
Arise and Shine

The scroll of Adonai,

I love it when I see a thread of His truth Don't you...... well, Lets be serious now, who wants a reprove However, the Sagan Priest Shual' wrote to Timothy this
"The word is Profitable for Reproof, Edification and Correction.. .

Personally, In the last few years I have had to turn over every rock of tradition and discover His truth. Honestly it is scary the infiltrated paganism we (the Followers of the Way") have bowed down to.
Interestingly we like to quote "On this rock I will Build MY church.....YET" the more the Master sends me to come up higher, more truths come to light.

For instance in that familiar verse the real rock is the foundation of all the "TORAH" Is it any wonder the Hebrews were told to write it UPon their hearts. With that written, you are now aware as I am, that a good percentage of the New-Testament churches have all but thrown out the foundation of Covenant TRUTH" instead opting for the newTestement.
Again without understanding the newT" is the RE-Newed Brit' / not New Covenant.It is the RE-NEWED marital covenant first established at MT.Sinai/Horeb.</marquee>
Today the statistical reports from groups such as the Barna reports
suggest a mass Exodus from the institutional model of Church…
Instead involving themselves in some type of Home fellowship in the
study of Torah (The Basics) and clear historical biblical understanding.
Seventeen hundred years of infiltrated Paganism easily discerned from
Encyclopedias, Hebrew writings, the Hebrew Talmud and Biblical sources
including the Aramic Pershetta, dating before Emperor Constantine. ..a
so called christian,.. .Who was a blatant worshiper of the
name a few.

I have been asked my stand and here it is.
Why would I leave? Well for one I was called out twenty years ago
however “ Come out of Her MY people” rings a clear bell of warning
even today…
Why, would you go back to legalism, if I am free in Him?
First John/ Yochanan 2v27 is pretty clear...
So hear is my answer;

"Because the Biblical account of the real followers of Messiah is this:
We the true followers of the Biblical church based in Acts are a
breaking bread, house to house fellowship in the Community that is
among, between and amidst the People with His living word".
JLH// excerpt from "Treading out the Quaigmire"
There Is healing in His wings and provision in His ways.

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As Sephardic Jews of the house of IsraEL,and Moderators of shekinahLife and in order to keep the Shalom... We do not endorse Paganism of any sort. so lets keep it in line with historical truth..and we thank you in advance....

