Part 2
The world is being shaken by the God of Israel and people just want me to act like I'm in the Walton's or Little House On The Prairie (but I love that show for real). I got many people I love (perhaps even you) in the USA and abroad and to be honest, what's going on right now, well I got one thing to say to Christians and Messianic Jews who keep going on thier happy clappy way saying "Jesus come back soon!" Are you ready for End Times to get into full swing? Most people can't even handle what the heck they are reading in The New York Times and many of you are praying for the End Times to get underway like a WWF Main Event! You don't even know what you are asking for when you say "Jesus come back soon!" Meanwhile, a bunch of Christians think they are gonna just be so easily swept up in some sort of rapture accompanied by some sweet Twila Paris or Michael W. Smith music (I like Michael W. Smith and Twila Paris' music though-for real) while some of you haven't even witnessed to your neighbor yet (Oh, let me guess, you're still "praying about it" instead of "doing something about it"...note to self, if nobody witnessed to Aviad Cohen he would be going to hell right now. Maybe I should drop A Purpose Driven Life and pick up the Bible, pray that Benny Hinn get's a new hair piece already (He has so much money, he should get a new hairpiece already...maybe one for every day of the week or for each outfit he's got...he's more loaded than the FDIC at this point) and turn off GOD TV right now or the iHop 24/7 praise n worship channel and knock on my neighbor's door and share the Good News with him or her or even THEM! After all, those meshugenah Jehovah's Witnesses are doing a much better job at being evangelical even though they are disseminating the unBiblical so why can't we followers of the TRUTH seem to muster up a seed of faith and go knock on the door of our neighbors and tell them the Good News? Oh forget that, Pat Robertson is on CBN....again. Two words: "Tevo It!"
While here in Israel I have noticed that people are genuinely interested in Adonai's Word. I share but I'm not gonna be here telling you every person I witnessed to. That is private info. Some guy I met started to show me a list of names of people he is praying for. 4 words: Keep That To Yourself. I hope I'm not on his list and he starts dropping my name "to the wrong person" who is in the right place at the right time.
How many people you know keep it real and don't care if it's gonna affect the offering basket. Paul Washer comes to mind...respect! If we took Adonai’s Word seriously, we would NOT get into debt at all. If only my parents said, "No son, you want to go to college, save up or become a slave to the student loan corporation. And please don't ask us to get a Paren'ts Plus Loan so that we could join in on the debt enslavement as well." People don’t want to read and practice what is in the book of Proverbs. I am not saying that I am perfect, but at this point, I am tired of some people trying to politely trying to tell me to shut up, when some of them are the most anti-evangelical people who don't care to share the Truth but would rather just store their salvation in their pocket. Maybe I really care because some people had to go the serious extra mile(s) with me to share the Good News and not back down when I said @#*(@#*(@&@(! and a lot of times I just see some people claim to be "filled" with the baptism of the Holy Spirit, but they don't want to pour the Living Waters into the cup of a man who is in the desert of ignorance and lies, dying of thirst, who needs a satisfying sip of some good 'ol salvation. Put down Joel Osteen's "Your Best Life Now" and go share your testimony with the closest guy now. As for John Hagee, tell him that Yeshua is for the Yids. If he wants to deny that Yeshua is the Messiah for the Jews, well show him the Scripture that blatantly states that Yeshua is "The King of The Jews" He's got millions of viewers and I only got thousands of people on my mailing list. I guess Sunday service pinky ring persuasion goes along way but the list of Jews he brought to faith is shorter than Mini Me. But I guess I can't call out a false prophet, cause to cookie cutter Christians and some Messyanic Jews, that would be judging. I am a Jew and yes Yeshua is the Jewish Messiah and if you are a preacher who is telling your flock that Jews don't need Yeshua (Jesus), you're gonna be in for a surprise when you won't be able to dance around in fluffy Huggies, holding a harp in heaven or whatever you think happens when you die. My Adonai will throw you on the eternal grill'n'fry if you claim that salvation through Yeshua Messiah (Jesus) is not for the Jews.
People don’t want to obey Adonai’s commandments either and instead are voting to allow psycho doctors to practice the murder of innocent babies by abortion. Why not just call it murder? That is what it is.
To top it off kids are obsessed with MySpace and Facebook and are being indoctrinated into providing their most private details to strangers who are connected to intelligence agencies. Will they take the chip? Will they take a national ID card? Why not. They already have given Facebook the same information, so why would they think this is any different? If you are on Facebook or MySpace, you are a perfect willing candidate for an RFID chip hand implant or national ID card holder. You already surrendered your privacy over to a private company like Facebook and MySpace and other social networking websites who are datamining you and are working in collaboration with intelligence gathering agencies. Those sites are prime examples of what RFID chips and national ID cards are capable of doing. If you want to cancel your Facebook or MySpace you can, but when they chip you or order you to carry a national ID card with you, you can’t cancel it. It’s the law. If you don’t obey Big Brother, you can be fined, jailed or worse, considered a “terrorist" and perhaps through in one ofthe many concentration camps assembled in the USA (and who knows where else). So Facebook’rs and MySpace’rs, you were one of the guniea pig projects. If you still want to be a guinea pig for Facebook and MySpace, go right ahead. You’ll probably have no problem being chipped and will enjoy carrying around a national ID card. Cause you know if the government told you that if you don’t take a chip or a national ID card you will no longer be able to access your Facebook or MySpace, most of you will submit to their whims. Why? Because you are a Facebook and MySpace junkie. You don’t want to lose touch with your virtual friends who aren’t even your real friends in “real life” and some of you have more virtual friends and hardly have any real life friends. What if the internet gets shut down? If you are one of those people, you will be shocked to find out that you have been living in virtual reality and got like 3 friends and they know what you really look like.
If you have no friends in your area of where you live, go move to a place where you have friends or will have friends. That is what I did. I only had a few friends in Idaho (I love them all) but most of my life was being lived out online. So I moved back to Israel. Great move. Life is not easy here, but either was escaping from Egypt into the promised land. Suck it up and get out of Egypt if you can.
One thing that I know is that those who are “running the show” which is being perpetuated by Satan are scaring the people into not getting married and having children, since Satan wants to control the population and also get rid of many people. See the "Georgia Guidestones" for more information.
Tonight I was sharing a video with a young Jewish woman in Israel who is a non-believer, thinks God is a woman, has watched the Zeitgeist movie too much and can’t stand to hear about the God of the Torah or the Torah itself. If you say Torah, she cringes, but she claims to be a Jew. She thinks people who believe in God are brainwashed, but why does this Zeitgeist-addict cringe when I say God or Torah? Because she is demon-possessed. I showed her the video of the huge stacks of black plastic coffin liners that are lined up along the roads in Georgia in plain site for passerbys to see and touch. What was her response? She began to put words in my mouth. Why was I eluding to a conspiracy? I never said anything to her about any C-O-N-spiracy. I just asked her to watch it and asked her for her opinion on it. What was her response? Semi-rage. What I was observing was that she was faced with the idea that someone was finally not telling her what to think (unlike that Zeitgeist manipulative and dangerous movie) and that she finally had to come to terms with the thought that she had to finally think instead of being continuously brainwashed by whatever sources were manipulating her. I just asked her a question eluding to what she thought of 500,000 coffin liners in plain sight in Georgia for adults and children to see. She couldn’t think. That is what happens when someone is brainwashed. Currently her religion is the Zietgeist movie. That is her point of reference as a Jew. The Tanakh, not at all. She claims that the concept of God is all about the stars in the sky, religion and brainwashing people and telling them what to think like stupid sheep. In this case she was showing me that she had been brainwashed by an anti-God spirit and the only one who was choosing not to think was her. In this first meeting, she knows what I believe. My feet are planted on the floor and I am nice, not freaking out and stand firm with the Truth. Perhaps she will begin to think. She claims to be a Jew but thinks the Bible was written by man and is a lie. So if she is a Jew and to her the Bible is a lie, then she is living a lie. How can one claim to be a Jew and at the same time deny the book that presents the concept of a Jew and live in the land called Israel which the God of Israel gave to the Jews to inhabit? Perhaps she left with something to think about. She looks forward to seeing me again.
What I have noticed here in Israel is not that many Jew are opposed to Yeshua Messiah, many of them completely don’t even believe in the Tanakh or in Adonai, yet they call themselves Jews. I won't even crack open the Brit Chadasha with them if they don't even believe in the Tanakh. Funny thing is that many Jews in Israel are beginning to see that the world is turning into a dark place. When we as believers in Yeshua Messiah shine the light of Truth in their direction, they take notice. Everything else doesn’t work. Adonai has more juice than the Energizer Bunny who keeps going and going and going. He is the source. Yeshua is the Truth, the Way and the Life. I didn’t say it, He did. I just roll with Him and am conforted by His Truth, while the world is going under.
Thanks to the Maariv newspaper for at least having the guts to report what is going on with the real Big Brother overtaking Israel, even if it completely disturbs people. It’s not just chutzpah to get this information out to the public, it’s commendable. I just would have preferred if they also published an accurate English translation of this extremely important article online as well as the Hebrew version online as well. I wonder what will become newsworthy next.
And if you have not heard my apology yet, I apologize to you for sending out incomplete or inaccurate information about Israel implementing mandatory bio chips. I still have not read the complete article translated in English yet (It’s hard to find a translator here) and I also apologize to Maariv as well if they feel an apology is needed. Again, there is more to read in this article. Who knows what I will find in it next. The more disturbing things is what I have just had translated already is sometimes even more disturbing than a mandatory chip at this present moment. For a government to find a way to eventually monitor the thoughts of their citizens by implementing questionable technology, well it distrubs me a lot. Not because I have anything to hide, but perhaps every Jewish counter-missionary that has an evil though against us Messianic Jews can be fined or jailed for their hatred towards us, when in all honesty, I would prefer that these technologies would not interfere in Adonai’s work where He might be changing their heart from a heart of stone to a heart of flesh that will embrace the Truth, and yes that includes that Yeshua is the Messiah.
If Big Brother wants to convict Israel's citizen’s for thoughts they consider crimes, guess what? Everyone is going to go to jail. Why? Because we have a sin nature. So in other words, nobody will be working at banks because they are not giving shee-root (service) to their customers and that is wrong, guys behind shawarma stands will be jailed for fantasizing about the pretty women who just walked by, Yad LeAchim will go to jail beause of the hate they have towards Messianic Jews and so will the meshugenah chassids in Arad, etc, religious Jews will also be jailed for who knows what, (some like to go to Russian prostitutes even though they are married), secular Jews who get angry at the bus drivers cutting them off and want to seek revenge, well they will be in jail too for their thoughts after they yell at the crazy driver "Mah Karah? (what happened?)," all the people in the moadim (clubs) who are doing drugs will be jailed and so will the pot heads in Israel who are smoking dope being run into the country by Hamas will also go to jail for doing drugs, the kids that want to fight each other will be fined or thrown into the slammer, the women who are being caught in acts of adultery with married men and vice versa, fined with a permanent record on their national ID file or even jailed, taxi cab drivers and shop keepers ripping off tourists in Israel will also be jailed for fraud or theft. Point is, we’re all sinners and without Yeshua Messiah we are a total mess. If Big Brother wants to judge us, let ‘em. The God of Israel will judge them. All of Israel will be convicted of thought crimes or whatever crimes in less than 1 hour and nobody will want to hire any of us since we have marks on our national ID file that shows that we are "human." In the end, everyone will be in jail, broke from paying Big Brother fines, out of work since nobody wants to hire an imperfect person and even those who are in a position of hiring people won’t be hired themselves since they are sinners too.
I thought that sometimes obsessive New Age-brainwashed Jewish mother’s have a tendency to be more like psychotic Big Brother-types…oops I mean Big Mother’s, carrying out a Jewish Mother Mossad/CIA style mission on their kids they are obsessed with stalking, harassing and controlling, but I guess what it comes down to is people who have no real meaning in life just try to occupy their time by finding demonic criminal ways to control people who are living their own lives. Who are the big losers in the end? The citizens who are living life or the control freaks who have nothing positive to contribute to humanity and want to just control everybody else? I hope I end up with a normal mother-in-law one day.
Big Brother, you forgot one thing, while you are doing your demonically best to monitor me and the rest of the citizens of this world, my Adonai is watching you. Big Brother...look out for Big Abba! Your whacked out persecution and judgement on us might be carried out in this lifetime but Adonai’s judgement is eternal. Watch out, because He doest not like to see other people try to play God. He’s going to throw all you Big Brother operators into the Lake of Fire for eternity. There’s no way you will ever be able to hack your way out of hell. I’m sure many non-believing Jews in Israel will say, “Sababa!” after what I have just said, even if they currently don’t believe in Yeshua Messiah!
Keep in mind, I prefer to see all included in the real Big Brother repent and accept Yeshua as their Messiah, and discontinue working at such companies and organizations. The real crime being commited is by Satan who is luring people in to work for the real Big Brother. Satan wants nothing more than to see those working for the real Big Brother to continue what they are doing and to be cast into the Lake of Fire. Satan knows his time is short. Don’t get played by Satan, get salvation through Yeshua Messiah.
If I had my own radio show in Israel or column in an Israeli paper or even a spot on a TV program so I can keep it real and share the Truth, I have one thing to say, which is a popular term used in Israel to refer to something that is off the hook!.....Chaval Al Ha Zman!!!!!!!!
All right, so I go into tangents. I like to do creative writing. Is it a crime? By the time Big Brother is implemented in Israel, they will probably want to fine me before I fart in public. And they will probably catch Jewish counter-missionaries in advance before they plot to persecute me. That's going to suck for Yad LeAchim. Big Brother is going to bust them all faster than you can say "Agroprocessors going bankrupt, so how am I going to get any kosher meat anymore in the USA?" One more good reason to make aliyah very soon :)