"Hosanna—What It Really Means"
Great article in the first point
SEE IT HERE Hopefully this will bring light to what the ceremony was actually about in regards to the Rabbi- Hasidim Yeshua/Jesus) and hopefully gain some research and historical value.
The connection of this Christian view is unfortunately missing the real historical significance at the time..It was for the most part the festival used at the restoration of the Temple cleansing from the Maccabees conquest ..see first Article HERE:
A Response to Marvin H. Pope's article: "Hosanna—What It Really Means". Xians label this event as "The Triumphal Entry," because Yeshua's disciples are basically calling him Mashiach Ben David. However, in Luke's account (
before Yeshua enters Jerusalem he dashes everyone's hopes and tells them that Jerusalem will suffer a seige, because they hadn't prepared themselves to be favorably judged by HaShem's inspection (
The King James translators use the English word "visitation" here and the Latin Vulgate uses "visitatio". Modern Xians use this as a proof text that Yeshua is HaShem Himself and was paying the Jewish people a little "visit" dressed in a meat-suit. This is not the case.
Back in the days of King James, the heralds from the
College of Arms, used to
visit various towns in their jurisdiction to INSPECT and INVESTIGATE the claims of would-be armigers to ancestral coat of arms. If their claims were validated, then they'd be granted the right to bear said coat of arms, which might be differenced in order to signify their descent from a "cadet" branch of the family of the original armiger. The claimant's arms and genealogy would be recorded by the heralds and this data would eventually be published in a book of "Visitation" - e.g., the "Visitation of Norfolk" (1563 and 1613); the "Visitation of London" (1633, 1634 and 1635), etc.
One might be temtped to assume that Yeshua, since he
is not HaShem Himself, was functioning as a kind of heraldic judge, if you will, who came to investigate the Jewish people - in this case, to determine whether or not they were behaving like the Children of Abraham. Hence, some will see Yeshua's "coming" as a kind of "visitation" or "inspection" of the Jewish people, but we don't see Yeshua functioning in the role of an Eschatological Judge, which is why Yochanan the Causer of Ritual Immersion began to have doubts about Yeshua and sent his disciples to interview him. Yochanan was expecting Mashiach and saw him as being an End Time Judge, but this wasn't part of Yeshua "messianic" agenda.
Regardless of the theology or christology that one wants to project into this episode, it seems clear enough that Yeshua was saying, "I
could be Melech HaMashaich, but this generation is unworthy and hasn't prepared themselves to merit seeing the Son of David assume his ancestral throne. In fact, this generation will see Jerusalem and its Temple destroyed after it comes under seige."
That's a pretty sobering and "balloon popping" statement to make, if one's true motivation were to make a "triumphal entry," no?
Personally, I think this incident is another one of Yeshua's prophet-esque "shock value" stunts. He had no intention of usurping the Throne of David. The whole thing was staged for dramatic effect in order to convey a deeper spiritual truth - in this case, the message was - "There will be no Melech HaMashiach until you merit that privelge by first making your own inner-Temple a fit dwelling place for HaShem to reside in. If Jerusalem and the Temple has to be destroyed in order to drive home that point, then ... so be it."
According to Judaism, Melech HaMashiach is born into each generation waiting for a generation that's worthy enough to merit that he should be revealed. So, it's never been about a single man! It's always been about the people as a whole actualizing their portion of the Body of Mashiach and thereby collectively preparing the way for Melech HaMashiach, who will exemplify the crowning achievement of HaShem's creation -
Homo Mysticus Intellectus.

At that time, we will all be joint-heirs with Melech HaMashiach and reign over our individual inner-Kingdom and the Shekinah will radiate from our inner-Temple as it once did in the Adam Qadmon. We will truly become beings of light, but first we must understand the present concealment (
hester) and the
hastora betokh hastora (double concealment).
Accepting "this" person or "that" person as being Melech HaMashiach isn't going to do us any good if we don't first accept the Mashiach within us and actualize our portion and role in the Structure of Mashiach. See further,
How To Hasten Mashiach's Arrival.
See also,
Alienation and Faith by Jonathan Sacks.