
Arise and Shine

Whatever expression you chose to use born–again or Set–apart, etc…It is all Defined in this; Once, YAHweh has begun His good work in you, He sets you apart. The Ruach begins to teach you as you turn …

Whatever expression you chose to use born–again or Set–apart, etc…It is all Defined in this;

Once, YAHweh has begun His good work in you, He sets you apart.

The Ruach begins to teach you as you turn your will' over to Him.

He begins to take you on a journey much like Avraham.

You are called out of Her, out of the Harlotry of Paganism and Traditions.

You are called out! separated even from "church", family etc.

You may find yourself serving HIM feeding the Hungry like the Chosen Fast for His covenant people in YeshaYAHu 58"v6-7, Or some other personal ministry to people, or a broad spectrum of humanity in general...just to prepare you as a Servant.

Do not worry this is all in His plan for you.

You may hear all types of stuff on this journey from fleshly types like "How great it is to Dwell among the brethern" or "Do not forsake the fellowship together" … However this is His word for you…"Anyone having put his hand to the Plow of YAHweh and looking back is UN-Fit for the Kingdom of YAH" This you will find in Lucas nine: v-six-two [9v62]

Friend, Get this and get it right; the truth is at HIS feet, and you have to climb up Hebron road to get there.

You may get some scrapes and bruises along the way… non the less you will go all the way to the top for He Called you not the Denominations of mere men.

Oh and while we are on the subject that "church" as the world knows it, begins to have a stale taste within you, even a distaste would be better said.

SET APART means just that, He sets you apart for HIS good pleasure.

Always keep in mind along the journey YAHweh is looking for zeal as a Saul had.

Somebody that truly loves HIM enough… the NO-Compromise types.

Even thou they may be on the wrong road or trail He see's the zeal and once you're face to face with your real destiny...there is no turning back.

No longer Saul but a Shu`al [Paul]…. No longer, a Ya'akob but now you are Israel.

However, do not feel you have arrived yet, for Pride is a killer of ministry…There are many miles along this road…

Have I mentioned Scourging?

Ah, this one sticks out in my memory as a called, set apart Son.

The Master, or PaPa Scourges every "SON HE receives…. Now for those who have a religious background and were taught YAHweh is all loving… I assure you HE is.

I also want to assure you His word of Correction, Reproof and exhortation along with some edification [2nd Timothy 3:v16] endures forever.

Perhaps I should take a Moment to find a scriptural base for you chapter and verse types… "He is the Same Yesterday, Today and Forever"…[read Hebrews 13:v8] ...put another way, His word Changes Not.

Torah Truth is Torah Truth, Shabbat is Shabboss {The day of Rest is a Mitzvah] and the Commands [Mitzvot] of YAHweh are to be obeyed… unless of course you want to be in Prayer lines and have the Plagues of Mitzeraim upon you and your generations to follow…Personally I choose to obey.

I have a full quiver of Kids who I am sure one day will acknowledge why I choose to walk the walk.

The price for rebellion is too high a price to pay.

So Obey ALL His True word, it may save you a few lashes at the scourging post.

I was not that smart in the beginning walk.

Most Christology books seem to miss a few truths and you wind up learning the hard way.

During the transformation of being a student of Christology to being a student of HIM alone can be a long, lonely journey.

So, be prepared.

Remember Israel or Ya'akob had great visions and dreams and a flowing well of provision but there was a walking it out for twenty years to find the great Depth of Yahweh's Love.

Yoseph had great Visions, but imprisonment and slavery was something he was not shown in advance, however it prepared Him to Rule alongside Pharaoh during the famine.

Shual was a Man with great Religious knowledge laced with zeal, but first had to be blinded to tradition to see the truth. However afterwards the truth journey began. Yes, even Paul had to reckon with much during his walk, Much he was not shown in advance.

So, be prepared for the unexpected, and Let the great Master lead you Higher up in Him.

All, that you think you know, has to go through a metamorphosis, a serious change of understanding to be HIS' servant tried and found worthy.

Forget that J.C. paid it all theology,.. you alone must walk a walk of Integrity and Holiness to enter the Kadosh ha'kadoshim [Holie of Holies]

We all need a Milah ET lev' [a circumcision of the heart'] to serve Him" and that requires a cutting away of the flesh.

Unless the seed… 'Falls"-Then dies…It will never, spring forth and bud. [Markus 4:28] The divinely notable assignment is built into the seed to spring forth… However there is a dying time.

We are as well to be created in HIS image for our lives, However, Never will the Blade or the Ear or the full corn in the ear come forth without first dying to self and pre-conceived notions of the things of G-D [Yochanan 12:v24] only the Ruach HaKodosh can guide you into ALL truth [1st Yochanan 2:v27b]

I like to help; however some want to know your credentials first;...I was Circumcised of an Ashkenazim Jew of the house of Israel.

Rejected by the church at eight years of age [first time]

called early like Samuel…. I heard my name called but there was no Priest ELI" to instruct me.

Out of the Body experience at seventeen yet sent back to teach for such a time as this.

Like the prodigal Son or Ephraim story, I too took many a wrong turn or two and lost My true first love for a long season…This hurt the most.

Made my fame and some fortune all the while climbing the ladder to greatness in ME, only to loose my soul in the process. [You cannot serve two Masters]

Then He Called again, this time I followed the voice only to be rejected once again by the "Church"…[second time] Thankfully I might add.

Then in 1989 He called me literally, Up a mountain…Things have not been the same since…they will not for you either.

Oh! And those Credentials:

please note the bruises, stains and strains from the weariness endured, even to jails for feeding the hungry imagine that.

blows, physical and spiritual, too many, I cannot count-

Emotional deaths.......................................OFTEN...

Thirty-nine lashes, in the spirit ..Five times five, I am sure

Chastisement ...Exhausting amount. ...

Flogged with rods by the thousand times

Stoned....but I did-not inhale,... intoxicated, but I did not drink...too much.

Many journeys,.......... for reasons known and unknown..

Dangers of the deep................often... Dangers of robbers.................often. ...
Dangers of my race.................I am still running. ....
Dangers of the nations.... ......OFTEN,
Dangers in the inner city..........often...
Dangers in wilderness-desert.... Three times. ...
Dangers in the Church..................often. ...
Dangers/false brethren................often. ..

Toil and labor.............................incessantly watchman.............often.
Abased and abound.............................often.
Fasts...for clariety...............................often.

Rejection; too often, even unto death it seemed.

Plucked as a fire brand from the fire... like Joshua in.. Zechariah three...1-4

>>>I do report however like so many others... I was not shipwrecked............................. Nor laid to waste,..never a day without food nor raiment..., arrayed more beautiful than the lilies of the field....The Master Himself has kept me in His' secret pavilion of Ahavah

Therefore" I owe only to Him what is mine to offer, my life... I owe no allegiance to another save Him, I serve...As YAHshua the Last and Final blood covenant for all men....I give My all.

Enjoy your journey...Shalom Aleichem...Ya'aKov and Hadassah Terry

Let us pray
"May the rain of the Ruach HaKodosh fully pour upon you bringing you into the deepest well of baptism even unto death of the fleshly nature, only to resurrect you as high as the Eagle in His perfection. I pray Adonai' arise fully in your heart from the deep well of His love.
We are serious about your Emotional and Spiritual walk

All Right reserved @ 2008

James Lee Hamilton Author of the Healing book~ the Cork in the Bottle"~ Star

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