
Arise and Shine

Morge​llons​ Disea​se Is Sprea​ding - man made fiber growing virus

This process shown in photographs below sounds eeriely like the Morgellons disease fiber that's been growing out of people's skin in USA

Virus-Built Electronics

Technology Review
By Kevin Bullis

http://www. technologyreview. com/player/07/10/MagDemo/1. aspx

Angela Belcher is using genetically engineered viruses to help synthesize useful nanomaterials

A small vial contains a billion viruses, each with a slightly different genetic modification,These can be screened to determine which of them will bind to specific inorganic materials, such as those used in rechargeable batteries

Belcher and graduate student Chung-Yi Chiang watch as modified viruses are injected into a solution, where they assemble themselves into fibers

Chiang extracts one of the fibers from the solution

Under ultraviolet light, a fiber made of genetically engineered viruses that bind to cadmium selenide nanocrystals glows red A fiber made of unmodi­fied viruses appears blue, Virus-based fibers could be used in sensors and other applications

Chung-Yi Chiang prepares a fiber for mechanical testing

Stretch tests confirm that the fiber is strong enough to be woven into clothing

CDC Finally Begins Formal Investigation into Morgellons Disease

Natural News
June 11, 2008
David Gutierrez

http://www. naturalnews. com/023411. html

(NaturalNews) The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is launching an investigation into a still-unexplained collection of symptoms known as Morgellons disease

The condition known as Morgellons disease is characterized primarily by skin lesions that do not heal, as well as unexplained sensations of crawling, biting or stinging on the skin; the presence of foreign materials, such as fibers, on or under the skin; fatigue; joint pain; memory loss; mental confusion and vision changes

Because doctors do not know what causes the symptoms, some have questioned whether it is a real physical condition.
According to the Morgellons Research Foundation, many Morgellons patients are falsely "diagnosed with a common medical label, Delusions of Parasitosis, the basic tenet being this is a psychiatric illness with the presumption of a purely delusional 'parasite infestation'"

The CDC investigation will involve patients enrolled in the Kaiser Permanente Northern California Health Plan who saw medical attention for Morgellons-like symptoms within an 18-month time period.
It will also involve cooperation from the Armed Forces Pathology Institute, and is expected to last for at least one year

Patients involved in the study will undergo thorough examinations of both mental and physical health

When asked if she believes that Morgellons disease is a real medical condition, lead researcher Michele Pearson said, "What I can tell you is real is the suffering that these patients are experiencing. I cannot characterize this as a syndrome, as a disease.
I can tell you it's an unexplained illness"

The Morgellons Research Foundation says that it has identified at least 11,000 families around the world that have at least one member who suffers from Morgellons disease.
Executive Director Mary Leitao said that the CDC investigation is an important step toward finding out more about the condition, which she believes is "an infectious disease"

http://morgellonswatch. com/

http://www. bariumblues. com/

http://chemtrailcentral. com/

http://www. chemtrails911. com/

CNN - Is Morgellons caused by chemtrail spraying?

Chemtrails Nanotech and Morgellons Disease (radio clip)

The Ultimate CHEMTRUTH: Chemtrails, Morgellons Disease, and Global Depopulation (63 min)

Morgellons Destroys Relationships, Families & Happiness

From Cliff Mickelson

http://www. rense. com/general82/mrgm. htm

Morgellons Destroys Relationships, Families & Happiness
By Cliff Mickelson

It has long been common knowledge among Morgellons researchers that the effects of this emerging plague are not limited to simple physical manifestations. As do many other new and emerging diseases, Morgellons attacks the mind of all victims as well as their body.
In so doing, it is at once both obvious and subtle in it's symptomology Perhaps the most pervasive and common baseline defining this duel attack is a form of Depression that often makes its appearance during the early onset of the condition

Depression is an insidious condition that debilitates a victim while often leaving them completely clueless as to the process that is affecting them.
Of course, as we know, Depression is not the sole domain of Morgellons victims It is an "umbrella" condition and finds fertile ground in many traumatic life-events as well as pathologies

It is important at this juncture to emphasize that the demonstrative behavioral effects upon the personality of a subject afflicted with Morgellons, (and to some extent, Lyme) generally go beyond the normal behavioral parameters that define classical Depression. We can call it Depression with a "twist".... It is a curious phenomena and one that is still poorly recognized and/or understood

For lack of more concise terminology, the "twist" can be roughly described as "selective negative personality trait enhancement"
It is an extremely novel and subtle effect but one that is part and parcel of the Morgellons personality profile

The denial that accompanies this behavioral modification is commensurate with that of Depression. The victim rarely notices their own negative enhancements.
However, such changes do not often escape the notice of those closest to the victim They in turn, often find themselves increasingly powerless to negotiate a relationship where the rules they formerly co-existed by no longer apply or are being arbitrarily changed

As a result, many Morgellons victims unwittingly engage in a form of relationship 'suicide' where relationships are almost invariably destroyed by stealth personality traits that target the very people closest to them and who form their primary support system

Behavioral modification in a Morgellons victim generally occurs in the initial stages of the disease.
These appear to be changes that are always rooted in the natural proclivities that existed in the makeup of the personality prior to affliction However, prior to Morgellons onset these personal and socially counterproductive personality traits are ones that were usually partially or completely controlled, regulated or suppressed

Morgellons appears to create in its victims a condition which allows a certain number of these formerly sub-dominant behaviors to become "enhanced" to varying degrees During the high season of initial onset, a victim, (Even if he or she is made aware of the issue) will be unlikely to be able to exert effective self-control or to take personal responsibility for modified behaviors in question

The forms and types of negative behavioral examples available for impartial examination are legion Judgmental excesses as well as compulsive completion and procrastination issues are usually but not always the locus of these matters

Fault projection in a relationship, (especially if the tendency was pre-existing) is also quite common.
This particular enhancement is usually directed at a spouse or significant other It is one of the more personally destructive effects of Morgellons and has been the ruination of many formerly healthy and rewarding relationships

It is worth noting that most Morgellons victims who have weathered the first few years of affliction have slowly come to an awareness of this phenomenon and it's effect upon their lives and the lives of those around them.
With the dawning of this awareness comes a belated self-understanding and the beginning of the painful journey toward a compromise/solution that enables the Morgellons patient to engage in a functional or semi-functional life once again It is long and difficult struggle but one that is its own reward in the end


-Cliff Mickelson

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