Part 1
Dear friends,
It’s Aviad Cohen. Firstly I would like to mention that this Maariv article that I mentioned in my last email is still being translated. I am not sure if “chips” are becoming mandatory in Israel (for now), but introducing ID Cards that violate people’s privacy to the extreme is a question that needs to be raised and discussed. This article has not been translated from Hebrew to English at all from what I gather. nor is it available on Maariv's website. I wonder why. The bigger question is why is this so important news not being disseminated at all in English or in other languages. It’s as if it’s just being kept private within the Israeli community. But for what reason? The person who has helped me translate this article thus far explained to me that this information is only being disseminated through Israel at this point. I do apologize if I mentioned anything about bio chips being implanted into people’s skin, but please note that this is already happening in Spain, the USA and other countries. Once an ID card is put into place, more than likely an RFID chip implant will become the next generation ID which will be mandatory worldwide as a more effective means for monitoring citizens every action and thought, since it is not a card that can be hidden in someone’s home, away from the person, but with RFID chip implants, it’s in your skin and “nowhere to run, no where to hide” will be the way of life. They have already chipped your pets. People are next...but this is already being done on a daily basis around the world "for medical and child safety reasons as well as a convenient means to pay for things" so in some ways, nothing I am stating here is new. It's only a matter of time before it becomes mandatory in Israel and abroad. BIg Brother is experimenting with the RFID chip implant to see how people of all ages react to hearing about it and eventually taking it or refusing it. Once Big Brother figures out the right way to effectively market the RFID chip impant for humans in a way that they will beg for it, people will probably show up faster on lines around the corner to get chipped, quicker than you can say, NEW iPHONE ON SALE TODAY AT ALL APPLE STORES! COME AND GET IT!
Big Brother is already experimenting with RFID chip implants in the USA and abroad and it’s only a matter of time when it is implemented on a global scale in the name of homeland security and "counter-terrorism." Most people have sent in positive comments, but one Jew has sent in a threatening letter, demanding me to link to this article online and if I don’t release it, then this Jewish man has threatened me that he will publicly slander me among thousands of people on his mailing list. If he chooses to create a theme of harassement, that will be his choice. If you would like a copy of this article, perhaps you should contact Maariv. For a person to threaten me and demand that I personally be responsible for delivering this article is nothnig more than a threat and persecution as well as a threat of blackmail. Am I Maariv? Ask them for the article. Demand that they put such an important article online and also translated in English. I do not work for Maariv, but am just another Israeli citizen who has simply voiced concern about this issue of privacy violation. It is something that even secular Jews in Israel are finding extremely disturbing. You should see the look on their faces and what they are saying.
In Israel, the most popular TV show is called HaAch HaGadol (Big Brother) and it is being used to condition the Israelis masses into accepting the real Big Brother and surrendering their privacy to the eyes and ears of strangers with cameras and microphones. Even more so, many people are watching these HaAch HaGadol participants every move on TV and 24/7 on the internet website of HaAch HaGadol. By conditioning people to accept “Big Brother” through comedic, romantic and dramatic scenes in a TV show, it is desensitizing the masses into accepting 24/7 surveillance and privacy violation as an acceptable, exciting and fun phenomenon. After all Yossi Bublil and Leon Shnaiderovsky are having the time of their life on the show...why wouldn't the masses want to be monitored as well. It's now cool to be stalked 24/7...according to HaAch HaGadol. But in reality (not reality TV), this concept into action on a mass scale is nothing more than severely dangerous.
In the excerpt you are about to read, you might begin to notice that some of what is being mentioned is reminiscent of the Steven Spielberg movie Minority Report, where people’s thoughts are being monitored 24/7 by a kind of Big Brother police and before citizens commit a crime, a secret police is brought in to to stop the crime before it actually happens. How do people like Steven Spielberg have prior knowledge of such concepts? That is a big question. People like Steven Spielberg are not just Hollywood directors, they are enlisted by the elite to condition the masses to accept what is coming ahead, like it or not. Speilberg has also done a massive "magical" job by conditioning the masses to be desensitized to demons and accept Aliens as cute, adorable characters, when in fact any demonic-type of alien being is nothing more than disgutsing and evil, real or not. The Harry Potter series is another example of how the masses are conditioned to accept witchcraft and magic as something fun for the whole family, when in actuality it is dangerous and deadly. Let's not forget Adam Sandler's You Don't Mess With The Zohan which conditions boys and men of all ages to engage in sexual acts with women of all ages, committing adultery. Don't get me started on Sasha Baron Cohen and his Borat movie. Hollywood will be judged by Adonai, not by man. They continuously do whatever they can to intentionally urinate and defacate on Adonai's 10 Commandments. Why not make a movie to inspire people to live healthy, normal, honest lives? If they did, people might actually be conditioned to be normal. The drug companies don't want that. They want people to be sick. If they are healthy, they lose money. If people obey Adonai's commandments and live fruitful lives, Hollywood would be out of business, nobody would want to watch demonic or sexually explicit films, the record industry would collapse since nobody would buy demonic music anymore and the New Age and other cults as well as persuasive and manipulative success coaches will not have any $uckers to swallow. If we were righteous and would keep Adonai's commandments, Satan's heirlings would not be racking in the bucks and the stores would lose billions in Christmas sales which are mostly bought on credit rather than cash, perpetuating a slaver to the lender mentality, which is counter-Scriptural.
Back to Minority Report, by putting out this movie, it manipulates the viewer into accepting this false reality (a fictitious movie) as normal and when it hits the mainstream in reality, people will be like, “Cool, this is like the movie Minority Report. Wow, it’s finally happening!” But instead, they should be looking at this with precaution, saying “Wait, why is this happening? I thought it was just in a movie? I don’t know if I want this to be happening for real! Who gives them the right to monitor my every thought? Isn't that rather disgustingly intrusive?”
Now for a part of the article. Again, my apologies about the RFID chip implant info, but from the looks of it, what is being reported in Maariv is uncovering serious red flags, showing clear signs of future situations where the RFID chip implant can be implemented in the name of “national security” all the while completely violating the privacy of all citizens to the extreme level. If they have methods to monitor your thoughts, you can be fined or jailed just for “thinking.” Freedom will no longer exist and people will no longer have human rights. They would be slaves to the machine, I mean Big Brother. And you thought this was just the name of a popular show. No this is real, but reality TV (or is it reality) is conditioning people to joyfully accept the real thing, which will be an absolute disaster.
DISCLAIMER: Translation done from Hebrew to English to the best of our ability. This article is incomplete. More will perhaps be available soon.
Maariv 11.14.08 Sof Shavuah (End of The Week)
HaAch HaGadol (Big Brother) - The Reality Edition
By Nadav Zahevi
The book 1984 describes a futuristic nightmare where the government can monitor every human being 24 hours a day and penetrate even their thoughts. In 2008, the technology is finally in our hands. The business is starting to work. The Big Brother – The Reality Edition.
According to a government decision, soon we will all wear electronic ID cards which will be able to transmit who we are and where we are at any given moment. Fingerprints and pictures of our faces will be kept in the hand of the police, where they will be able to track us down on their surveillance cameras. Programs operating on voice recognition will be able to recogonize between when we are lying and telling the truth, in order to aid authorities. An information reserve bank will store every bit of informaton about us, from our medical file to our surfing habits. The technology is already here. The Big Brother is not a reality show, it’s the reality.
One day ANONYMOUS A, a CEO of a private security company was called in to a meeting with the IRS. Throughout the meeting the clerk nonchalantly asked him if he knows that one of the three partners in the company has a wife who is having an affair. He didn’t understand and the clerk was happy to explain. Every time that partner went on a business trip abroad, the partner’s wife took the opportunity and went abroad herself. ANONYMOUS A was shocked and he explained to the clerk that the wife does not like to be left alone. So that is why when her husband goes on a long term business trip, she goes to her family abroad. ANONYMOUS A was wondering how easily private information gets around to certain offices in the government. “There is nothing that they don’t know about you” says ANONYMOUS A. “What kind of a car I bought and when, when you go abroad and when your family goes abroad.”
In the time of the research for this article that is in front of you, I bumped into a lot of stories of ANONYMOUS A’s kind. Somebody’s mother donated a few letters to the production of a Torah scroll and then she started to get a lot of phone calls from Yeshivas, asking her to donate money. A few men who build tombstones came to speak to a family of the deceased without any ad of the death being published.. A man who tried to get a job got declined because of his medical history that somehow got into the hands of the employer. And there is a story of ANONYMOUS B, who started to get security clearance from a secretive security job. ANONYMOUS B was sent to receive a polygraph check. He expected a long inteview about his past and what he did but all he needed to do was confirm a few bits of information.
Our potential employers will already know everything they need to know. “I was shocked,” he says. “They knew everything. The polygraph was only there to confirm a few bits of information.” In 1948 Goerge Orwell wrote 1984. A terrifying vision of a futuristic totalitarianism world, where the citizens are always under the supervision of the Big Brother, the political party ruler. The book and the ideas that are in it had a gigantic cultural effect. And the phrase the Big Brother came into the daily language. Today, twenty four years later, Orwell’s vision came true. Thanks to the technological breakthroughs, the ability of the government to supervise or private bodies who have interest, became complete. Like in 1984, the excuse is always keeping high security, health and public order. It sounds good just as the outcome is a society where every human being guilty or innocent is under supervision.
Israel is going to become a world pioneer in the area of citizen supervision. In the country today there are 16,000 information reserve banks that are registered. Other than them there are countless more private small information reserve banks. Different devices, celular phones, computers and surveillance cameras, are watching us at every given moment. Smart programs know how to cross the information from the reserve banks and put it together with a name, phone number, ID card, fingerprints or facial recognition. Almost every bit of information is exposed. Where we hang around, who we talk to, what we buy, our medical history, our culinary preferences, our politics and our policies. A new voice recognition program is even pretentious to crack our thoughts without us knowing we’re even being tested. The problem is the people here have a twisted outlook over the right of privacy says Avner Pinchook, a lawyer from the human rights organization and one of the few Israelis who are trying to fight the Big Brother’s suffocating grip, “People think that if they don’t have anything to hide, they have nothing to be worries about. That is a wrong perception. Everyone of us does in his daily life things that are definitely legitimate and allowed and yet he does not want this information to be disclosed. But people wake up only when they are being personally used. Someties I wonder what is the point of this whole battle. Maybe we don’t have anymore privacy to protect.”
“Did you really pack alone?”
(This section still needs translating)
The ordinary police specializes at solving crimes that are already committed. The Big Brother vision is to identify all human beings intentions. To judge and to punish for thoughts. And when you are talking about illegal thoughts, lies or imaginations , we can all be guilty. So how do you hack a citizen’s brain? The old technologies were too expensive and impractical. The polygraph machine, the most well known device checks psychological indicators like heart beat, blood pressure, the rhythm of your breath and the moisturizing of your skin, which shows the level of sweat. This is a relatively complicated test that has a lot to do with the investigator’s impression. It’s not possible to be used to sort….
All in all, something rather bizarre is beginning to manifest in the Hold Land of Israel. I never thought that Israel would ever hail itself as the leading trendsetter and pioneer in monitoring it’s citizen’s personal information, thoughts and actions to this extreme. When you are no longer able to have the freedom to think, you are enslaved and such implementaiton of a national ID card is nothing more than a control freaks circus dream, where anyone can be tried just for thinking something bad when they are mad at someone. What if a person gets angry at someone and has thoughts of taking revenge? Will they then be jailed and fined or worse? What if, ten minutes later, the God of Israel has decided to intervene and change this person’s heart and instead of taking revenge, this person would go to the person who wronged him and tell him that he forgives him? See, that is the character of the God of Israel, to change someone’s heart from anger and revenge towards a heart of forgiveness. Interfering with what the God of Israel would like to do in this person’s life would be anti-God (instead of God) and these information reserve banks and the governing body that judges people’s thoughts would take over the role of the God of Israel and the Creator of the universe. That is Satanism a/k/a witchcraft. There is one final judge, Adonai. He has the power to change someon’es heart from a heart of hate to a heart of love and forgiveness. Why would some control freaks decide to interfere in His divine intervention and just charge a man just for a thought?
To the Jewish man who attacked and threatened me in the email, I forgive you. I would have prefered that the bizarre contents of this article were not true, but unfortunately it came out and somebody is trying to inform people. I know that as a journalist it is important to tell the story. In this case, I am in a new country with seriously late breaking news that for some reason is not being reported outside of Israel and even online. It’s as if something important is happening in Iraq but nobody in Iraq is reporting it, let alone any USA reporters. I have learned that to jump to conclusions could mislead people, but in all honesty, I haven’t even been able to translate the entire article so there is a possiblilty that what is being reported might even turn out to be more bizarre than what I have already mentioned here or in my prior email. I just had the first 1.5 pages translated. We have 4.5 more pages to go. Already I see tons of red flags in the topic of this article. I have no problem with Maariv or it's writer, but I and many Israelis are beginning to be concerned about what is being presented in the article. Why there is not a public version of this article online is a concern to me. Why would such important information not be disseminated? If it’s the news, report it and post it so that people can read it. Why would such information be kept only within Israel and just in a hard copy edition of the newspaper? It was front cover/main article news. I am not going into conspiracy theories here, but why is this not being reported through other news agencies yet? Am I faster than a New York Times reporter? Or does such information have to be agreed upon to go into print by the governing bodies of the mass media?
I think that with the stock market dropping faster than a matzoh ball in check broth soup on a Friday night, major banks going bank-rupt, established department store and electronic store chains just suddenly going bankrupt and liquidating their goods faster than you can say "Oprah is cookoo for Hussein Obama," missles being fired into Gaza while Tel Avivians are chillin' out on the beach drinking Gold Star beer and $hopping it up at the Ramat Aviv Mall, food shortage no longer just being a problem in third world nations, but also in the U$A, job firing sprees that look less like layoffs and more like breakoffs, some open 24/7 stores in the USA suddenly beginning to close early, Big Brother being implemented in Israel and nobody can find the article online in English, Freemasons conducting RFID chip implants into the hands of poor children in the USA, in exchange for a free meal, drunk club kids in Spain getting chipped in their hands with RFID chip implants in the name of creating a "convenient" method for seller and buyer to conduct business so club kids can arrive at the club with no tangible ID or credits cards in order to pay for drinks with the scan of the hand, water shortages that are not only news in Sudan but people in the USA are stocking up on H20 like it's gold, G20 summits that don't sum up to something sensible, the USA just electing a charismatic false messiah-like figure into office, who has a Muslim middle name and is now being hailed as a hero by black Islam activist Louis Farra-can't-seem-to-want-to-get-right-with-God-already, old school political video clips on YouTube of George Bush Sr. hailing a New World Order as the future while most Americans are brainwashed to believe that the New World Order is a conspiracy theory but they can't read Latin on the back of the one dollar bill which when translated, states "New World Order," YouTube profiles being randomly deleted by a governmental law that hasn't even been signed in by Congress yet, but profiles are getting shut down "illegally" and freedom of speech is being kicked out of the USA faster than the Bin Laden's took a plane out of the USA on 9/11, more YouTube video junkies being hypnotized by the Zeitgeist movie which is more anti-God of Israel than most Jews are even able to see – yet all the filmmakers needed was a little truth to be included in a pack of lies in order to manipulate people and cause them to think Adonai is also a woman or that He is a myth,Jesus is a fraud...and now even believers in Yeshua Messiah are hailing this movie as classic (no discernment), forest fires in Califronia mysteriously igniting while the US Consitituion and Bill of rights are being replaced by new dangerous laws that are being passed behind the California fire smoke-screen, banks not allowing their customers to withdraw cash because the banks ran out of cash, money safe sales gong up 50% (trust yourself rather than some bank you don’t know. Keep your money safely within your reach rather than within control of some bank that is using your money to pay off their debt), many people in the USA beginning to buy guns and ammo in droves before the matzoh ball hits the fan and they will be having to possibly defend themselves against a private military that has been hired to infiltrate their company (which is bankrupt), I mean country, genetically modified foods replacing real food and mandatory radiation of food (which makes people sick-but that's good for the medical indu$$$$try), cell phones emitting radiation enough to cause impotency in people or brian tumors in children in the UK and then they die, well all I have to say is we are living in times that are indescribable. Was that the biggest run on sentence? It's not as big as the run-on-ya-credit line which you should have never tapped, cause eventually the gansters, I mean banksters are gonna tap you for not paying up like they be Tony the loan shark collecta from Brooklyn. Capeesh? You think I'm kidding?
Many people don’t know if they will be able to eat in December, let alone have a home to live in. People are not thinking about shopping for Christmas gifts, but hope their homes they bought on credit will not be reposessed by the banksters. Forget chestnuts roasting on an open fire. People are concerned, hoping they won't be huddling up homeless and jobless near a corner street metal trash can fire. Forget going to pay to see movies. People don't care no more to Meet The Fockers. They gotta meet their stock brokers to see how they can quickly liquidate their portfolio and cash in faster than Cuba Gooding Jr. in Jerry Maguire can say, "SHOW ME THE MONEY!!!!" Why would you buy a house with NO MONEY? If you want something, buy it, don’t charge it. If you don’t have money to buy a house, don’t buy it, rent an apartment. When you become a slave to your lender, it can become a dangerous relationship where they have the upper hand and can control you and if you don’t cooperate, you will see their back hand. Next thing next to a Home Improvement is a credit line disillusionment where people who can't pay up cause they just got laid off like their next door neighbor, will be thrown out of their homes and onto the street, then can be considered a vagrant and can possibly be jailed or the government can take away your kids and place them in foster care with some wacked out parents who should not be parents in the first place. Why am I saying all this? Well first off if Chris Rock or some other secular personality would say this, it would be acceptable, but me, I'm the Yehudi Meshichi and according to the rest of the world, I have no human rights because I happen to believe that Yeshua (or as they know Him as Jesus) is the Messiah. Will I be met with harsh criticism by some Bible thumpers? Yes, cause they want me to conform to the image of their comfort zone rather than see someone exervise his freedom of speech. Jew know me. If you don't like my newsletters, unsubscribe at the bottom of this email. Don't email me about it, just unsubsribe.