Date: 12/28/2008 5:11:44 PM
Thursday, December 18, 2008
"Question 46," Revisited
"Hey, Will - we just got a letter from a Marine saying that he was part of a
project dealing with civilian arms confiscation by the military. Are you
It had been a fairly slow morning up until the point Dave Bohon, at the time
the managing editor at The New American, came down to the research
department with the aforementioned letter clutched in his hands and a
Puzzled expression inscribed in his aquiline>; features.
Practically leaping out of my chair, I grabbed the proffered letter, a
Handwritten missive attached to a multi-page document called a "Combat Arms
Survey; "
(scroll down). I read both the letter and the questionnaire with a sense of
mingled dread and excitement.
As students of the federalization and militarization of law enforcement, my
associates and I knew things of this sort had to be happening, but proving
it was somewhat difficult. Here was a letter that seemed to provide the
dreadful confirmation. While it would be useful to see our suspicions
confirmed, we couldn't exactly take pleasure in the knowledge that one of
our worst fears appeared to be taking tangible form.
The letter's return address was Twentynine Palms Marine Base in California>; , and the author - a Marine Lance Corporal -
had provided contact information. After reading the letter three or four
times, I called the phone number and contacted the Marine. We spoke for
about a half hour, during which time he described the incident in greater
detail. Of particular interest was the final question in the survey, which
-- as we will see anon -- did indeed ask about the willingness of Marines to
seize firearms from Americans, using lethal force to do so if necessary.
In that pre-Blogosphere era, we had to wait several weeks for the story to
see print, but within hours of the first copies of the July 11 issue
reaching subscribers our research department was dispatching fax copies of
the letter and the survey - of which we had the sole original copies -- to
curious and outraged people across the nation. Many of them had exactly the
same reaction we did: A joyless sense of dreadful, unwelcome vindication.
The Marine was one of several hundred who had combat experience in recent
deployments abroad. The conversation took place in late May 1994;
accordingly, the pool of combat veterans included those who had served in
Panama, the first Gulf War, and Somalia. They were assembled in a mess hall
and given a 46-question survey composed by Navy Lt. Commander Ernest "Guy"
Cunningham, who was working on a Master's Thesis dealing with the deployment
of US military units under foreign command as part of UN-supervised missions
While there was much in the survey that a Constitutionalist would find
objectionable - for instance, Marines were asked about their willingness to
swear an oath of allegiance to the United Nations - the final question was
positively thermonuclear:
"The US government declares a ban on the possession, sale, transportation,
and transfer of all non-sporting firearms. A thirty (30) day amnesty period
is permitted for these firearms to be turned over to the local authorities.
At the end of this period, a number of citizen groups refuse to turn over
their firearms. Consider the following statement: I would fire upon US
citizens who refuse or resist confiscation of firearms banned by the US
As it happens, Lt. Cmndr. Cunningham was not promoting civilian disarmament,
or the cession of the US military to UN control. He was using his survey to
determine the extent to which such policy choices would have the support of
military personnel who had served in combat abroad.
When Cunningham released his findings it was revealed that more than 61
percent of the Marines who took the survey responded that they wouldn't
carry out such an order under any circumstances. Many of them took the time
to expand upon their answers through comments in the margin of the survey,
often written in language that would bring a maidenly blush to the gnarled
Cheeks of Deadwood'
htm> s Al Swearengen>; .
Paving the road to serfdom with the remains of destroyed civilian firearms:
A US soldier presides over the destruction of confiscated guns in Bosnia.
Of course, it was gratifying as it is to know that most of the combat
veterans surveyed by Cunningham emphatically rejected the concept of
domestic civilian disarmament by the military. However, the study did
suggest the existence of a sizable pool of military personnel willing to
carry out that mission.
In that particular group, 79 Marines - a little more than a quarter of those
surveyed -- replied to Question 46 in the affirmative, a response Cunningham
said "showed an alarming ignorance of the
Posse Comitatus Act ... and of how
to treat an unlawful order."
Now, roughly fifteen years later, it's hardly clear that the order to gun
down American civilians defending their innate right to armed self-defense
Would be considered unlawful, at least in a positivist>; sense, by a majority of
service personnel.
In September 2006, on the same day the Bush Regime effectively dismantled
the habeas corpus guarantee it inflicted what may be lethal injury to the
Posse Comitatus Act as well by providing the president with the means to
make the National Guard units of all 50 states into his personal army, to be
deployed domestically in any way he sees fit. At least three combat brigades
are now assigned to domestic duty as a homeland security force under
Northern Command.
Those troops would supposedly be used for the sole purpose of dealing with
Catastrophic events
erpetual.html> , such as terrorism involving the use of non-conventional
Weapons; however, the initial report>; indicated
that these combat veterans, during their domestic deployment, would be
equipped and train to deal with crowd control and other population
management tasks. This is why the unit would be outfitted with "non-lethal"
weaponry, in addition to the conventional variety.
As I've noted
Ml> in previous
erpetual.html> reports, active-duty military personnel were deeply involved
in hands-on law enforcement (including the use of satellite and other
surveillance technology) during the 2008 political conventions in Denver and
St. Paul. Last Friday (December 12)>; brought another
ominous expansion of the role of active-duty military personnel in routine
law enforcement when elements of the California Highway Patrol conducted a
joint "sobriety/driver's license checkpoint" alongside the San Bernadino
County Sheriff's Office and a contingent of Military Police from the US
Marine Corps.
Of particular interest to me is the fact that this troubling venture
involves the Twentynine Palms Air Ground Combat Center; . This
may be completely insignificant. But it is an odd and unsettling
coincidence, at the very least.
"We Are the World": John Richter, center right, is a participant in the UN's
International Police Task Force in Bosnia. Originally from Illinois, he is
seen here taking part in a multinational mission with several British
officers and a Nepalese soldier. ( )
Sobriety checkpoints are a perfectly mundane (but by no means harmless) law
enforcement function; they don't involve catastrophic circumstances, either
natural or man-made.
Most importantly, highway checkpoints are a martial law exercise, since they
involve temporary detention and scrutiny of an entire population by armed
Enforcement personnel.>; Last
Summer, police in Washington, D.C. used checkpoints to restrict movement
into and out of entire city blocks; this initiative was modeled on security
practices used by occupation forces in Iraq. Integrating military personnel
into a sobriety checkpoint is a different but even more troubling refinement
of this martial law tactic.
Attorney Lawrence Taylor,>; whose specialized
practice deals entirely with those caught in the Constitution-free zone of
DUI enforcement (a form of plunder disguised as a public safety exercise
that is itself sufficiently outrageous to justify widescale insurrection)
reports that his inquiries with a local USMC public affairs sergeant
"resulted in assurances that the Marines would be there `as observers.'"
"Hmmmm.... military observers," mused Taylor. "Isn't that how it all
Indeed it is, and if the Regime ruling us wants to get serious about
civilian disarmament, the process will at some point involve the deployment
of military personnel at checkpoints and roadblocks.
Furthermore, as anybody who recently has endured the indignity of a traffic
stop can attest, police in most jurisdictions routinely inquire as to
whether there are weapons in the car. (In my most recent traffic stop, the
officer asked, "Are there any weapons in your car I need to know about?"
"No, none that you need to know about," was my immediate response.)
With the police increasingly taking on the aspect of a fully-realized
military occupation force, it may seem redundant for the regular military to
assume a more active role in "homeland security." The fact that such efforts
are not only underway, but accelerating, is highly suggestive of very bad
intentions on the part of those who presume to rule us.
As the depression deepens into the economic equivalent of a quantum
singularity; , and fear is
finally transmuted into public outrage over the redistribution of wealth to
protect the Swindler Class, a spark will be struck somewhere, and a
population center of some size is going to go up in flames. In fact, it
wouldn't surprise me if the Regime's huge population of informants and
provocateurs include people eagerly spraying accelerant
..html> of some kind wherever promising examples of social friction can be
When the fire erupts - whether through spontaneous combustion or through the
ministrations of the Regime's paid incendiaries - the script will call for
the government to deploy occupation troops, on the assumption that the best
way to battle a social conflagration would be to suffocate liberty, rather
than extinguishing the source of the fire.
The possibility of full-scale domestic military mobilization to suppress
insurrection is one of several scenarios limned in the recent, widely
publicized US Army War College paper "Known Unknowns: Unconventional
`Strategic Shocks' in Defense Strategy Development; ."
The report examines several ongoing and potential sources of "strategic
dislocation" for the empire (an entirely appropriate term not used in the
report, even though it should have been) both abroad and at home. The Iraqi
insurgency was cited as a key example of an unforeseen "shock" that set back
the course of the empire; this despite the fact that any reasonably
intelligent person with a particle of human understanding could have
predicted that Iraqis would organize to resist foreign occupation.
There are at least two kinds of "strategic shocks";
described in the report. One is the "Natural Endpoint" of a given
trend-line; another is referred to as a "Dangerous Waypoint" or a
"Discontinuous Break" that interrupts an otherwise positive trend-line.
Curiously - or perhaps not, given that this was a paper produced by an arm
of the Regime - no thought is given to the possibility that ongoing
difficulties both at home and abroad are auguries of the "Natural Endpoint"
of the imperial trend-line that began - well, let's say with the closing of
the Western Frontier (and the related massacre of Lakota at Wounded Knee) in
Acknowledging and welcoming the end of the American Empire would be a
singularly healthy development; it would bring about a legitimate revolution
in military affairs, and could foreclose the possibility of martial law in
the immediate future. But once again, such possibilities simply don't exist,
as far as the author of this War College study is concerned.
Accordingly, beginning on page 31 of that document we find a brief and
remarkably candid (and, curiously, completely un-sourced) discussion of
possible "Violent, Strategic Dislocation Inside the United States."
In the event that "organized violence against local, state and national
authorities" were to materialize - that is, if the long-suffering productive
people finally have a surfeit of armed parasites and start fighting back -
it might "exceed the capacity of the former two [that is, local and state
governments] to restore public order and protect vulnerable populations."
(The "vulnerable" in this case being the soft-handed tax feeders who cower
behind the armed people wearing State-issued costumes.)
In such circumstances, the military "might be forced ... to put its broad
resources at the disposal of civil authorities to contain and reverse
violent threats to domestic tranquility," the report continues. "Widespread
civil violence inside the United States would force the defense
establishment to reorient priorities in extremis to defend basic domestic
order and human security." (Emphasis added.)
Now, I have no way of knowing if the author of this report is aware of the
fact that the phrase "human security," as used by the exalted beings
employed by the United Nations, refers to a condition in which disarmed
populations depend entirely on government for their protection.
It was the objective of "human security" that was being pursued in Rwanda in
1993 through a peace treaty that required the disarmament of everybody but
the government's armed enforcement personnel. This made it quite simple for
the Rwandan "Hutu Power" Junta to slaughter roughly 1.1 million Tutsis (and
moderate Hutus) during the 103-day orgy of genocide that began in April
Civilian disarmament is integral to any military occupation, whether it's
carried out in the service of "peacekeeping," colonialism, or genocide (and
those categories do tend to blend at the margins). Since 1994, the US
military has been involved in a series of occupation missions - in Haiti,
Bosnia, Kosovo, Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, and elsewhere. Nearly all of
them involve some large-scale disarmament initiative. Recently in Iraq, US
military personnel have been confiscating toy guns from Iraqi children.
Many of those military personnel are Guardsmen and Reservists who will
return to jobs in "civilian" law enforcement well-versed in the logic of
civilian disarmament as a necessity for "force protection." Others are
military personnel who will be fast-tracked into law enforcement careers
once they come home and look for work in an exceptionally bad labor market.
Still others will serve "dwell-time" missions stateside as part of Northern
Command's homeland security force.
It would be immensely useful - and probably quite horrifying - to have those
personnel take Guy Cunningham's "Combat Arms Survey," and examine their
responses to the notorious Question 46. How many of them would be willing to
shoot Americans in order to confiscate their guns if ordered to do so?
Obviously, I can't provide an answer to that question that is anything other
than speculation. I do recall an incident in late 2001, during a speaking
tour in support of a book dealing with the subject of civilian disarmament.
The tour took me to Memphis, Tennessee, where I addressed a large audience
who had gathered in a very well-appointed hotel.
Just down the hall from our meeting, a ballroom had been rented for a formal event involving recruiters for the various branches of the military.
The hallways were full of young officers and non-coms in formal military
At one point I spied two of them - one of them a Marine - examining
a poster advertising the subject of my speech, "Civilian Disarmament." The
Marine turned to his buddy and, with what appeared to be an approving smirk,
commented: "Sounds like a good idea."
*For those interested in a more detailed account of how the UN's lethal
doctrine of "human security"played out in the Rwandan Genocide, please see
chapter five of my book Global Gun Grab, particularly pages 70-75. Anyone
interested in getting a copy directly from me can send $6.00 (which includes
postage and handling) to 1318 3rd Avenue South, Payette, ID 83661.
"Liberty in Eclipse" On sale now!;
Dum spiro, pugno!
* * * * * * *
"The state is the great fiction by which everybody seeks to
live at the expense of everybody else." - Frederic Bastiat