
Arise and Shine

What is the standard?

What do we as human beings base our conception of G-d upon what can we tangibly use as a method of measure? Certainly we ourselves are no barometer to calculate the essence of G-d nor the accurate measure in any known capacity to my understanding that would even come close to the fullness of a calculated guess.
So I toss this out in an attempt to find the source of all life the essence of G-d. The very life-breathe of every soul.

Not looking for the misconstruction of Rome theology of what this important question represents but more from the reality of what a pious man who seeks after for truth and comes away with the Shekinah glow of G-d upon Him for taking the journey up from the pabulum. That is the powerful truth I am seeking, hopefully you as well.

If Ha’Shem [the most high G-d] of all creation is infinite then I ask, what is our plumb line of understanding and further along our quest, what facts really support our Ideas?

What is our perception based upon historically?
Moreover what is the foundation of our reality?

If we can search for this beginning and sustaining power of all life to be revealed, what really are we dealing with? Moreover, who is our daddy?
Who is the One’ that Shema Israel is based upon our One G-d. [Deverim 6:v4-9] Do we really know, second to that, does it really matter?
When we discover we are all One in the divine plan for humanity.
When all the research is said and done what is gained as you find the greatest answer written upon the heart of G-d. Time will tell if you desire this awesome truth.
Therefore I first suggest you look upon your own heart of truth for in there is the purity of life.

There you will find written the greatest answers…. only your humanity stands in the way.

Ha’Shem wrote upon it…waiting for you to ask the right questions. And the right answers would be supplied. A seeking and hiding game of where is the truth. Where Ha’Shem is continually revealing as we progressively venture past the religious versions and worldly concepts. But it is hidden from those who desire it not and revealed to those who seek it and not hide from it.
It is my opinion that we must seek the mountain top truth alone, nothing lower will do and no foolishness is allowed. Everything must be sifted out till you finally see His face in you.

The only question remaining now is whether you will enter within yourself find his love within and return to repair the world.

What ever you decide…

Maturity is a must…in this quest. If you haven’t walked in truth you have no business in trying to teach others. Reverence to our creator is the topping of life’s best.

Enjoy your journey…”J&T”

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