
Arise and Shine


Millennium Communications
November 18, 2008

Israeli Citizens to Receive RFID Chips in the Hand?

By now, perhaps many of you may have already received an email from Aviad Cohen telling you that Israel has recently passed a law that is going to soon make it mandatory that all Israelis must receive an RFID chip implant in their hand. Aviad was merely passing along to you some alleged information that was initially published on Friday November 14, 2008 in the Israeli Hebrew edition Newspaper Maariv in their End of the Week Review of stories (Sof Shavua).

I met with Aviad personally to discuss the matter that he presented to the public and to also have a physical look at the article in the paper. Also, Dina studied it. The gist of the 5 page article, as it appears in the Hebrew edition of the paper is this: the story is in fact about a new regulation that is going to require that RFID chips be carried by Israelis; however, the chip will be put into our Israeli National ID, NOT IMPLANTED INTO THE HAND. Aviad misunderstood the information in the article and he feels very bad about circulating his original story and deeply apologizes for creating such a stir. It was an innocent oversight on his part and he wants everyone to know that he will try to be more careful the next time.

In any case, the RFID chip is in fact going to be built into all new Israeli National IDs (the Teudat Zehut) and I am assuming that all existing National IDs will be eventually retrofitted with the new RFID chip that is going to be mandatory for all Israeli citizens. Regardless, this is really nothing new considering that the USA is already issuing passports and drivers' licenses with RFID chips in them. Other countries are also doing similar things. Okay, so the next logical step for Israel is obviously to obey its masters (Deuteronomy 28:43-44) because we are a rebellious nation that refuses to repent and obey the written Torah of Moshe. As a result, we must bear our punishment as we are being led down a path that requires us to step into line, serve the laws of our masters (Ezekiel 20:23-25), and obey the NWO bosses and their plans for global control of the world and its populations. Furthermore, keep in mind that Israel is ready for the RFID chip because we already have and are required to carry on our person at all times our National ID anyway! So, it's a simple matter of putting the chip into an already existing document that we need for everyday life here. But, Aviad and I agree that the RFID chip in the Teudat Zehut (our National ID) will not be the end of things. We agree that this is just the beginning; we expect a bodily implantation law to be passed in the future (probably in the very near future). Afterall, Israel is a lawless country and lawlessness demands control and we know from Deuteronomy Chapter 28:15-68 that YHWH, the Eternal One of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (Israel) is going to use the nations that surround us and use the system that this nation so loves, to control us. But in the end, we KNOW who is Really in Control! And nothing surprises Him!

So in closing, my wife and I are a second and third witness to the fact that a story about the RFID chip and its plans to be used in Israel among its citizens did in fact appear in the Hebrew edition of Maariv on November 14, 2008 but it spoke NOTHING about the chip being implanted into the human hand or anywhere on the body; only that the chip will be used in our National IDs and that is it, period. Of course, this is bad enough but then again, it is a sign of the times!

For those of you that can read Hebrew or you simply wish to confirm what I am speaking of here, you can go to the link posted below, which is a series of images that we scanned from the actual newspaper article. Particularly, notice the cover artwork, which is quite telling! The Hebrew sub-text basically refers to the book "1984" by George Orwell and then goes on to speak about the fact that the government has plenty of ways to spy on its citizens and even to detect when they are lying by analyzing voice patterns! The text goes on to say that the technology for all of this stuff is with us now and it is going to be put to work as a matter of law.

Here is the zip file link to the scanned images:

If you don't want to download the 28meg zip file, here is the link to a few of the scanned images:

We'll leave these files on our server for about a week and then we shall remove them.

Shalom and blessings,
Avi and Dina

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