
Arise and Shine

G-d is ANGRY at you!

Some people actually believe that..HaShem is out to get me..and yes I have to admit there have been a few times I felt like the Thumb of G-d was pressing down on me...
...perhaps it was the weight of my own recognition of who I am,... where I came from, and potentially how can I help along the journey back to my home the Merkubah of HaShem the treasury of Souls...or perhaps even a different dimension in the Multi-verse as the Rabbi teach.

And there in lies the problem IMHO~ Angry ? that is like saying that G-d is looking down to get you~
~Really that is not the issue...can there be some 'Correction" to that dogma and take it a little higher than the fire and brimstone stuff.
{Not saying there is not times and seasons of correction to all of humanity..and we are in that season now from not heading the Shofar of Teshuvah...and applying~' Second Cron. 7:v14...)
So because we refuse to beat our swords into plowshares~~ we are now under Amalek administration in the house called white...and...}
However on point;
If anything,for a man, it is more about Self-nullification which in turn erases arrogant prideful attitudes and brings the potential-Tzaddik in line with true humility...
That is the base teaching of dealing with our Yetzer-Harah= the Evil inclination within---EG=the Hunter instinct, the drive within.the male sex-drive, all that drive and misdirected energy must come into the Oneness that Yeshua spoke of in Johns writing...needs to come into Torah submission for the most part..only second to the direction of the Masters Bath Kol...( heavenly-voice-) directing you.
That is why young Talmidim (students) begin there schooling in obedience of Festivals and traditions from the books of Moshie and mostly in the Book of Leviticus to learn health, healing, business ethics and proper etiquette with his home and family....And yes if Yeshua's teaching (excluding Paul for the Moment)...were followed, it would be a well-meaning yet superficial instruction to the wealth of Judaic and historical education available:(Historically speaking)
Also please note_the words sinner/ not used in our communion with HaShem...nor historically was it used in the time of the temple:
Rome took care of that some time afterward it seems:

As to 'salvation'~~~Yeshua only used a story/parable to point out true Redemption (the- Geula)~ (this may help someone)

[ ]...What did the prodigal son of Israel do?...~All he did was Return...home~ that is called "Teshuvah"~RETURN back to G-d and then go and study T O R A H'~~
May the shekinah awaken this generation~Shalom

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