
Arise and Shine

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple-Lavender Deodorant
Make your own deodorant simply at home. Contains no aluminum or other chemical additives.

1 part apple cider vinegar
1 part water
Several drops of lavender oil for fragrance (optional)
Spray bottle

Combine equal parts of apple cider vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Add lavender oil for a pleasant scent, if desired. Spray underarms with mixture daily, or as often as needed.
This natural deodorant works by neutralizing body odor. It is gentle to the skin. The vinegar smell evaporates within 10 minutes. Look in the cosmetics section of stores for colorful plastic spray bottles.

Foot Deodorant
Spray Apple-Lavender Deodorant on feet and wipe off excess. Helps neutralize odors and makes skin silky, smooth and fresh.

Vaginal Deodorant
Apple-Lavender Deodorant is also excellent for cleansing the vagina. It is more effective than soap and water for neutralizing odors and keeping the natural bacteria in balance. Spray vaginal area as needed. No rinsing necessary.

Hair Rinse
Removes shampoo and chemical residue. Add softness and shine. This hair rinse is especially helpful for hair that feels dry.
The high acid content plus the enzymes in the raw apple cider vinegar kill the bottle bacillus. These bacteria cause such problems as itching scalp and dandruff.

1/3 cup apple cider vinegar
Warm water to make 4 cups

Mix apple cider vinegar and warm water in quart container.
Shampoo and rinse hair.
Squeeze out excess water.
Pour mixture over hair and rub into scalp.
Leave on at least a minute and rinse.
Vegetable Wash
Pesticide residues on fruits and vegetables can cause health problems in young children and sensitive adults. Apple cider vinegar helps get rid of chemical residues. Soak fresh produce a few minutes in 1/4 cup of apple cider vinegar and enough water to cover.
Scrub and rinse in cold running water.

An old doctor in a small town finally took a vacation. He assigned his youngest son, not long out of medical school, to look after his practice. When the father returned, he asked his son if anything unusual had happened in his absence.
“I cured that indigestion Mrs. Collins had been suffering from for thirty years,” the son proudly announced.
“You did what?” His father stormed. “How could you? It was that indigestion that put you through prep school, college and medical school!”

Apple Cider Vinegar Cocktail
This is health pioneer Paul Bragg’s famous tonic for heartburn. We’ve successfully used it on guests with upset stomachs and they’ve found quick relief.

1 heaping teaspoon raw honey
2 teaspoons raw apple cider vinegar
8 ounce glass of warm water

Mix ingredients together and drink.
We like to substitute 2 teaspoons of dried sugar cane juice (Sucanat) for the heaping teaspoon of honey. Both apple cider vinegar and dried sugar cane juice is high in potassium.
For variety, substitute mint tea for the water in the Apple Cider Vinegar Cocktail.

What’s Going On?
Many people think that too much acid causes heartburn in the stomach. But heartburn occurs when there is not enough of the right kind of acid to digest food properly.
The stomach needs hydrochloric acid to break down food. When there is not enough hydrochloric acid, the food starts to putrefy, producing organic acids which cause heartburn and indigestion.
Over-the-counter antacids appear to help because they neutralize these organic acids and the pain goes away. But the antacids have aggravated the situation because they have left the stomach more alkaline. Now an even greater amount of hydrochloric acid must be produced to finish digestion.
Apple cider vinegar is rich in malic acid, which increases the acidity of digestive fluids causing them to flow faster, which improves digestion.

Stiff Joints
Paul Bragg says he remembers seeing his dad come in from a grueling day of farm work during harvest time. His dad had been up since before daybreak and it was now late at night. He would go into the kitchen and fix the Apple Cider Vinegar Cocktail.
Paul’s dad explained, “Son, farm work is long, hard work. It can produce chronic fatigue in the body. Whatever is in this mixture relieves me of that chronic fatigue.”
The ingredient that was so effective in the drink was potassium. It helped renew his vitality and relieve the stiffness in his joints.
Potassium helps eliminate toxins from the body by putting them in solution so that they can be carried out of the body. It is as essential to the soft tissues of the body as calcium is to the hard structures. Potassium keeps the tissues healthy, soft and pliable.
The potassium in apple cider vinegar is like a detergent for the arteries. Clogged, caked arteries are cleaned out by taking the Apple Cider Vinegar Cocktail several times a day.
Many stiff-jointed men and women are set free from their misery after several months of taking the Apple Cider Vinegar Cocktail 3 or 4 times a day. Along with relieving the pain of arthritis, blood pressure also normalizes. The natural acids and enzymes in raw apple cider vinegar help thin and cleanse the blood.
Bragg also recommends cutting down on animal proteins and eliminating refined sugars. Animal proteins and fats tend to thicken the blood.

Muscle Cramps
Bragg recommends the same Cocktail recipe for those who suffer from muscle cramps. I remember as a child crying out in the middle of the night and having my dad rush in and rub my legs until the cramps eased. Back then, they were called “growing pains.”
Acid crystals interfering with circulation can cause these sharp pains in the feet or legs.
Drinking the Cocktail several times a day allows these crystals to enter into solution and be eliminated.

To add flavor to distilled water, add 1 Tablespoon of apple cider vinegar per gallon.

Natural Antibiotic
Apple cider vinegar is a natural antibiotic and antiseptic that fights germs and bacteria inside and outside the body. We have read testimonials from individuals who have used apple cider vinegar to relieve the following ailments:

PMS and Menstrual cramps
shoulder and back pain
stomach problems
chronic fatigue
skin problems
stiff joints

For best results, drink the Apple Cider Vinegar Cocktail three or four times daily.
CAUTION: Beware of apple cider flavored vinegar sold in supermarkets.
It is grain vinegar with an apple cider flavor. You will not get the same results.
Look for raw apple cider vinegar in health stores.

Views: 7

Replies to This Discussion

Jim and I use the ac vinegar straight as a really works...I suggested it to my brother for his smelly feet, he didn't have ac vinegar
but used white vinegar and that worked also to his amazement...we are
going to try the ac cocktail for more energy to see if it helps, just need
to go find some raw ac vinegar...T


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