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FEMA Exersizes Planned for July 2009 - The Real Thing for Flu Release in OctoberBe aware that a major set of FEMA training exercises is scheduled for on July 27 through July 31, 2009 Be prepared. I advise staying indoo… Started by Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge |
0 | Jul 13, 2009 |
We Should All Start a Class Action Suit And Follow The Lead Of This Brave Woman !Journalist Files Charges against WHO and UN for Bioterrorism and Intent to Commit Mass Murder Sent to us by Dale Trottier By Barbara Mint… Started by Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge |
0 | Jul 11, 2009 |
The Government Is Now Shipping The FluThe Government Is Now Shipping The Flu Started by Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge |
0 | Jul 11, 2009 |
Heaven Has Been FoundOne of the most inspiring and thrilling of recent disclosures of astronomers is that there is a great empty space in the north of the nebul… Started by Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge |
0 | Jul 5, 2009 |
Vaccines Contanimated With CancerStarted by Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge |
0 | Jul 5, 2009 |
FDA Wants to Nuke Our GreensStarted by Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge |
0 | Jul 5, 2009 |
What Are They Doing With Our Meat Supply ?What Are They Doing With Our Meat Supply ? Started by Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge |
0 | Jul 5, 2009 |
The Most Astonishing Health DisasterThe Most Astonishing Health Disaster in the 20th Century Started by Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge |
0 | Jul 5, 2009 |
Muslim Man Kills Wife Then Buries Her And Their Children Alive - Yeshua Saved Them!!!A Muslim man in Egypt killed his wife because she was reading the Bible and then buried her with their infant baby and an 8-year old daught… Started by Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge |
0 | Jul 3, 2009 |
How To: Hydrogen PowerRun Your Car On Water And Nothing Else Demo On How To Run A Car On Water And Light Making Your Own Hydrogen Generator Get other… Started by Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge |
0 | Jul 3, 2009 |
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As The Zohar itself proclaims: "Woe unto those who see in the Law nothing but simple narratives and ordinary words .... Every word of the Law contains an elevated sense and a sublime mystery .... The narratives of the Law are but the raiment within which it is swathed."
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