
Arise and Shine

What are you reading to further your Biblical study

May I ask 'What are you reading to further your Biblical study?

I might suggest a few I have read in recent time.

I always state to Read, Read, Read your Bible cover to cover until it becomes one within you Seamless within you'

My second suggestion would be too 'really research the historical background of what you believe in

The great sages of renown like Yeshua makes it a precedent time after time to go read the Torah...

to go and study...

Why because those of you who only read the commentaries of the revered KJV or other English versions sadly will not clearly show what the founding fathers are speaking of.

For one, because you do not study for ourselves the handed down rabbinic truth,discovered about G-d over 3500 years which in my opinion is rich in intimate reverence and human purpose.

Moreover, you can really be so caught up in the distractions of the world... the gadgets and misconstrued priorities... that the real truth is passing you by. So when you have time really have a book of historical humanity that way you can weave together a working model of the subject at hand.
Such as if you want to study Yeshua i would suggest the book from Harvey Falk 'Jesus the Pharisee' also I might suggest another great Rabbi from the first century with twenty-four thousand disciples[ telmidim] was R. Akiba``Read ~ Akiba' Scholar,Saint,Martyr by Louis Finkelstein.

Unfortunately in the religious world sometimes people in leadership take advantage of that and take away from you the real Biblical walk.

Dear reader be well armed and they will not own you ..Only the MASTER Himself should own you as a qualified Servant to go about "doing good" for HIS Glorification,... it is time to Arise and Shine for G-D. would you agree?

Dear reader, Historical Judaism is full of the truth, tears and shame yet arises as a light to the world when they finally discover we are all one we are all one in the Divine plan. ~~~ Teach that to children for a generation or two and we would change the world for good...Everyone would be part of a sustainable co-village of Shalom for the most part~~Well maybe that is far fetched considering the brother against brother image of humanity at present...greed and posturing is foolishness compared to the rich history written in manuals and volumes of rich writings written from orally spoken history with men striving with the goodness of G-d [May Ha'Shem show us the way to Shalom] You just have to have a middle eastern mindset when reading along with a entry level mindset of Judaism and it will be very clear what men like Yeshua were trying to teach.... Yeshua never' intended to become a Kingdom.
For the most part Rebbe Yeshua was teaching his Talmidim that we all are to become a nation of Kings and priests. Holy Leaders with reverence to G-d and one another, a baal Teshuvah movement that we would all become one. That we were all one in the Divine plan. The Vail was lifted~~which simply is a Hasidic teaching from the Exile period.
He was most likely in the gifted office of Tzaddik~~His words prove this out when considering the wisdom and the knowledge taken together with the Merits of the Fathers' from Pirkei Avos' for the most part he was only doing what a Chasidim does,... He goes about doing good...that coupled with a continual open heaven as he was really intimate with the Master brought forth many great miracles

If you are not really ready to study and instead follow denominations of mere men. You will never learn water walking healing power.

Biblical study should take president in a man's life,...Would you agree?

~Bringing heaven down to earth'[ Writings of the REBBE'] Compiled by Tzvi Freeman.

~The life and teachings of Hillel' by Aronson.

~Meet the Rabbis' by Brad h.Young.

~The King Within' by Moore and Gillette.

~King Warrior Magician Lover' by R.Moore & D.Gillete.

~The Resurrection of J-sus 'a Jewish perspective' by Pinchas Lapide {a Must read].

~Understanding the difficult words of J-sus new insights from a Hebraic ~David Bivin,..and Roy Blizzard.

~The Spirit of the Ten commandments~~Shattering the myth of Rabbinic legalism~ by Roger Brooks.

~Everyman's Talmud ~by Abraham Cohen.

~A Rabbinic commentary on the new testament by Samuel Tobias Lachs.

~Fossilized Customs by Lew white.

~The Sage of Galilee by David Flusser.

~J-sus the Pharisee ~by Harvey falk...{I found this full of info~~ the Rabbi took eight years to compile the information and I suggest it as a MUST read].

~the Pirkei Avos' [the Sages guide to living'] by Artscroll mesorah.

~Holy days ' by Lisa Harris.

~ Akiba' Scholar,Saint,Martyr by Louis Finkelstein.

~A Rabbinic commentary on the New Testament by Samuel Tobias Lachs.

~Who crucified J-sus? by Solomon Zeitlin.

~The lonely man of faith by Joeseph B. Soloveitchik.

~A hidden revolution by Ellis Rivkin.

~ A Rabbinic Anthology by C.G. Montefiore & H. Loewe.

~Teshuva' a guide for the newly observant Jew' by Adam Steinsaltz.

~ To be a JEW~a guide to Jewish observance in contemporary life by Rabbi Hayim Halevy Donin.

~ Sparks of light~Counseling in the Hasidic tradition by Zalman M. Schachter and Edward Hoffman.

~The Jewish way in love and marriage by Maurice Lamm.

~On the Kabbalah and its symbolism by Gershom Scholem.

~the Wisdom in the Hebrew Alphabet by Rabbi Michael L. Munk.

~the Sage of Galilee by David Flusser w/ R.Steven Notley.

~a Jewish understanding of the new Testament by rabbi Samuel Sandmel.

~the Nine questions people ask about Judaism by Dennis Prager & Joeseph Telushkin.

~the "Cork in the Bottle" { a book of emotional healing of the heart }by James Lee Hamilton

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