Question:Where is the line between realizing your advice and blindly worshiping you?
Answer: The line is critical analysis.
A person who works correctly does not agree with the teacher and feels hatred, antagonism, and total scorn for him, but at the same time he overcomes it, rises above himself, and accepts the teacher’s instructions from the bottom of his heart, completely annulling himself before the teacher.
A worshiper has just one side of the coin: He bends down without any criticism. He runs away from any negative thought like from fire. However, that is not the case with us. Yet, it also doesn’t mean that one must artificially try to evoke protest and repulsion within.
Simply start getting closer to your neighbor, and you will see how hateful he is to you. Hate has to become expressed in concordance with the need for love. Otherwise it won’t be creative. We do not fan it; it comes by itself.
Therein lies the verification: love and hatred act together, parallel to one another, while a person works in the middle line, above both of them.
From the lesson on 9/9/11, Writings of Rabash
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