
Arise and Shine

As part of the Hebriac Lifestyle ..there is wine involved for the celebrations....The Othodox Union Counsels, Not to have too much however...LOL

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And the rest of the story is: Since alcohol is a depressant it causes a harmon in your brain to be produced called noradrenaline, which is what causes the depression factor. This nasty little harmon sends a signal to you bones not to produce any more new platelet cells. The old cells die off, & no new cells are grown causing a condition known as osteoporosis. Hummmmm.......a few minor heart benefits or osteoporosis? Now which one would you choose?
Related After Thought: Since we established the noradrenaline, osteoporosis connections above, I would like to tell you about a related study: When chronically depressed patients were studied, the effects of noradrenaline on bones where not yet known. As the long term effects of depression was studied, the researchers discovered this unusually large number of cases of osteoporosis that were being found. That is what spurred the effects of noradrenaline on the bones to begin a new research on that line. As we discovered below, the noradrenaline was telling the bones not to produce any new platelet cells. When the old cells died off, & there was no new cells to replace them, it resulted in osteoporosis. The moral of the story is: that if you are depressed, do NOT stay depressed, even if it takes heroic measures to deal with it. Do not be ashamed. If you need prayer, counseling, or even medical help (which is a dangerous affair because of the side effects of the medication, which surely needs consideration) then seek which ever help that G-d is leading you to do, but take action. Do not let it go even one minute longer that you need to. Often just eating foods that raise your levels of serotonin will bring you out of depression. Bright sunlight exposure can also help. If the enemy is on your case, please tell him to get off, & not in a nice way either. Save your bones today. Be happy. Don't worry.
speaking of osteoporosis...the general public thinks that older people are clumbsy...they fall and break their leg, when in reality it is the other way around
their leg breaks and they fall...the is culprit is soda, actually the carbonation is the culprit. The phosphorous depletes the bone marrow and...

it is true, the drugs for depression can cause suicidal tendencies...what is wrong with this picture???
Yes, in fact, sodas causes osteoporosis. The phosphate levels are so high in sodas that the body has to use up all of the available calcium in the blood, which is not nearly enough to neutralize the phosphates. So the body draws the calcium out of the bones in order to get enough to neutralize it, or else the person would actually die. When a person drinks a soda, it puts their body under high stress alert. The processing centers have to instantly make a decision: "life or limb?", just like a doctor or paramedic. There is no choice. The body has to make this decision to stay alive, even if it causes osteoporosis.
As if this were not bad enough, the sugar causes another high stress alert, because the pancreas now has to jump into high gear to create enough adrenalin to use up the sugar which could kill us if it did not do so. This is now making a double stress alert in the body.
That's not bad enough. The sugar also is an immune suppressant, & shuts down the bodies immune system, which leaves it wide open to catch whatever opportune pathogen that is floating around to infect the body. Not only that, but now the body cannot fight off the cancer cells that are being produced in the body at a rate of over a million a day. Wow, now we have another stress alert.
To that we add caffeine to stimulate an already over stressed body, & top it with artificial additives that are carcinogenic cancer causing agents, to a body that has had it's immune system shut down already.
"So, what's the problem? Just don't drink soda". The problem is the taste. It tastes so good, & it has caffeine in it that is addictive. Once you experience the taste, & get addicted to the caffeine, you won't want to quite. It's a trap, just like alcohol, & other addictive substances. It just happens to taste better than the others making it even more dangerous especially to children & people with low tolerances to addictions.
Hey Carol, that was really a good one! I think we should put this up somewhere as some sort of creedo-code, to help remind us when we are tempted to have some. Good Goin'!
Thanks Bob, that is very good. It also takes other minerals & vitamins to assimilate calcium too. Some of those things are: vitamin D3, Boron, Magnesium, plus trace minerals: zinc, manganese & copper which are integral co-factors for several enzymes involved in bone metabolism, for the body to be able to use & absorb the calcium that we do take into our systems. We can get many of these in vegetables, but the best source of vitamin D is to get good old fashioned sunshine on our skin for our bodies to produce that vitamin. Isoflavone, which comes from a naturally occuring compound called bioflavonoids, are found abundantly in plant sources that are key factors which allows our bones to hold on the bone-structure that already exists. A synthesized version of this, 7-isopropoxy-isoflavone, called "Ipriflavone" is available in health food stores in the US. Today, because of the depletion of our soil caused by inorganic farming, it has become more difficult to get all of the vitamins, minerals, enzymes, & other key ingredients that we need for our bodies, to be in health. Supplementing our diets with vitamins & food supplements, especially to get the large amounts, that are necessary for our body & blood chemistry to be at optimal efficiency, is almost a necessity for proper physical maintenance, with our food sources that are available today in America. However, much research is needed by the consumer of these vitamins & minerals, to make sure that we are getting the ones that have the best bio-availability, & has the best assimilation once we do take these into our bodies. I am glad, Bob, that you brought these things up.


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