
Arise and Shine

As teachers we are accountable Right?.. to teach the truth and the whole truth even if it goes against the grain of the socialist republic.Opps SRY: the John Dewey commie/Lenin/Marxism school systems, Which I am sure most of the readers have left long ago.
I am willing to believe that a few are really interested to crack the books Or Scrolls of Judaism and reveal the real man what his mission really was and who he was aligned with
Surly this subject is a tough one for you might uncover something in the seventeen hundred years that the Imperial church of Rome fooled with it... or even the standards of the over twenty three thousand denominations of Christology on the planet .. and how far off some or maybe all of them as to what the mission was.

So with that I ask,... is anyone willing to deal with a historical view of the man Yeshua or as the world improperly calls the Hasidic Rabbi...J-sus.

Personally I am ready to seek out the deep calleth unto deep even if i have to overturn the idolatry found along the way ....
Like we start out with the teachings of the Ethics of the Fathers and how it relates to us today.
What are the real foundations of faith.
Was salvation always provided in the Torah and prophets writings.
Do you know who you are, where you came from, Your mission for YHVH and where you are going to?

Any Takers Sign up and lets get some serious study done ..Hopefully we will be mature and not yell heretic every time some new thought is read or historical document revealed...So lets saddle up and get er done shall we.........

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