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Totalaterian Agenda' Discussions (1,870)

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Gates​ pushe​s US to embra​ce '​irreg​ular warfa​re'​

Gates pushes US to embrace 'irregular warfare'US Defence Secretary seeks to place ‘irregular warfare’ at centre of American military instit…

Started by Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge

0 Dec 10, 2008

Financial Times Admits Agenda For Dictatorial World Gov.

Financial Times Admits Agenda For Dictatorial World Gov.Financial Times Editorial Admits Agenda For Dictatorial World Government Jaw-droppi…

Started by Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge

0 Dec 10, 2008

Halli​burto​n accus​ed of suppl​ying rotte​n food to U.S. force​s

Halliburton accused of supplying rotten food to U.S.forces .S military contractor KBR, a former subisidary of Halliburton, is facing a num…

Started by Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge

0 Dec 10, 2008

Kandahar base braces for wave of U.S.

Kandahar base braces for wave of U.S.troops Massive new construction program under way at sprawling facility in order to accommodate expect…

Started by Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge

0 Dec 10, 2008

Get Ready​ For OPEC Oil Price​ '​Shock​ and Awe'

Get Ready​ For OPEC Oil Price​ '​Shock​ and Awe' Truckers across US are already walking on thin ropes, the country's 2nd largest natural ga…

Started by Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge

0 Dec 10, 2008

Financial Times: And Now Time For A World Government

Financial Times: And Now Time For A World Government **************************************And Now For A World Government*****************…

Started by Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge

0 Dec 10, 2008

A Gold Fringe Flag Is Not American But Martial Law Flag! & “Fath​er of the Amero​” Herbe​rt Grube​l speak​s about​ a commo​n North​ Ameri​can curre​ncy

A Gold Fringe Flag Is Not American But Martial Law Flag!http://www. apfn. org/apfn/flag. htm'GET THAT GOLD FRINGE OFF MY FLAG!' Mark Koer…

Started by Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge

0 Dec 9, 2008

Tortu​red Patsi​es “Conf​ess” To 9/11 & How Many Ameri​cans Died Becau​se of Bush’​s Tortu​re Progr​am?​

Tortured Patsies “Confess” To 9/11 Paul Joseph WatsonPrison Planet. comTuesday, December 9, 2008 Khalid Sheik Mohammed. The government i…

Started by Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge

0 Dec 9, 2008

Bush'​s exit strat​egy:​ Do as much damag​e on the way out as possi​ble & Peter​ Schif​f On DEC-​4TH AND DEC-​6TH

Bush's exit strategy: Do as much damage on the way out as possible Contessa Brewer yesterday was discussing George W. Bush's plan to let t…

Started by Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge

0 Dec 9, 2008

Deal reached in principle on $15B auto bailout

Deal reached in principle on $15B auto bailout By JULIE HIRSCHFELD DAVIS WASHINGTON – Weary Democratic congressional leaders and White Ho…

Started by Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge

0 Dec 9, 2008


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Jul 19, 2017
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Rose sharon -shekinahlife

In the beginning of the "Zohar" the Article, the Rose, says: "Just as the rose among thorns is…
Apr 8, 2017

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