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Teachers are accountable..Right?As teachers we are accountable Right?.. to teach the truth and the whole truth even if it goes against the grain of the socialist republic.… Started by James and Terry HamiltonLatest Reply |
"Hosanna—What It Really Means""Hosanna—What It Really Means" Great article in the first point SEE IT HERE Hopefully this will bring light to what the ceremony was actua… Started by James (yaakov)Latest Reply |
"Hosanna—What It Really Means"Great article in the first point SEE IT HERE first then see Smadewells commentary Here. Hopefully this will bring light to what the cere… Started by James (yaakov)Latest Reply |
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The MagiWho are the Magi as depicted in Christian Literature?What was their purpose ... Ok your turn,... Started by James and Terry Hamilton |
0 | Jul 30, 2013 |
According to Jewish sources, the messiah-moshiach-will be born of human parents and possess normal physical attributes like other people.According to Jewish sources, the Messiah will be born of human parents and possess normal physical attributes like other people. He will n… Started by James and Terry Hamilton |
0 | Jul 21, 2010 |
Do Not follow that which is not of HaShem:For my Christian friends who often wonder why is there a difference in what Yeshua taught and what the church of Rome handed down to the G… Started by James and Terry Hamilton |
0 | Jul 8, 2010 |
Fleecing the flock~[I YHVH do not take a bribe...Deverim-10:v17]Too many time I get into a discussion where those who are somewhat skilled in leading the flock to Give and give some more Conflicts with m… Started by James and Terry Hamilton |
0 | Jul 1, 2010 |
Part 2 of 2 - Are Christians Oved Avodah Zarah?Part 2 of 2 - Are Christians Oved Avodah Zarah? A lecture by Conservative Rabbi Prof. David Novak, who is Professor of the Study of Reli… Started by James and Terry Hamilton |
0 | May 12, 2010 |
Part 1 of 2 - Are Christians Oved Avodah Zarah?Part 1 of 2 - Are Christians Oved Avodah Zarah? A lecture by Conservative Rabbi Prof. David Novak, who is Professor of the Study of Reli… Started by James and Terry Hamilton |
0 | May 12, 2010 |
2 of 2 - Positive Jewish Attitudes Toward Christianity2 of 2 - Positive Jewish Attitudes Toward Christianity Professor Lawee teaches in Humaniti… Started by James and Terry Hamilton |
0 | May 12, 2010 |
1 of 2 -(Audio) Positive Jewish Attitudes Toward Christianity1 of 2 - Positive Jewish Attitudes Toward Christianity Professor Lawee teaches in Humaniti… Started by James and Terry Hamilton |
0 | May 12, 2010 |
Understanding the Nazarite offering in Acts 21Jews4Judaism — April 2010 — Rabbi Yisroel C. Blumenthal discusses the SUPPOSED division between the Jerusalem council and Paul on the issue… Started by James and Terry Hamilton |
0 | May 12, 2010 |
VIRGIN BIRTH 2.0THE VIRGIN BIRTH 2.0 One of my many detractors has stated that my views make no sense and that I offer no proof to support my position. Hav… Started by James and Terry Hamilton |
0 | May 7, 2010 |
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~Shalom/Welcome to SHEKINAH~LIFE'¬ Your hosts Jim and Terry Hamilton
As The Zohar itself proclaims: "Woe unto those who see in the Law nothing but simple narratives and ordinary words .... Every word of the Law contains an elevated sense and a sublime mystery .... The narratives of the Law are but the raiment within which it is swathed."
Shalom to one and all/.....Your host:
Jim and Terry (mobile)\
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