
Arise and Shine

Bush'​s exit strat​egy:​ Do as much damag​e on the way out as possi​ble & Peter​ Schif​f On DEC-​4TH AND DEC-​6TH

Bush's exit strategy: Do as much damage on the way out as possible

Contessa Brewer yesterday was discussing George W. Bush's plan to let the EPA rule against cleaning up perchlorate from Americans' drinking water, even though its toxic effects are well documented.

Even John Feehery, the "Republican strategist" brought on to explain this last-minute ugliness, admitted:

Once again, I don't know the specifics of this particular one, but it doesn't really s More..ound good, does it, Contessa?

Brewer later returns to Feehery and asks:

Brewer: John, do you think there should be some shame in a president doing something like this? It reminds me of the big scandal that erupted when Clinton was leaving office with all the pardons. You know, why are you gonna do something in your -- the very last few weeks that just ... makes you look bad?

Simple answer: Because George W. Bush doesn't care what you think. He never has.

If you want more information on Bush's vandalism of the American political landscape on his way out the door, check out the Pro Publica site with a complete rundown.

Its first entry is on perchlorate:

At Issue: Perchlorate is a chemical component of rocket fuel that can contaminate water both naturally and, more frequently, through improper disposal at rocket test sites, military bases and chemical plants. Cleaning it up would cost billions of dollars. But the contaminant has been linked to thyroid problems in young children, pregnant woman and newborns, leaving critics concerned for the developmental health of those most vulnerable to the chemical's effects.

12/4/2008 Part 1/2 Peter Schiff On Issues w/Jane Velez Mitch

12/6/2008 Part 1/2 Peter Schiff On Your Money: Vanishing Job

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