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Totalaterian Agenda' Discussions (1,870)

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Saudi FM: oil supertanker hijacking 'outrageous'

Saudi FM: oil supertanker hijacking 'outrageous' ATHENS, Greece – Saudi Arabia's foreign minister condemned the "outrageous" hijacking of…

Started by Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge

0 Nov 18, 2008

Green​s at G-20 Summi​t Call for ‘Rich​’ Natio​ns to Fund Under​devel​oped Count​ries

Greens at G-20 Summit Call for ‘Rich’ Nations to Fund Underdeveloped CountriesMonday, November 17, 2008By Fred Lucas, Staff Writer Nobuo Ta…

Started by Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge

0 Nov 18, 2008


VERIFICATION OF ID CHIP IN YISRAEL Millennium Communications November 18, 2008 Greetings! Israeli Citizens to Receive RFID Chips in the H…

Started by Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge

0 Nov 18, 2008

Translation on Israel News Paper about RFID Chipping Part 1

Part 1 Dear friends, It’s Aviad Cohen. Firstly I would like to mention that this Maariv article that I mentioned in my last email is sti…

Started by Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge

0 Nov 18, 2008

Translation on Israel News Paper about RFID Chipping Part 2

Part 2 The world is being shaken by the God of Israel and people just want me to act like I'm in the Walton's or Little House On The Prairi…

Started by Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge

0 Nov 18, 2008

Why Lenders Might Forgive Your Debt

Why lenders might forgive your debt There was a time when lenders didn't want to work with you if you couldn't pay. Now they want to avoid…

Started by Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge

0 Nov 18, 2008

Jobs That Pay $80,000 a Year

Jobs That Pay $80,000 a Year Who hasn't looked at his or her paycheck and imagined how much better life would be with a lot more numbers a…

Started by Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge

0 Nov 18, 2008

Admirals, generals: Let gays serve openly

Admirals, generals: Let gays serve openly More than 100 call for repeal of military's 'don't ask, don't tell' policy ANNAPOLIS, Md. - Mor…

Started by Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge

0 Nov 18, 2008

Many Dealings of Bill Clinton Under Review

Many Dealings of Bill Clinton Under Review ver the weekend, former President Bill Clinton enthusiastically endorsed the prospect that his…

Started by Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge

0 Nov 18, 2008

Obama, McCain pledge to work together for reform

Obama, McCain pledge to work together for reform CHICAGO – The bitter general election campaign behind them, President-elect Barack Obama…

Started by Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge

0 Nov 18, 2008


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Rose sharon -shekinahlife

In the beginning of the "Zohar" the Article, the Rose, says: "Just as the rose among thorns is…
Apr 8, 2017

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