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Peres: Arab peace initiative is an opportunityPeres: Arab peace initiative is an opportunity… Started by Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge |
0 | Oct 23, 2008 |
Greenspan "shocked" at credit system breakdown**http%3A//… Started by Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge |
0 | Oct 23, 2008 |
Here's The RecessionRecession Now: It's Deep and It's Going to Last a Long Time, Sonders Says Posted Oct 22, 2008 02:42pm EDT by Aaron Task in Investing, Re… Started by Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge |
0 | Oct 23, 2008 |
Century of the self - Edward Bernays PropagandaEdward Louis Bernays (November 22, 1891 – March 9, 1995) nephew of psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, was considered the father of the field of p… Started by Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge |
0 | Oct 23, 2008 |
George Green Latest Warning Oct 21visit the Project Camelot Site and read more infohttp://projectcamelot. org/index. html ..Telephone update with George Green, October 1st,… Started by Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge |
0 | Oct 23, 2008 |
Bill Gates Wants Mosquitos To Be 'Flying Vaccine SyringesI sincerely hope people realize Bill Gates and his Melina AIDS foundation is NOT out for the good of mankind but for the agenda of MASS DEP… Started by Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge |
0 | Oct 23, 2008 |
Is this the America you want?? OPEN YOUR EYES!!!!Is this the America you want?? OPEN YOUR EYES!!!! Thanksjane Started by Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge |
0 | Oct 23, 2008 |
Constitution-Free Zone' 100 miles from borderACLU highlights 'Constitution-Free Zone' 100 miles from border......Published: Wednesday October 22, 2008http://rawstory. com/news/2008/ACL… Started by Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge |
0 | Oct 23, 2008 |
No October Surprise Please !Well, this is just one of the many senarios, now just looking for someone to blame once it takes place so all these criminals in our govern… Started by Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge |
0 | Oct 23, 2008 |
US May Face Attack During ElectionIsrael, US sign homeland security pactMichael Chertoff - An Israeli Family Background******************************************************… Started by Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge |
0 | Oct 23, 2008 |
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