
Arise and Shine

One of the most inspiring and thrilling of recent disclosures of astronomers is that there is a great empty space in the north of the nebula of the constellation of Orion; a heavenly cavern so gigantic that the mind of man cannot comprehend it, and so beautifully brilliant that words cannot accurately describe it. The revelations were made possible by gigantic lenses, plus long exposures of photographic plates, which in turn can be further magnified. This increases the vision of man so tremendously that he is able to peer into the depths of the interstellar and glimpse the vastness of space itself.

What has been found correlates with the words of Iyov (Job) and Yeshayah (Isaiah), “He stretches out the north over the empty spaces.” Iyov 26:7, and, “For you have said in your heart, I will ascend into heaven and I will exalt my throne above the stars of Elohim, I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation in the sides of the north.” Yeshayah 14:13

All astronomers agree that there is a huge opening in Orion which is perhaps more than sixteen trillion, seven hundred fifty billion miles in diameter. The diameter of the earth’s orbit is one hundred eighty six million miles; which in itself is incomprehensible to man. Yet the opening into this heavenly cavern of Orion is ninety thousand times as wide. In other words, there could be thirty thousand solar systems like our own, with a sun in the middle of each, in the entrance of the opening in the north and still there would be room for more.

But surpassing the immensity of its size is its exquisite beauty and luminous colors; which are unlike any upon earth. Professor Larkin of Mt. Lowe observatory gives the following description:

“These photographs reveal the opening and the interior of a cavern so stupendous that our entire solar system would be lost therein. I have watched it since the days of my youth and with many telescopes of various powers, but never dreamed that the central region is the mouth of a colossal cave. Pen of writer and brush of artist alike are lifeless and inert in any attempt to describe this interior, for the depths of the nebula of Orion appear like torn and twisted objects with river masses of shining glass, irregular pillars, columns of stalactites in glittering splendor and stalagmites from the mighty floor. The appearance is like light shining and glowing behind clear walls of ivory and pearl, studded with millions of diamond shining stars.”

There must be some reason why all this grandeur is lavished upon one spot in the heavens. The colors are a hue particular to Orion, and studded around the opening so that they appear as a pavement of starry sand. No wonder astronomers, many of which are not religious, relate how they seem to feel as if they were in some strange almighty presence while scanning this part of the heavens, and become speechless before this great outburst of grandeur extending from trillions of miles throughout space.

Could this be merely the pathway to Elohim’s heavenly home?

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