
Arise and Shine

Horrors Of GAza (warning, bloody graphic terror)


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Is this not what Hamas did to Israel for eight years while the rest of the Rich and influential Arabs did nothing but encourage it to continue...The UN is supposed to have eliminated wars,... But this one they just can't figure how to avoid it...and now that Israel is trying to end it...They are to blame...Something wrong with this whole picture
It's our land...By: Benjamin Netanyahu
Apparently, Benjamin Netanyahu gave an interview and was asked about Israel's occupation of Arab lands.
His response was "It's our land". The reporter (CNN or the like) was stunned - read below "It's our land..." It's important information since we don't get fair and accurate reporting from the media and facts tend to get lost in the jumble of daily events.

"Crash Course on the Arab Israeli Conflict."

Here are overlooked facts in the current Middle East situation.

These were compiled by a Christian university professor:

BRIEF FACTS ON THE ISRAELI CONFLICT TODAY.... ( It takes just 1.5 minutes to read!!!! )

It makes sense and it's not slanted. Jew and non-Jew -- it doesn't matter.

1. Nationhood and Jerusalem. Israel became a nation in 1312 BCE, Two thousand years before the rise of Islam.

2. Arab refugees in Israel began identifying themselves as part of a Palestinian people in 1967, two decades after the establishment of the modern State of Israel .

3. Since the Jewish conquest in 1272 BCE, the Jews have had dominion over the land for one thousand years with a continuous presence in the land for the past 3,300 years.

4. The only Arab dominion since the conquest in 635 CE lasted no more than 22 years.

5. For over 3,300 years, Jerusalem has been the Jewish capital. Jerusalem has never been the capital of any Arab or Muslim entity. Even when the Jordanians occupied Jerusalem, they never sought to make it their capital, and Arab leaders did not come to visit.

6. Jerusalem is mentioned over 700 times in Tanach, the Jewish Holy Scriptures. Jerusalem is not mentioned once in the Koran.

7. King David founded the city of Jerusalem. Mohammed never came to Jerusalem .

8. Jews pray facing Jerusalem. Muslims pray with their backs toward Jerusalem .

9. Arab and Jewish Refugees: in 1948 the Arab refugees were encouraged to leave Israel by Arab leaders promising to purge the land of Jews . Sixty-eight percent left without ever seeing an Israeli soldier.

10 The Jewish refugees were forced to flee from Arab lands due to Arab brutality, persecution and pogroms.

11. The number of Arab refugees who left Israel in 1948 is estimated to be around 630,000. The number of Jewish refugees from Arab lands is estimated to be the same.

12. Arab refugees were INTENTIONALLY not absorbed or integrated into the Arab lands to which they fled, despite the vast Arab territory. Out of the 100,000,000 refugees since World War II, theirs is the only refugee group in the world that has never been absorbed or integrated into their own people's lands. Jewish refugees were completely absorbed into Israel, a country no larger than the state of New Jersey .

13. The Arab-Israeli Conflict: the Arabs are represented by eight separate nations, not including the Palestinians. There is only one Jewish nation. The Arab nations initiated all five wars and lost. Israel defended itself each time and won.

14. The PLO's Charter still calls for the destruction of the State of Israel. Israel has given the Palestinians most of the West Bank land, autonomy under the Palestinian Authority, and has supplied them.

15. Under Jordanian rule, Jewish holy sites were desecrated and the Jews were denied access to places of worship. Under Israeli rule, all Muslim and Christian sites have been preserved and made accessible to people of all faiths.

16. The UN Record on Israel and the Arabs: of the 175 Security Council resolutions passed before 1990, 97 were directed against Israel .

17. Of the 690 General Assembly resolutions voted on before 1990, 429 were directed against Israel.

18. The UN was silent while 58 Jerusalem Synagogues were destroyed by the Jordanians.

19. The UN was silent while the Jordanians systematically desecrated the ancient Jewish cemetery on the Mount of Olives.

20. The UN was silent while the Jordanians enforced an apartheid-like a policy of preventing Jews from visiting the Temple Mount and the Western Wall.

These are incredible times. We have to ask what our role should be. What will we tell our grandchildren about we did when there was a turning point in Jewish destiny, an opportunity to make a difference?

This is a Must watch as well~~~What the real Hamas does to their own people...
Where is CNN when you need them
Remember the Muslims are trying to get Sraria Law here in America as they are doing in Europe

Children Of Sderot
Thanks for the Added post re: sderot Yes it is a Crime against the Children All the children of G-D...
When oh when will it all end?
Hamas and Gaza path leading to today

Hamas had been abducting Israeli IDF soldiers

About the cruelty of Hamas, even on their own kind

Hamas hides among women and children for human shield

Hamas admits to using children for human shield

The pictures are an calling up for,

Because they 'put' it on our head,

They, Arabics, make me sick!
MEMRI Email Newsletter

Special Dispatch | No. 2188 | January 13, 2009

Reform Project/Palestinians
Lebanese Journalists 'Uqab Saqr, May Chidiac Criticize Arab Media for Airing Graphic Footage of Casualties in Gaza

On a January 8, 2009 segment on LBC TV, Lebanese journalists 'Uqab Saqr and May Chidiac(1) condemned the Arab media for showing graphic footage from Gaza, including "body parts and bits of flesh." (To view this clip, visit .)

The two, also criticized to his face, Hamas leader in Lebanon Osama Hamdan for a speech he made earlier in the week covered by Al-Jazeera TV(2) calling for Israeli Arabs to “shake the foundations of the enemies home from within.” (To view this clip, visit


The following are excerpts from the LBC segment:

"How Can All This Destruction and Blood Cause Exhilaration?"

'Uqab Saqr: "Arab mentality has been accustomed to defeats with many casualties. Today, Hamas and Hizbullah suffer tremendous casualties, but no defeats. This leads Arab mentality to a sense of exhilaration. The West – and most of us – do not understand this. How can all this destruction and blood cause exhilaration?"

May Chidiac: "Personally, I don’t understand how they can show body parts and bits of flesh on TV. Some may view this as a victory, but I consider it to be sacrificing our children."

"You, Me, and the Whole World Ask How This Can Be Described as a Victory – The Resistance Movement Views Things Differently"

'Uqab Saqr: "Of course. You, me, and the whole world ask how this can be described as a victory. The resistance movement views things differently. It believes that its survival as a resistance movement, and its maintaining of its regional confrontation plan, are more important than avoiding the death of some martyrs, because in its view, there is a cause that is more important than the human factor, while others believe that the human factor is the central issue in our countries." [...]

The Israelis "Value Human Life More Than We Do; We Have No Respect for Human"

May Chidiac: "Are our children worth less than [Israeli] children?"

'Uqab Saqr: "The question is why their blood is worth more than ours, and the answer, to be frank, is that they value human life more than we do. We have no respect for human life in our society – you see this in our jails, in the crimes we commit against one another. Look back a little, and see what happened between Fatah and Hamas. The Israeli newspapers wrote that there were massacres, and some Fatah members fled to Israel for fear of Hamas." [...]

"Osama Hamdan Said That Israeli Arabs Should Shake The Foundations of Israel... We Have Never Heard Any Israeli Official Telling [Jews and Israelis in the U.S.] to Shake the Foundations of Anything"

"Osama Hamdan said that Israeli Arabs should shake the foundations of Israel from within. The Jews and Israeli citizens in America serve Israel 24 hours a day, but we have never heard any Israeli official telling them to shake the foundations of anything in the service of Israel. On the contrary, they say to them: Assimilate in U.S. society, and serve the Israeli cause."

(1) May Chidiac, who moderated this debate, survived an attempt on her life in 2005 that left her severely disabled (see MEMRI TV Clip No. 1190,
(2) January 4, 2009.
Golda Meir stated it well It will end~~ONLY when they love their children More than the hate us/Jews
I just finishes watching the video and the viewing the pictures Ms. Sharon posted. It is difficult to see, watch, but a reality that goes to show that the MAJORITY of these casualties are CHILDREN, (WHY IS THAT...hmm), which gives cause to the TRUTH that the people that YISRAEL is up against are using BABIES as SHIELDS, taking the INNOCENCE and PARADING IT AROUND for the WORLD to gain SYMPATHY for a cause that we now very well, that knowing they are not ever going to KEEP A PEACE/TRUCE because it goes against there beleif and so CALLED sacred book. They are out to AVENGE some 2,000 years of way back when before Moshe crossed over with the PEOPLE OF THE BOOK. If LIFE was so precious to them, WHY provoke those that have tolerated many wrong doings to there citizens, andthenhide behind children, and there citizens as shields. On the other hand, we know that given the opportunity to these young children, to be asked to be marytrs, they would, becuse of the early INDOCTRINATION that takes place in there early, early lives. YISRAEL has the right to protect herself, from all foreign and domestic enemies that seek her complete destruction.
More from Gaza


Media in Gaza

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