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An Iranians View on SanctionsAn Iranians View on SanctionsWhen America invaded Iraq in 2003, residents of border countries like Iran wondered what would happen to them… Started by Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge |
0 | Oct 23, 2008 |
CNN ; Scary Socialism?Started by Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge |
0 | Oct 23, 2008 |
Iraq refuse US defense pactraq refuse US defense pact Iraq says will not be bullied into signing US pact by Jay Deshmukh Jay Deshmukh - Iraq Seeks Change to… Started by Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge |
0 | Oct 23, 2008 |
Betrayal...Have Major Religious Groups Manipulated Our Votes?Written by George of Clear Truth NewsHave you wondered how in a nation of nearly 300 million people we're stuck choosing between tweedle-de… Started by Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge |
0 | Oct 22, 2008 |
Hell Will Be Filled With People Who Admire JesusSunday, October 12, 2008 Hell will be filled with people who admire Jesus Category: Religion and Philosophy Hell will be filled with peo… Started by Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge |
0 | Oct 22, 2008 |
A Video That Could Change The Election?A Video That Could Change The Election?Category: News and Politics Thomas Lifson">Thomas Lifson.. at the American Thinker thinks this vi… Started by Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge |
0 | Oct 22, 2008 |
US Policy M.A.D. - Mutually Assured DestructionPolitical Science 101: Mutually Assured DestructionWilliam Spaniel explains how mutually assured destruction--fear of the extremely deadly… Started by Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge |
0 | Oct 22, 2008 |
Biden warns of "generated crisis", G E N E R A T E D _ C R I S I S, Powell warning too. Now What Is The Government Going to Inflict Upon Us ?Albright: “Statement of Fact” Terrorists Will Attack After Obama Wins October 21, 2008Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, who b… Started by Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge |
0 | Oct 22, 2008 |
Top US and Europe Military Commanders Discussing PANDEMIC!It is coming people... SERIOUSLY... if anyone has been paying attention to the pandemic posts, you have to start researching into anti vira… Started by Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge |
0 | Oct 22, 2008 |
FEMA disputes formaldehyde study of Iowa trailers and blames flood victimsIOWA CITY, Iowa – The Federal Emergency Management Agency on Tuesday questioned a TV station's findings of high formaldehyde levels in agen… Started by Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge |
0 | Oct 22, 2008 |
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