Written by George of Clear Truth News
Have you wondered how in a nation of nearly 300 million people we're stuck choosing between tweedle-dee and tweedle-dum for President?
I mean, come on. There's got to be somebody in this country who is just a plain honest hard working person...someone who hasn't made a career out of being two-faced.
Think about it. There's a mountain of dirty laundry for our top two contenders. It has to leave you wondering:
* Why McCain tried to prevent the return of the rest of our POW's from Vietnam.
* Why Obama provided money, political, and personal support to a blood thirsty tyrant in Kenya.
* Why nobody really knows if Obama is Muslim, Christian, or none of the above.
* Why nobody really knows if McCain is a Republican, Democrat in disguise, or if he even knows.
* Why both of them think it's OK to keep supporting millions of illegal aliens with our money.
* Why Obama can't or won't show his birth certificate to prove he's really eligible to run for President.
* Why McCain says he's for the 2nd Amendment but the Gun Owners of America give him an F - (that's an F minus).
* Why Obama has no problem listing as part of his references someone who tried to bomb the White House and still wants to.
* Why Obama's voting record shows he thinks it's OK to kill babies who survive abortion.
* Why McCain looks us in the eye and claims to be pro-life but openly embraces embryonic stem cell research, does not favor the overturn of Roe v. Wade, and was a member of the infamous "Gang of 14" senators from both parties whose purpose was to oppose pro-life, strict constructionist judges.
Get my point?
You can't tell me that somewhere in this country we can't find two people with strong moral fiber and a straight back bone.
So, in my quest to understand how this happened, I did just a little research.
It probably wouldn't qualify as a scientific study of any sort, but I think you'll find the results to be eye-opening.
I decided to search three of America's prominent publications to learn what I could about why we are left with these two pitiful choices from the mainstream parties. I choose three distinctly Christian organizations because of their broad outreach to so many diverse people and because they are looked upon as trustworthy sentinels to the Bible believing people of faith.
The first one I chose was Christianity Today. Just in case you don't know much about them, they've been around since 1956 and were started by Billy Graham. I don't know if you can get more mainstream America than that. (Of course, I realize there are some who could easily have an issue with that statement, and probably rightfully so.)
Here's what Christianity Today says about itself:
Christianity Today magazine, provided by ChristianityToday.com, provides evangelical thought leaders a sense of community, coherence, and direction through thoughtful, biblical commentary on issues and through careful, caring reporting of the news.
Christianity Today continues as a leader in providing informative editorial on current events, news from a Christian perspective, Christian doctrine, issues, and trends.
Sounds reasonably like it is an authority of some merit, don't you think? At least, they claim for themselves the title, " a leader..."
Well, I just wanted to know how many times I could find any articles about our Presidential candidates. So I went to their web site and did a search on the candidates names. I included all current articles as well as the archives. I know some articles went back to 1994.
(Understand, searches often went 19 pages deep. If I didn't find a name for about five levels I quit looking. Most searches put the positive results right up front)
First I searched for the name Ron Paul. Of course, he was the only 100% pro-life, Constitutional candidate on the Republican ticket -the one the secular media and the Republican Party ignored. He also holds a high view of Scripture and his life and voting record reflect that.
The result for searches for Ron Paul's name: Four.
Next I searched for Chuck Baldwin, the Constitution Party candidate. He is a Baptist pastor, also a 100% fervent pro-lifer, and ardent Constitutionalist. He and Ron Paul share most of the same ideas regarding a Scriptural and Constitutional method of governing.
The search results for Chuck Baldwin's name: Zero
Next I looked for Bob Barr, the Libertarian candidate with many views that match both Ron Paul and Chuck Baldwin.
The results for Bob Barr's name: Five
So, if you're still with me, both the men who live out their spiritual beliefs daily in their private and pubic lives, and the Libertarian with many of the same views turned up only a total of nine results when searching for them on Christianity Today.com.
I went back to Christianity Today.com's description of themselves to make sure I read it right, "a leader in providing informative editorial on current events, news from a Christian perspective, Christian doctrine, issues, and trends."
Sounds good. But that contradicts their actions, which is to almost totally ignore candidates with true spiritual and Constitutional positions.
However, once I searched for the Democratic and Republican poster boys, the results were much different.
For John McCain the results were over 160.
And for Barack Obama the results were over 174.
Next, I went to the websites of the American Family Association and the Concerned Women for America to see what information I could find about the candidates.
Well, that was extremely disappointing on both those sites. The only information available was on either McCain or Obama. As far as these two organizations are concerned, there are no other candidates..
So, what's the point?
One is for sure...Christianity Today spent a tremendous amount of article space discussing our ungodly choices.
Secondly, they spent no time informing us of two very spiritual men who base their lives on the Scripture and who would obey our Constitution - which neither of the Republican or Democratic candidates will do. And this was in direct contradiction to C.T's stated position as a "leader" in providing us with news.
How is the typical believer who depends on such publications for information going to make an informed decision when in fact he's been uninformed?
Was it on purpose? I don't know. But how can you just ignore candidates who are brethren without leaving the suspicion you have a planned agenda not to discuss them?
And we thought the problem was just with ABC, NBC, and CBS.
Unless professing spiritual leaders and corresponding publications at least begin to speak about those who take a Scriptural stand in opposition to the bedeviled Democratic and Republican parties, then come four years from now we're still going to be sucking up the swill that we have to vote for the lesser of two evils to prevent _________(you fill in the blank) from getting elected.
I used to be as most believers. I would listen to and count on these types of organizations to provide me with honest, straight forward information so I could make an informed decision based on Biblical principles, not political manipulations.
Oh, how wrong I was to depend on them.
If those in a position to be a public trust to the community of Scriptural believers selectively feed the flock and withhold critical information, then they are worse than the secular media.
At least with the secular media you expect to be lied to, manipulated, and led to erroneous conclusions. But for the religious media to do it is a sinister betrayal
When I discovered I had been denied the opportunity to even consider a truly Biblical alternative, I felt betrayed. I still do. And you should too.
I felt ashamed I had wasted my vote on a non-biblically oriented candidate.
However, these groups cajole us with smoothing words that make no sense but sound so sensible...you can almost hear the hiss...it's OK to vote for the lesser of two evils - so long as it keeps the bigger evil from winning.
The problem is they have succeeded in lowering our guard. An overwhelming number of believers today are willing to overlook the fact that voting for a small evil is still evil - but it's a decision I believe YHWH will not overlook.
The question we must ask is simple. Can we find justification in Scripture where it is OK to support an evil choice in the vain hope of getting this un-righteous person to suddenly start doing righteousness once he's elected?
Where are the spiritual giants of old who stood up against evil and proclaimed righteousness, for HIS NAMES SAKE regardless the cost?
May I remind you what the Scripture says happened when the Kings of Israel obeyed YHWH and reigned in righteousness after overthrowing a previously unrighteous ruler.
"...and the Land had rest."
Too bad we won't be saying that about America any time soon.
Just like the report from the spies who went into the Promised Land, a big part of the reason we won't have rest is because the loudest voices -the major religious organizations - are full of the fear of man. These voices tell us it's only practical that we stay with the Republican Party - where it's safe.
Maybe some follow the old folk saying that "the devil you know is better than the devil you don't know."
But the choice doesn't have to be between two devils. We have men with righteous track records to choose from.
Yet, just as Joshua couldn't convince the overwhelming crowd of Israelites to do the right thing then, I'm afraid it is the same scene today. I wonder how many who read this will still only consider the two main party candidates.
We deny it, but we are afraid. We don't trust in the Elohim of Israel.
For the unfaithful congregation in Joshua's time, the next step was the wilderness journey.
We deserve no better. Pack your bags.