
Arise and Shine

Bio Attacks and Weapons of Mass Destruction Coming Within the Next 5 Years

build a bomb shelter, stock up on can foods, bullets, first aid kits.. get ready
http://www. youtube. com/watch?v=3xHzIErmmCc

Dec 3, 2008 - Fox: Experts Warn of an Impending WMD Attack Within 5 Years

CBN News: Bio Attack Likely in Next 5 Years - December 02, 2008



I think​ time has prove​n ENOUG​H horri​fic US Air Force​ and armed​ force​s nucle​ar '​mista​kes'​ in the past year to send US citiz​ens a bone chill​ing messa​ge that NO, the comma​nders​ of the US milit​ary and AIR FORCE​ NUCLE​AR STRAT​EGIC FORCE​S are NOT SANE!​ NONE of the major​ US CITIE​S ARE SAFE when US is at the brink​ of total​ econo​mic colla​pse facin​g an immin​ent World​ War 3 – So ask yours​elves​ this quest​ion,​ WHAT PLANS​ DO THEY HAVE WITH THE MASSI​VE US NUCLE​AR STOCK​PILE AND IS IT NOW FALLI​NG INTO THE WRONG​ HANDS​!​!​


Fox: Experts Warn of an Impending WMD Attack Within 5 Years

BBC News
4 December 2008 - WMD strike 'likely' in five years BEFORE 2013 - The chance of a nuclear or biological attack on a major world city within the next five years is now much greater, a new report has warned A bi-partisan commission set up by the US Congress said America's "margin of safety" was shrinking, not growing

November 25, CBS: Nuke hunters go undercover in large crowds - By David Edwards

Watch CBS Videos Online

On The Trail With The Nuke Hunters

CBS Evening News Exclusive: Specialized Teams Map Natural Radiation In Cities To Prep For Worst

WASHINGTON, Nov 24, 2008

http://www. cbsnews. com/stories/2008/11/24/eveningnews/main4631340...

(CBS) President-elect Barack Obama takes the oath of office in 57 days. And security, of course, will be extremely tight.
CBS News justice and homeland security correspondent Bob Orr got an exclusive look at how the government prepares for any potential threat

From the skies over Washington, a super-secret government team is training for the ultimate terrorist threat

"The closer we are to the ground, the closer we are to the radiation, the better we can see it," said a nuclear scientist.
For security, the faces and names of the secret nuke hunters could not be shown on television or revealed

But CBS News rode along for an exclusive look at a drill aimed at finding stolen radioactive cesium - a potential ingredient for a dirty bomb

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Chilton: Attacks may occur during transition

Navy Times
By Erik Holmes - Staff writer
Posted : Saturday Nov 22, 2008 7:25:06 EST

http://www. navytimes. com/news/2008/11/airforce_chilton_transition...

LOS ANGELES — The military’s top strategic officer warned Friday that terrorists or other nations may try to take advantage of the transition period between the administrations of President George W. Bush and President-elect Barack Obama to strike or otherwise threaten the U.S.
, but he said the Defense Department is being vigilant against that possibility

“At every transition, there comes risk,” said Air Force Gen. Kevin Chilton, commander of U.S. Strategic Command, speaking at the Air Force Association’s Global Warfare Symposium in Los Angeles.
“It’s not a risk of who gets elected; it’s just a risk of change [and] how our adversaries around the world look at our vulnerability during that time period”

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Oct 7, 2008 - Pentagon dedicated unit for US Patrol - Martial Law

Pentagon to detail military to bolster security

Plan would dedicate 20,000 uniformed troops inside U.
S by 2011

Washington Post
By Spencer S Hsu and Ann Scott Tyson
Nov 30, 2008

http://www. msnbc. msn. com/id/27989275/

The U.S.
military expects to have 20,000 uniformed troops inside the United States by 2011 trained to help state and local officials respond to a nuclear terrorist attack or other domestic catastrophe, according to Pentagon officials

The long-planned shift in the Defense Department's role in homeland security was recently backed with funding and troop commitments after years of prodding by Congress and outside experts, defense analysts said

There are critics of the change, in the military and among civil liberties groups and libertarians who express concern that the new homeland emphasis threatens to strain the military and possibly undermine the Posse Comitatus Act, a 130-year-old federal law restricting the military's role in domestic law enforcement

But the Bush administration and some in Congress have pushed for a heightened homeland military role since the middle of this decade, saying the greatest domestic threat is terrorists exploiting the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction

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Barack Obama is warned to beware of a ‘huge threat’ from al-Qaeda

Security officials fear a ‘spectacular’ during the transition period

The Sunday Times UK
November 15, 2008

Tom Baldwin in Washington and Michael Evans, Defence Editor

Barack Obama is being given ominous advice from leaders on both sides of the Atlantic to brace himself for an early assault from terrorists

General Michael Hayden, director of the CIA, this week acknowledged that there were dangers during a presidential transition when new officials were coming in and getting accustomed to the challenges.
But he added that no “real or artificial spike” in intercepted transmissions from terror suspects had been detected

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November 10, 2008 - Air Force Struggles in Another Nuke Test - An i...

October 31, 2008 - Israeli terrorist and head of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff explains US nuclear threat

With US Coast Guard and U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers behind him, Vayl Oxford, director of the Domestic Nuclear Detection Office, at podium, announces Friday, May 11, 2007 that the U.S. Department of Homeland Security will establish a Rail Test Center for intermodal radiation detection at the Port of Tacoma in Tacoma, Wash. to study radiological/nuclear detection solutions for major U.S. port intermodal rail facilities. Looking on and seated at right are Sen.
Patty Murray, D-Wash, right, and Tim Farrell, executive director of the Port of Tacoma, seated second from right

Annals of Crony Capitalism: Nuke Detection Machines Fail, Again

Intelligence Daily
By Tom Burghardt
http://www. inteldaily. com/?c=173&a=8614

Tue, 04 Nov 2008

(The Intelligence Daily) -- You've got to hand it to the Bush administration.
No matter how pitifully their "homeland security" projects perform, money talks

Back in June, I reported on one such pet project under development by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS): the Advanced Spectroscopic Portal (ASP)

In a $1.2 billion taxpayer-financed deal shared by Raytheon, Thermo Fisher Scientific and Canberra Industries (a subsidiary of the French nuclear manufacturing titan, the Areva Group), the defense contracting giants claimed that the ASP would provide port officials with a reliable means of detecting illicit nuclear or radiological materials smuggled inside containers entering U.S.
ports It was alleged by DHS' Domestic Nuclear Detection Office (DNDO) that the ASP

...will enhance current detection capabilities by more clearly identifying the source of detected radiation through spectroscopic isotope identification. The ASP program provides significant improvement in the detection of special nuclear materials such as highly enriched uranium and weapons grade plutonium, differentiating between these and naturally occurring radioactive material (NORM).
ASP variants include rail, mobile, and re-locatable systems (Department of Homeland Security, DNDO, "DHS Public Release BY08/DNDO - Advanced Spectroscopy Portals (ASP) - Passive Detection Systems," February 12, 2007)

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DHS calls Southern Exposure a success

UPI News
Published: November 07, 2008

http://www. metimes. com/Security/2008/11/07/dhs_calls_southern_exp...

WASHINGTON, Nov 7, 2008 (UPI) -- The U.S.
Department of Homeland Security says a recent exercise evaluating the Southeast corridor's response to radiological and nuclear threats was a success
The DHS recently concluded an exercise conducted by the Domestic Nuclear Detection Office called Southern Exposure.
The full-scale exercise was an effort to test the readiness capabilities of emergency response authorities in the southeast United States and their response to a radiological or nuclear threat along the interstate highway system, the DHS reported

The nearly two-week exercise included participants from nine states, the District of Columbia and the Port of Charleston in South Carolina, along with federal and local emergency response departments

"This full-scale exercise demonstrated the enhanced coordination and capabilities that the Southeast Transportation Corridor Pilot has implemented in the region," Vayl Oxford, Domestic Nuclear Detection Office director, said in a statement

"We will review the valuable lessons learned from working with state and local law enforcement that can be used to extend radiological/nuclear detection capabilities to other areas of the United States"

October 31, 2008 ABC News - The Weakest Link: More Delays in Nuclea...

DHS Announces Full-Scale Exercise for Radiological/Nuclear Detection in the Southeast Transportation Corridor

Department Of Homeland Security
Release Date: November 6, 2008

For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
Contact: 202-282-8010

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced today the completion of Southern Exposure, a full-scale exercise (FSE) marking the culmination of the Southeast Transportation Corridor Pilot (SETCP). The exercise ran from Oct. 23 through Nov. 5, 2008, and was sponsored by the DHS Domestic Nuclear Detection Office (DNDO), along with other federal, state, and local participants.
The FSE was intended to demonstrate the Southeast region’s capabilities to coordinate, communicate and respond during and after a possible radiological/nuclear threat to the region’s interstate highways

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October 20, 2008 - Colon Powell tells "there will be a crisis on January 21 or 22, ''but we don't even know about right now''

US President George W Bush (L) shakes hands with guests after making remarks on the Presidential transition and thanking employees of the Executive Branch on the South Lawn of the White House in Washington, DC

AFP News Nov 6, 2008 - Bush, Obama to discuss Iraq, economy - Bush,...

Bush: Terrorists May Attack During Transition

November 6, 2008

http://news. antiwar. com/2008/11/06/bush-terrorists-may-attack-dur...

President Bush has vowed to make an “unprecedented effort” to help with the transition to an Obama Administration.
But as the outgoing and incoming administrations prepare for as-orderly-as-possible a handover of America’s assorted wars and other foreign policy challenges, Bush warns that he sees a golden opportunity for a terrorist attack

In a speech at the White House, he said “we’re in a struggle against violent extremists determined to attack us, and they would like nothing more than to exploit this period of change to harm the American people”

The outgoing President urged employees to “conduct yourselves with the decency and professionalism that you have shown throughout my time in office,” while using the remaining 75 days to work on the transition.
DHS undersecretary Elaine Duke is reportedly also developing a “transition and succession plan,” while warning that “the terrorists perceive government transitions to be periods of increased vulnerability”

Obama will also face challenges as the military eyes a $57 billion spending hike for the 2010 military budget. Analyst Loren B.
Thompson says “if Obama says no, he will be off to a bad start with the military”

Officials: Nuke missile silo fire went undetected

Associated Press
Oct 30, 2008

http://www. msnbc. msn. com/id/27463690/

The Air Force didn't find out about blaze until five days after it burned

DENVER - A fire caused $1 million worth of damage at an unmanned underground nuclear launch site last spring, but the Air Force didn't find out about it until five days later, an Air Force official said Thursday

The May 23 fire burned itself out after an hour or two, and multiple safety systems prevented any threat of an accidental launch of the Minuteman III missile, Maj. Laurie Arellano said.
She said she was not allowed to say whether the missile was armed with a nuclear warhead at the time of the fire

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Oct 16, 2008 - At Nellis Air Force Base, military officials had some explaining to do Wednesday afternoon, a dummy bomb fell from one of their jets and hit a truck below in Las Vegas Nevada

Nuke and Bomber Forces Will Reorganize

http://www. military. com/news/article/nuke-and-bomber-forces-may-r...

October 17, 2008
DoD Buzz|by Colin Clark

Defense Secretary Robert Gates and senior Air Force leaders are expected to announce early next week that all the service's nuclear missile and bomber forces will be centralized in a single numbered air force major command led by a still-to-be named three star general.
The tentative new name for the major command is Global Strike Command

This move is one of the biggest changes the service will undertake as it sketches in its nuclear roadmap.
As the Air Force readies to move missileers out of Space Command, where they currently reside, it has not yet decided whether Space Command will retain authority to train and equip missileers or whether the troops will be trained, equipped and commanded in the new major command

Read The Rest HERE

Minot Bomber Crews Part of Exercise


http://www. kfyrtv. com/News_Stories. asp?news=23713

The Air Force says B-52 crews from the Minot Air Force Base have been part of a 10-day training exercise from Guam to Alaska

Officials say the B-52s flew nonstop from Guam and Louisiana to the Pacific Alaska Range Complex, where they simulated dropping their payloads

About 300 airmen from Minot base..s 5th Bomb Wing currently are deployed to Guam as part of a four-month rotation

Col. Parker Northrup III is the commander of the 5th Operations Group at the Minot base.
He says crews from the base are involved in missions all the way from Alaska to Australia and throughout the Pacific Rim

Northrop says the crews face different maintenance challenges because of the different climates. He says not used to "86 degrees every day for five months"

Robertson: Nuke strikes in US after the election

Raw Story
Stephen C Webster
Published: Thursday October 2, 2008

Christian Broadcasting Network co-founder Pat Robertson, in a new update to his Web site, states that, "we have between 75 and 120 days before the Middle East starts spinning out of control"

The 700 Club host is convinced that Israel will attack Iran's nuclear energy facilities shortly after the US presidential election, triggering a series of "dramatic events" that conclude only once "God has rained fire on the islands of the sea and on the invading force coming against Israel"

Well, this is just one of the many senarios, now just looking for someone to blame once it takes place so all these criminals in our government can get away unscathed when US plunges into martial law chaos - now that is only a WILD guess, not like these mad dogs in our government are not prepared for some serious engineered pandemic outbreak

MUST READ!!! Army News Service - Sep 29, 2008 - US Army conducting training in cities, towns STARTING OCTOBER 1 -. The exercise scenario was a sobering one: a 10-kiloton NUCLEAR DEVICE detonated in America's heartland, quickly overwhelming civilian responders

The man who knew too much - Wayne Madsen interview June 26, 2008 - CIA agent Roland Carnaby was trying to prevent a possible false flag attack around Houston with focus on terrorist and Mossad activity (suitcase nuke) and ended up murdered by Houston police

Colonel Craig Roberts on Alex Jones Show 10-1-08

U. S. terror attack seen apt to follow '08 vote - Extremists view t...

Deagle with Eric Jon Phelps

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That is Funny ...Ok Steven you made me laugh



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