
Arise and Shine

I have seen the coming glory in a mist... Written: 4/8/2007James Lee Hamilton....

"This has been a long season of taking away and replanting.

We have been in a deepWell immersed in His covenant Truth...

Beyond' where I have been before...

And yet, I have seen the coming glory in a mist...

...and been at an impasse with the Majesty to go forward..

However, just now released to give this writing

Personally I believe we are on the crest

of the greatest move of Yaweh ever seen by mankind

Welsh, Azusa, was nothing at all but a glimpse of this....

My part as was yours is to forgive and release that which has hurt us so dearly..

Hurt so much,... that our lives seemed to ebb away in the process.

The defilement thrown in our direction certainly is nothing in reflection to the defilement of the Man YAHshua, in one day.

Our defilement seems to have been over Eons of time, and now is the time to dry ourselves off so to speak, as the washing of completeness has taken place in order to rule and rein with authority and even now is flowing as a Tallith down upon us.

I have felt it thrown upon me...

I can only assume that other covenant servants felt it as well. My friends, YAHshua never held anything against you, but others in their lack of understanding as they did with this writer, set guards against servants who saw ahead and desired something greater, ... for in a moment of time we were given what is now about to come forth true authority in His name, not this conceptualized Pabulum dished out this last hundred years or so.

However the timing has been delayed till now. Priests and prophets, (Eph 2:20) All your tools will be washed up on the shore and brought forth for you to use in this Reformation. It is important that you hold fast to that which is eternal (His Truth) and let loose more of that which is temporal.

The Teachers of Egyptian legalism will soon be replaced by the hardened mighty warriors prepared for this new Reformation. Behold I see a mighty door opening and the steeples of religion falling down. As well many have built their ministries on the established voices and now will find that those are being replaced in favor of those who serve the Master in Ruach/Spirit and truth for no earthly reward but to see His Manifestation. The Ruach is saying Many of you which once walked in such authority that a visit to a hospital set machines off as the sick recovered immediately. Now is your time to be restored in the fullness of power and authority you once only tasted.

The veil of Oppression has been rent this day over you. And why? Because you have recognized that He and Only the Messiah is your gateway into the vastness of open heaven. All I can tell you is the Angels are poised in full armor pounding their chests ready for the command surrounding this area where I am positioned.

I believe this will take place in five regions as well. Position is important. This Oregon City/Willamette Falls is the ancient covenant stake of His word to the entire NW territory and as of now, their is high spires of glistening light on either sides of the bridges and roads leading into this little town. Two of our ministry intercessors 60 and 70 yrs. Respectively, who are teamed with us, have linage back to the Second great awakening, ... coincidence. I don't think so ..

(September 1, 1785 - September 25, 1872),...Mr Cartwright' was an early American "hellfire and brimstone" preacher.,

Cartwright was a missionary who helped start the "Second Great Awakening" and personally baptized twelve thousand people.

He was a minister who preached benevolence.


This is from the third month...

This is from 3/5/06.... I can now release it... "Son, Complete surrender into the arms of the Lord is required... Thanking Him completely for all that has been done to bring you into completeness in Him.

YAHshua is the gateway into your future life... A great way has been opened unto you this day son for you have recognized that I Am the source and fulfillment of all you desire ...3/05/06 7:40 AM

He also stated that ..."when Kings go out to war.... It would begin ...

Friends, We are NOW in that season...

(For more, See prophesy; War on two Fronts/ War and then the new Ark) Main Site

Behold I am sending you Elijah the Prophet, before the coming of the great and terrible day of the L-rd. --Malachi 4:5~~~ I perceive that this new move will bring forth a real Prophetic Voice from the Master...

I really see the Master in part repeating history in that as the days of Noah we are in them,...

as the day that Kepha [ peter ] preached from the gentile court steps...and three thousand were added,

I see it more prevelent that it is a a time we should say "This is that which the Navi YoEl spoke of"..

it is time to arise and Shine for the masters Glorification...YesaYAHu 60:1

James and Terry Lee Hamilton

In the Service of Abba, Father

We are a living testimony to His grace, mercy and Restorative love,

... Forever and a day

There Is healing in His wings and provision in His ways.




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