
Arise and Shine

I have a honest question to those who are willing to think and reason.

I feel that there is a serious need for individuals who are strong/ stead-fast in their faith that understand, in our communities we have persons who are indeed "possessed". Can we seriously consider that the so-called 'science' of psychiatry work in conjunction with a biblical foundation?

Mental Illness Causes

The causes of Mental Illness:

Sin: fornication, guilt, selfishness, anger, unforgiveness, grudges, rebellion, pride

Being without purpose or hope

Elohim אלהים will strike sinners with mental illness: Daniel 4 + Deuteronomy 28:27-29; Jeremiah 25:16

Mental illness is caused by violating the conscience. (bizarre behavior caused from cognitive dissonance)

When the conscious is "seared" are not mentally ill, but psychopathic

This has been a concern on my mind... and here is someone else's 'understanding' on the connection:

Yahushua יְהוֹשֻׁעַ AND MENTAL ILLNESS

When Yahushua יְהוֹשֻׁעַ encountered the demon possessed man in Gadara (Mark 5 and parallels), he faced and dealt with an obvious case of multiple personality psychosis. He cast out a "legion of demons" and brought sanity, healing and wholeness to the man, who instantly became a missionary to the Gentiles.

The life of Yahushua יְהוֹשֻׁעַ in the Synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke) brings Yahushua יְהוֹשֻׁעַ into contact with a variety of types of mental illness in troubled people, including his own disciples. (I save the Gospel of John to a later study, because the emphasis there is more highly developed into spiritual and symbolic issues, though the visit of Nicodemus in John 3, the woman at the well in John 4, and events surrounding the "beloved disciple" all demonstrate the ministry to Yahushua יְהוֹשֻׁעַ to troubled and emotionally disturbed people.)

Yahushua יְהוֹשֻׁעַ both lived the human situation and ministered to human need in many instances of emotional and mental illnesses. Yahushua יְהוֹשֻׁעַ himself had to deal with his own anger (See Mark 3) and faced daily the mental and emotional problems that he encountered in his own disciples and in people to whom he ministered and healed.


Each individual develops a personal "style of relating" to other people, which becomes exaggerated under various levels of stress. These "Types of Relatedness" and levels of stress are defined and discussed by Dr. Karl Menninger in his classic study of "The Vital Balance," which was used as a basic text in a clinical pastoral education at the mental hospital near Louisville, KY, which was led by Dr. Wayne E. Oates, Dr. Swan Hayworth and Chaplain Clarence Y. Barton.

Here are six basic types of relating to others when one is under pressure:

Hostility and Anger; 2. Suspicion and Fear; 3. Dependency; 4. Despairing and Depression; 5. Erotic; and 6. Manipulative/ extractive. Everyone has certain coping devices that are developed to deal with stress. One may drink or smoke or sleep it off or laugh it off or work it off in excessive energy and exercise or pray or meditate or go out with friends. Sometimes these everyday coping devices work and the stress is relieved.

Sometimes they don't work, and the individual goes into a more anxious and exaggerated mode of coping. Frequently we develop self-destructive modes of coping with pressure. When the coping devices become more controlling and more difficult to handle, they can become more destructive than the pressure that they were intended to relieve.

When coping devices create more pressure than they relieve, the result is neurotic behavior that costs more than it is worth. If your coping devises become extreme enough, they can become psychotic and require professional help and possible hospitalization. I hope you have been able to cope before the hospitalization phases sets in!

Yahushua יְהוֹשֻׁעַ SHOWED THE WAY

Yahushua יְהוֹשֻׁעַ related to people with love and acceptance. No matter how troubled people were, Yahushua יְהוֹשֻׁעַ took time to listen and learn about each person as an individual before he ministered his healing touch and his helpful counsel of hope and encouragement.

Leslie Weatherhead said that Yahushua יְהוֹשֻׁעַ was more like a modern surgeon than a modern "faith healer". Like a surgeon, Yahushua יְהוֹשֻׁעַ listened to each individual and asked questions and made an intelligent diagnosis before he offered a treatment that fit the person. Modern faith healers treat everybody alike with a prayer and a slap to the head. The approach of Yahushua יְהוֹשֻׁעַ to emotionally ill people was quite varied depending on what he learned by observing and listening.

Yahushua יְהוֹשֻׁעַ took human need seriously. Yahushua יְהוֹשֻׁעַ demonstrated his belief that every individual has equal value to Elohim אלהים. Listening and accepting others as they are is a way of following Yahushua יְהוֹשֻׁעַ in his work of following Elohim אלהים. Yahushua יְהוֹשֻׁעַ never condemned people for the trouble they were having. Yahushua יְהוֹשֻׁעַ demonstrated the basic environment for helping troubled people by creating an accepting and nonjudgmental atmosphere for effective psychotherapy. The encounter of Yahushua יְהוֹשֻׁעַ with the woman at the well in John 4 illustrates the dynamics of modern psychotherapy in great detail.


Many people, however, do suffer from mental and emotional problems caused by the treatment and rejection that they have received from their own families and religious teachers. You cannot walk on water or turn water to wine, but you can love and accept people that everybody else misunderstands and rejects and that need a friend. You can do what Yahushua יְהוֹשֻׁעַ did in seeing great potential in troubled people that they could not see for themselves.

( Excerpt taken from: ) Rembert Truluck


Scientific relevance and purpose
This approach may be of relevance for psychiatry and psychology, because the Bible offers perspectives on human anguish, anger, suffering and interpersonal relationships which differ from contemporary psycho(patho)logical approaches to mental health problems. Rather than viewing these approaches as totally distinct, it is tempting to investigate the possible intertwinement of the psychological/psychopathological and the existential in emotions and in various forms of psychopathology (especially anxiety disorder and mood disorder).
For theology, such an interdisciplinary project might prove to be illuminating, in so far as it contributes to a deepened psychological understanding of biblical concepts and persons. This, in its turn, might provide clues for an enriched self-understanding of theology and of the way theology could be brought into practice in the contemporary context.
Theology could, on the other hand, criticize and open-up psychological and psychiatric (reductionist) explanations of human behavior. On the other hand, non-reductionist use of psychological and psychiatric insights could contribute to the full picture of a biblical concept and/or person.

So... I guess my question is:

Can we Help persons biblically in conjunction with the 'science' of Psychiatry? Or are they two opposites of the spectrum?

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Amein.. I pray that you will be delivered from that 'demon', but I am also aware that based on some of what your shared... it kinda sounds like what some would call a 'generational 'curse'..(perhaps more like a learned behavior, ie... why do we always put on our socks then shoes... because we have always seen others do the same)...concerning the fact that SOOO many of your family members too have had this 'issue' ( I have to do some more studies on the subject of generational curses as well....)

It is also my belief or thinking, that you happened to have married a man with mental illness is that because it was 'familiar territory"

You are definitely responsible for YOU, and the sins you commit. So while the past cannot be changed... how you deal with the emotions and the effects of the past can be 'controlled' if you will, with the foundations of scripture:

"... [do] not let sin reign in your mortal bodies- to obey it's desires. Neither present your members to sin [as] instruments of unrighteousness, but present yourselves to YHWH as [hose who have been brought to] life from the dead, and your members [as] instruments of righteousness"... Romans 6:12-13

What I DO pray for is that one day you can move from the need for the drugs, and allow the medicine of the new creature that you have become, take control of your mind, learning NEW responses to the pain and anguish that was once a part of the sin in your life. When you are able to get yourself in a pattern of healthy responses to a situation... the need for the medication will diminish.

While we all have a right to feel what we feel... how we respond to those feels and thoughts, (are the in alignment with scripture ?) which helps dictate how we are to respond to what ever we are thinking at a given time.

One of the best ways to remove 'the bullets from the gun' is to recognize what is the 'tender spot' on how to either avoid the subject, or realize just what 'sets' of the trigger moment.

A wiser person than I once said that the definition of insanity is repeating the same old negative patterns believing that this time the results will be different. It is Charlie Brown believing that if he just keeps trying to kick the football this time Lucy won't pull it away at the last second and this time he won't find himself lying on the ground in pain. Yet he always does. A person's spirit carries uncounted numbers of scars that exist because of their family's self-destructive habits. Yet they repeat those exact self-destructive patterns believing they'll reap a different harvest. Of course they never do and so the pain continues unabated.

Applying the WORD in your life everyday to every situation will definitely help you remove that 'demon' from your life, but also be kind to yourself too, realizing that while this process that will take time, it CAN be conquered.

My prayers and thoughts for you in Yahusha Ha Mosiach...

Todah... I was in hopes that others could see the need for this type of service to the community. I am very greatful that there are still those with an open mind to knowledge verses throwing out the baby with the bath water. Wasn't it just a few years ago that many members of the 'religious sect' felt that some how medicine and the Bible couldn't go hand and hand? Honestly there are STILL some that would rather a loved one pass on than permit them to receive medical attention. Sickness of the mind too, still ails many in our congregations, and we shouldn't simply turn a nose against it, becuase we don't grasp the rudiments of it.

These books are coming to a new library, in my home.
I just had the PRIVLEDGE to read this very interesting commetary..from all Sides .\Todah Rabah to Kuf Mem for the posting.
I am echad in the Healing Arena of The Master along with My Hadassah Terry..and we understand much of this andlearning more all the Time.

However I as well feel the Position of Ahavah and a sound mind go hand and hand with our covenant walk.
I have seen the enemy of deception along with generational unforgiveness at the point of cause much of the time.

ToDa to SMADEWELL for the great reference points and complementary writing...
Shalom and May we all find HIS rest.
Ok, (primarily because, I don't want the forum to come to an end)... can we safely conclude that our faith in YHWH can work in conjuction within the mental health division?
Again I ask this honestly, because while I am in NO WAYS suggesting that persons like Batya stop taking medication or cease from consuling* (sp), some might suggest that the two can't go hand and hand. I sincerely believe that they can work together for the benefit those in need, but when to we wisely seek treatment? There are some who will not seek a helping hand to the medical establishment, just like there are some who believe we shouldn't receive blood transfusions ( another forum perhaps?)

Is there the biblical stand point, perhaps somewhere that could suggest somehow sister Batya is not taking the right course of action, simply becuase she IS seeking medical treatment. ( Which I disagree with, I believe she is on the right path).

But is it wrong or in err to earnestly seek treatment, or should we soley rely on our faith to bring deliverance to such issues?
My Perception is a matter of Belief in this arena and in no way any form of perceived medical advice.
I' would Not seek the counseling of Mere Men.
The established suicide rate in the clinical arena by practicioners is substantiated with historical Facts.
Let alone the widespread dispensing of psyche drugs...that in itself causing imbalance.
To Me it can be the Blind Leading the Blind.
I' Personally look for Balance in ALL things... Diet can cause imbalance in a person so I would in the Natural look to that issue,...IF it has not been revealed to be a Generational issue such as a familiar spirit.
I like what the Scrolls of Adonai have to say:::.Love, Power and a Sound Mind go with a covenant walk.
Just my Two Mites worth~James


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