
Arise and Shine

Too many time I get into a discussion where those who are somewhat skilled in leading the flock to Give and give some more Conflicts with my personal convictions as well as Rabbinic and the Hasidim concepts of giving ...etc.

 Someone wrote this:"Pastoring free reduces the value of what we do in the eyes of the people" I might also note, this fellow prided himself for forty years of getting the Job done saving souls that need not any saving as G-d has a no child left behind policy..and leading the people to give to move the hand of G-d

Deuteronomy 10:v17 States I YHVH do not take a bribe...

My Comment below///let me know if it is off base>

Say What?....By spending forty years honing your skills bringing in the bucks..if that is what it is about...Then someone needs to re-read their TaNaKh with a little more clarity. Torah teaching is handed from one generation to the next through competent Rabbis all adding value to their generation to the present and in my Historical studies..I never see that kind of intellect being used as you use (pastoring-free reduces_???); Young man, please go and find competent historical cultural and linguistic council before you continue the charade any further.

Unless a man comes to grips of dealing with his own inherent issues the Yetzer Harah (the evil inclination within) he will never become the Man of the second Adam...Self-nullification and becoming one with the divine principles are a must,... that is why a lifetime of Torah study grows deep roots of Chabad = Wisdom,....Knowledge and finally full Understanding of every facet of the Masters Torah Life within.

A servant is known by the heart of giving, from one to another, as the Master guides you with His resources...nothing more,... nothing less:
A true servant is known by the fact He Needs Nothing from you Only that you find the Vestibule of heaven within...and un-lock the purpose for which you were sent to do Tikkun Olam (to repair the world) for the Master's [YHVH] glorification.

Shalom Aleichem

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