
Arise and Shine

Totalaterian Absolutes

I cannot help but notice that the children were abducted in American by force of Guns to the head and the Church sat back and said nothing.

MILLIONS of americans attend the church each week and could really give this nation back to the people,... for the people "IF" we came into UNITY with ONE voice.
One thousand legislators control your lives and over two hundred Million pay into it.
There is NOT ONE LAW on the books for you to pay taxes yet the threat of Guns, Jail and Prosecution forces the sovereign citizens to Bow to the Alter of HaSatan's demands.
This is what FUNDs these type of activities of Government intervention into the homes of Americans.
Will you like it when they take yours or your grand children This was all in the name of forced DNA testing and forced Innoculations and forced Psyche drug taking which happens when the GOV> Takes children out of the home as these children were ripped from there mothers arms..
I know, because we see it first hand everyday as my family is in the Pharmacy industry.

Perhaps you may not know,…But that kind of force by government is NOT allowed by the Constitution of this great country touting "freedom".
Are we free' or are we slaves to the illum-anati/Eugenics plan????

I would bet it was business as usual at the churches of America this week.
Did Joel Osteen say anything?
Did John Haggee say anything?
Did O.R.U. say anything?
Did T.D.Jakes say anything?
Did your Rabbi or Pastor say anything? If not…. why not?

I will give you one answer… and let me give you a little clue.
Persecuted people as the Black Americans know it all to well…It is a Name called VILLANIZE.

It is when you are labeled first to the public as a Villain and THEN they look for something to accuse you of.
This is what is going on with the Children in Texas.
Remember Waco
Remember Ruby Ridge…and I am sure you remember Kent State.

IF you have what your pastors and rabbis do not have. The gumption to be outspoken feel free to comment on this Blog…

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Totaliterian Gov We have nothing on HITLER in fact our great nation was behind him originally
I comment this: NO it is not OK for our government to do most of the things it takes the liberty of doing, this happens because G-D is giving them what the majority of this Country wants.
No more YHVH, equals, no more righteous living, equals, no more blessings from HIM. When the blessings are gone, what does one end up with?

Cursing or plagues, terror being one of many.

Pray for a repentant heart, not just the leaders, but the people also.

Just be prepared for what is going to happen to get that prayer answered.
THis outrages me, to hear about the beast eating up little children is something I cannot stand. What can I do about this? The beast eats the Mormons today, tomorrow it could be the Messianics for dinner. I do know this though, that Moses says in;

Deu 28:1 "Now it shall be, if you diligently obey YAHWEH your God, being careful to do all His commandments which I command you today, YAHWEH your God will set you high above all the nations of the earth.
Deu 28:7 "YAHWEH shall cause your enemies who rise up against you to be defeated before you; they will come out against you one way and will flee before you seven ways.

So, we can find solice in these words; if we keep His covenant with Him, then He will keep His covenant with us. So let us be quick to act in righteousness, and then we will stand against the Beast.

With much love in Yahshua,
In 1829, Joseph Smith received the restored priesthood authority to organize Christ’s Church. John the Baptist appeared and conferred upon Joseph Smith and his associate Oliver Cowdery the Aaronic Priesthood, which includes the authority to perform the ordinance of baptism. Later, Peter, James, and John (three of Christ’s original Apostles) appeared and conferred the Melchizedek Priesthood upon Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery, restoring the same authority given to Christ’s Apostles anciently. In 1830, with this priesthood authority, the same Church of Jesus Christ that existed centuries ago was organized and restored to the earth by Joseph Smith.

A living prophet—the President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints—is the authorized successor to Joseph Smith. He and the present Apostles trace their authority to Jesus Christ in an unbroken chain of ordinations through Joseph Smith.

All male members of the Church who are worthy and prepared may receive the priesthood to help lead the Church and serve Heavenly Father’s children. A man with the priesthood might serve by leading congregations of the Church, performing the ordinances of the Church (such as baptism), and blessing those who are sick. God expects those who hold this sacred priesthood authority to follow the example of Jesus Christ and serve with love, gentleness, and kindness.

Wow! I guess we've got it all wrong?

Do we all long to be Mormon secretly in our hearts? Maybe, to an extent. But we all agree they should be allowed to worship and live the way that seems right in their own eyes, right?
They are Torah observant, right?

Yes, I agree that a "crank" phone call led to children being taken away from their parents for no reason. And yes, Christian church leaders should have stood up and held those in authority accountable. I guess this doesn't fall under T.D.'s or Reverend Al's purview. And yes, I definately admire the Mormon's for their protecting themselves from the influences of a fallen world, as well as their love for family, the LORD and the Word.

Is it just me? But something about Stepford wives, and girls way, way under the age of consent (although in Vayikra 20 nothing is said on this subject) being forced to marry and have sex to complete their Apostles decree, totally DOES NOT sit well with me. Is this what G-d means by "a peculiar people?"
Still, I pray that these families will be restored and reparations be made, SOON.

In Y'shua's name,
Ah yes Gail,...Oregon has had it's groups The Followers of Christ right here in Oregon City for one.
{G.G. Why did you leave,... I needed a Prayer warrior}>>>
Anyway the Followers,...They have not had a Pastor to lead them since 1968 { Mr White, He Died}and yet still function inter-marrying,...they do not use Doctors and every once in a while a child dies,... as just happened recently...
This state has allowed that type of Religous belief,.. but now they are taking a family to state court to try to set a precident Law and stop it..
I was one who was sent to them { The Followers} as a Apostle/Priest and Prophet of the Master...I watched the Leader litterly fall apart from Cancer{ His ear came off}
I prayed for them for 18 months daily,... and then the Master sent me to the Leaders home to tell him because he had rejected the Masters truth that He would Wither Away...and that the deaths would multiply { He lost his wife}...They have been dying like a purging of the old guard
...Rebellion is Costly.

But the Bigger picture of my blog as I see it, not the short comings of religous leaders as much as the use of GOV. force against the Innocents.


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