other nations and as well to find the quiet time to honer the Master by forever teaching His Torah truths underlain with a unique love and love of the Father that makes everything else pale in comparison. Hopefully you agree'
Just as Yaakov and Esau reconciled, we too need to reconcile with one another until the time when everyone is under his fig tree and everyone is under his olive tree, that equates to Sovereign prosperity and shalom between all men.
For that to happen we need to become a reverential house of prayer, otherwise the Shekhinah glory may not get here.
His mercies are new and renewed every morning His long-suffering is right alongside His bride Yisrael. You know it is impossible for Ha'shem to leave you for in all reality He is the very life breath within you.

The essence of YAH' is within you.
Everything you need is within you.
The divine spark is within you.

Preparation is everything for the bride, She must be fully aware and prepared to follow a Tzaddick or at the very least a pious benevolent man on a journey to Ha'Shem.
In the final truth we must become a conduit of the Divine in bringing heaven down to earth.

Simply as a servant among the people, obedient to Ha'shem, Torah observant and being a light in a sometimes dark world.
If nothing else as a gentile it should be read study historical truth,observe life as a mission to help others and more so walk and out to the best of your ability like those who have gone before you.
Consider a healthy diet as well the road map of Ha'hem's best for your life is already written.
Do not be fulled the map to a successful life is contained in the TaNaKh Intimacy with Torah truth
Therein lies the power to raise the dead, heal the sick, and walk in Refuah'. Shalom Shalom/jlh

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