
Arise and Shine

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This is lengthy,.... However worth the watch time... Who owns the Fuel manufacturing.

Perhaps it is something added to the jet fuel//James
This stuff is being dumped in the atmosphere on purpose. One excuse a few years back was that it interfered with satellite spy photos; however, it has gone way beyond that. It contains a fungus that is now in all of our blood streams, with the dormant stages depending on a persons immune systems. It has radio active barium, which is highly cancer causing. It has fibrous organic material with it's own DNA. It has magnesium and aluminum which when combined causes your blood to clot in your veins, and the aluminum crosses the blood brain barrier to collect in the brain to cause Alzheimer's. I contains titanium, and metallic ionized crystal salts that collects moisture. It all combines to create a plasma atmosphere instead of a gaseous atmosphere, which conducts electricity and is magnetic. Out here where we live in the Desert SouthWest, we have had before unheard of sustained lightening that did not dissipate, but stayed dancing in the skies for over 12 hours with the sound of hurricane type winds overhead. You would have to yell to speak to someone. If a HAARP machine is calibrated correctly, it could ignite the entire planet, with nuclear explosions, without the bomb itself. And I do believe that this is the ultimate goal. When the depopulation agenda has gone as far as it can, the surface of the earth will be burned off in a great flash burn, destroying everything that is on the surface. That is why the elite already have underground cities, & that is why the seed vaults exist underground right now. Everything will have to be rebuilt, & re-seeded. The earth will essentially be sterilized (cleansed) in a great white heat scenario. No pathogens will survive either except for the ones that remain on those who were sheltered underground. An anti-matter explosion could also do that, but it could also take the earth out with it, or at least crack or slit the earth. That is what is being produced in these giant doomsday machines now. The destruction is already determined one in way or the another. We have now reached the critical era. The whole stage has been set, and all that awaits is for the director to yell, "action". We are living, or dieing, in the end of days, of this age.


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