What is the Call?
Messiah Stated: On this rock "I will" Build my church… What does that mean?
Well in the ancient Masoretic /Syriac Aramaic in which the Messiah YAHshua spoke (not Latin or Greek) it would mean for one, the word "Rock' is TORAH…Ponder this for a few moments.
Now first, I personally find this interesting. So that would mean the basis for everything is the Torah, the Tanakh, the first five books of our bible compilation equates to G-D breathed truth.
As I recollect YHVH/YAHweh told the covenant Hebrew people, that they were to write on the doorpost of their heart.... His Torah …Not the babblings of mere men.
Furthermore to teach it to their children and the generations to come.
WHY? ...Because Torah root= Tav Vav Resh Hey, meaning “Instructions...
Better yet, the “Brides Instructions”
Is not His chosen servants referenced as the Bride of the Kingdom or in KJV the “Bride of Christ”
Second to that the Prophets like YeshaYAHu [Isaiah], Ezekiel and the host of others who were killed murdered ...and cut asunder as was Isaiah (Cut in half)...
For doing what? . Proclaiming Torah truth and the “Church in it’s following after the Father of all lies HaSatan has pushed the killing of the prophetic. Even unto this day of visitation it is basicly denied.
Yet Saul, the Sagan Priest unto Mosiach YAHshua stated the Covenant is built upon the Prophets and Priests Eph.2:v20-22 Now I ask… what is the truth? Well let us look... In the book of Ezekiel 36:9 we read (read and deal with all the “I will”)
"I WILL' turn to you, and you will be tilled and sown" ... with what?
Truth" tilled and sown with His truth, not the conceptualized truths of mankind.
His proclaimed truth before the Milta before the manifestation of all things He is without a doubt absolute truth.
As it is written “YAH’ am not a man that He should lie”
Ah... so when John /Yochanan in first John 2:27 wrote that you have need of no man teach you but by His (HS) Ruach HaKodesh ...He alone would guide you into all truth... Yochanan (John) was leading you into Torah Truth...
First John puts it well: "He that says he abides in Y'shua,
Ought himself also to walk,
even as He walked."
1st Yochanan 2:6
My suggestion, be yourself’ in Ha’Shem.
Stop following the foolish theology of mere men...
The Master creator... will be all you need in you and through you...
Friend, The world has plenty to offer, or so it seems.
Yet, when we hear His voice calling, we soon realize that the world is the lie of deception and the only thing worth while is the precious gifts deposited within you, from Him, ...those gifts are to help unselfishly those who He sends your way.
My personal word to you as one who sits at YAH’s feet in absolute awe, is that you do not have too strive in your flesh, But you do have to Mature, mature, mature in Him and only Him and He alone will lift you up into ministry.
No bible college can do No denomination can do it.
Only yielding to His teaching over the days or years of preparation. Will you be able to represent Ha’Shem in full glorification?
Allow the Ruach Ha’Kodosh to breath inerrant life into you destined from Him.
A key to mature growth is to remember “unless the Master creator build the house they that build it labor in vain”. [Psalm 127:v1a]
Ezekiel has much more to say along the lines of building a fit servant. However time is limited, so I will simply show you this, ...It is not what "we do” that effects the kingdom of ELELyon, it is how we yield...
Remember the Master states: You will be tilled and sown with my truth...[Torah Basics 101]
I am not writing about Halachah [ Jewish Law] or Mosaic Law, I am however pointing you back to Biblical basics.
No school can teach you this, no titles need be exalted, no institutional church hoops make the way, only He can, in Him, in you and through you can He get the Glorification He alone deserves.
Leave the Pabulum of the [Goyiim] the Gentile courtyard behind and climb up the Mountain to Truth.
For truly as it has been written by another prophet, Zechariah. "Not by Might, Not by human power, But by My Ruach/Spirit saith the Master.
My best advice Son/Daughter of G-D eat [Devour]the scroll of truth and then you will overflow into the lives of others.
Get this one truth...There is no time or space in YAHweh, He is the beginning and the end of all things, [The aleph and Tav] for did He not say,” I was with Moses, and I was the One standing before Abram”.
Even with the most astute of us who continually search for a formula or method to greatness in G-D, He simply stated "I Am the Door."
He could well have said; I Am' the gateway into the vast resources of Heaven.
YAHshua (Jesus' as the world calls Him) told of the many Mansions in His Father's house and every room in a mansion is filled with treasures of great value, promise and sentiment, all acquired by love.
Therefore, would you agree with me the greater gifts are in the vastness of the Deep-Well of His love?…If you agree, then friend, Read your Bible front to back until it becomes seamless within you. There is no divisions no dividing lines.
You need to become One in Him as Messiah YAHshua stated we are to become in His intercessory prayer.
Ther is seven covenants given unto mankind and we are in the last and final blood covenant for all mankind… Do not miss this.
Let His word permeate your household...your life, your very breath
I have found this helps;…My Hadassah Terry reads each day aloud and it brings an amazing presence... you will feel His word come alive day after day after day.
You will become a living epistle “IF” you do this.
Remember to “Saturate your Mind with the Word.
Find yourself an old KJV the new junk coming out is removing many powerful passages, the Lamsa Translation is a Very good read as well...
unless of course you can read Hebrew /Aramaic...
Until next time… Enjoy your journey’
Ya’akov & Hadassah Terry
Author of the Cork in the Bottle available at ShekinahLifeCenter.com
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~Shalom/Welcome to SHEKINAH~LIFE'¬ Your hosts Jim and Terry Hamilton
As The Zohar itself proclaims: "Woe unto those who see in the Law nothing but simple narratives and ordinary words .... Every word of the Law contains an elevated sense and a sublime mystery .... The narratives of the Law are but the raiment within which it is swathed."
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Jim and Terry
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