
Arise and Shine

Tortu​red Patsi​es “Conf​ess” To 9/11 & How Many Ameri​cans Died Becau​se of Bush’​s Tortu​re Progr​am?​

Tortured Patsies “Confess” To 9/11

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet. com
Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Khalid Sheik Mohammed.

The government is set to wheel out five more tortured detainees in a desperate effort to prop up the thoroughly discredited official 9/11 story, including another appearance for the ultimate patsy - Khalid Sheik Mohammed.

“Five detainees at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, say they want to confess to conspiracy charges for planning the September 11, 2001, attacks, a Pentagon spokeswoman said Monday,” reports CNN.

“Khalid Sheikh Mohammed — the confessed architect of the attacks, who was captured two years later in Pakistan — and four other alleged co-conspirators asked a military judge if they could withdraw all pending motions and plead guilty, Maj. Gail Crawford said in an e-mail.

“The military judge accepted the requests from Mohammed, Ali Abdul Azziz Ali and Walid bin Attash, but ruled that competency hearings are first needed for Mustafa al Hawsawi and Ramzi bin al Shibh, because “questions exist as to their competency to stand trial,” Crawford said.

The new set of “confessions” will hold about as much credibility of those of purported “9/11 mastermind” Khalid Sheik Mohammed when he first spilled the beans in March 2007, After only five years of torture, KSM confessed to nearly everything under the sun, only stopping short at accepting responsibility for killing Kennedy, creating AIDS and being the real Santa Claus.

Indeed, KSM was so keen on never seeing a cattle prod again that he even confessed to being responsible for attacking banks that were founded after his arrest, seemingly invoking the power of long range telekinesis to commit his dastardly deeds.

KSM mentioned the “Plaza Bank” by name despite the fact that it only came into existence in 2006, three years after his arrest.
Either KSM has the power to influence objects with his mind or we were lied to, but the media and the government would never do that, would they?

Medieval Justice: A little encouragement and the confession was obtained!

After all, it’s a reasonably safe bet to trust a press release from a heavily redacted secret military tribunal of a tortured detainee conducted by individuals representative of an oligarchy whose every deception, gross violation of U.S. law, and act of imperial bloodletting over the last seven years rests on maintaining the orthodoxy of the official 9/11 myth.

And it’s a safe bet in the case of the Gitmo detainees - the waterboarding, the sleep deprivation and the beatings have got nothing to do with it, these guys simply want to get things off their chest and tell the truth about their role in 9/11.

I’m sure being chained hand and foot in a fetal position to the floor for 18 hours or more a day, urinating and defecating on themselves, led in no way whatsoever to the detainees telling their captors whatever they wanted to hear.

In reality, polls at the time showed a massive 74% disbelieved KSM’s numerous confessions and the same skepticism is likely to emerge this time around, but not with any influence from the corporate media, who are happily playing up the “confessions” and taking them as gospel without stopping for a second to question if they were obtained through torture.

http://www. infowars. com/?p=6436
How Many Americans Died Because of Bush’s Torture Program?
By Scott Horton

According to a special operations intelligence officer, the answer is a number north of three thousand–not counting the tens of thousands maimed or seriously wounded, the destruction of the nation’s reputation as a moral leader, or the damage done to our Constitution. In a stunning op-ed published in Sunday’s Washington Post, a special operations intelligence officer details his direct experience with torture practices put into effect in Iraq in 2006—long after the Pentagon had forsworn them, but while Donald Rumsfeld was still running the shop.

Amid the chaos, four other Air Force criminal investigators and I joined an elite team of interrogators attempting to locate Zarqawi. What I soon discovered about our methods astonished me. The Army was still conducting interrogations according to the Guantanamo Bay model: Interrogators were nominally using the methods outlined in the U.S. Army Field Manual, the interrogators’ bible, but they were pushing in every way possible to bend the rules — and often break them. I don’t have to belabor the point; dozens of newspaper articles and books have been written about the misconduct that resulted. These interrogations were based on fear and control; they often resulted in torture and abuse.

The Pentagon’s claims that it had returned to interrogations based on the venerable Field Manual, was, it seems, conscious disinformation. But the officer offers an assessment. The torture techniques consistently failed to produce actionable intelligence, he said. But the old techniques—which rest on confidence building—consistently worked and gave the interrogators access to information that saved lives. Moreover, the strategies employed to effect later were used as a much broader tactic, accentuating differences between native Iraqi Sunnis and foreign fighters, in what came to be known as the “Sunni Awakening.

But then we come to the most chilling part of the op-ed, which the writer discloses the Bush Administration struggled to suppress:

I learned in Iraq that the No. 1 reason foreign fighters flocked there to fight were the abuses carried out at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo. Our policy of torture was directly and swiftly recruiting fighters for Al Qaeda in Iraq. The large majority of suicide bombings in Iraq are still carried out by these foreigners. They are also involved in most of the attacks on U.S. and coalition forces in Iraq. It’s no exaggeration to say that at least half of our losses and casualties in that country have come at the hands of foreigners who joined the fray because of our program of detainee abuse. The number of U.S. soldiers who have died because of our torture policy will never be definitively known, but it is fair to say that it is close to the number of lives lost on Sept. 11, 2001. How anyone can say that torture keeps Americans safe is beyond me–unless you don’t count American soldiers as Americans.

The torture techniques developed by the Bush torture team were the most effective recruitment tool we could ever have given terrorists. They cost thousands of American lives. And that’s a key element of the legacy of the forty-third president.


Matthew Alexander, the author of the Post op ed (this is a pseudonym) and I will appear together tomorrow morning on DemocracyNow! with Amy Goodman to discuss his column and afterwards I’ll talk about the accountability issues facing the administration based on “Justice After Bush.” Identify your local broadcaster here and tune in.

http://harpers. org/archive/2008/12/hbc-90003947

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