Well, this is just one of the many senarios, now just looking for someone to blame once it takes place so all these criminals in our government can get away unscathed when US plunges into martial law chaos - now that is only a WILD guess, not like these mad dogs in our government are not prepared for some serious engineered pandemic outbreak
The man who knew too much - Wayne Madsen interview June 26, 2008 - CIA agent Roland Carnaby was trying to prevent a possible false flag attack around Houston with focus on terrorist and Mossad activity (suitcase nuke) and ended up murdered by Houston police
Olbermann: Next Terrorist Attack Might Be "October Surprise"
A Pakistani army soldier stands guard by the devastated Marriott Hotel following an overnight suicide bombing at Islamabad on September 21, 2008
********************************************************** Spies Warn That Al Qaeda Aims for October Surprise **********************************************************
Intercepted Messages Asking Local Cells To Be Prepared for Imminent Instructions
New York Sun By ELI LAKE, Staff Reporter of the Sun | September 22, 2008
WASHINGTON — In the aftermath of two major terrorist attacks on Western targets, America's counterterrorism community is warning that Al Qaeda may launch more overseas operations to influence the presidential elections in November
Call it Osama bin Laden's "October surprise. " In late August, during the weekend between the Democratic and Republican conventions, America's military and intelligence agencies intercepted a series of messages from Al Qaeda's leadership to intermediate members of the organization asking local cells to be prepared for imminent instructions
An official familiar with the new intelligence said the message was picked up in multiple settings, from couriers to encrypted electronic communications to other means. "These are generic orders," the source said — a distinction from the more specific intelligence about the location, time, and method of an attack. "It was, 'Be on notice. We may call upon you soon. ' It was sent out on many channels"
Also, Yemen's national English-language newspaper is reporting that a spokesman for Yemen's Islamic Jihad, the Qaeda affiliate that claimed credit for last week's American embassy bombing in Sa'naa, is now publicly threatening to attack foreigners and high government officials if American and British diplomats do not leave the country
Mr. bin Laden has sought to influence democratic elections in the past. On March 11, 2004, Al Qaeda carried out a series of bombings on Madrid commuter trains. Three days later, the opposition and anti-Iraq war Socialist Workers Party was voted into power
In the week before the 2004 American presidential election, Mr. bin Laden recorded a video message to the American people promising repercussions if President Bush were re-elected. In later messages, Al Qaeda's leader claimed credit for helping elect Mr. Bush in 2004. Last year in Pakistan, Qaeda assassins claimed the life of Benazir Bhutto, a former prime minister who returned to her native country in a bid for re-election
"There is an expectation that Al Qaeda will try to influence the November elections by attempting attacks globally," a former Bush and Clinton White House counterterrorism official, Roger Cressey, said yesterday
Mr. Cressey said Al Qaeda lacks the capability to pull off an attack in the continental United States, however. "It would likely be a higher Al Qaeda tempo of attacks against U.S. and allied targets abroad," he said
At a talk at the Washington Institute for Near East Affairs on August 12, the national intelligence officer for transnational threats said he expected to see more threat reporting on Al Qaeda as America approaches the November elections
The terrorist attack on the Marriott Hotel in Islamabad on Saturday was a particular blow to the allied effort against Al Qaeda. The hotel's lobby in recent years served as a meeting place for the CIA and Pakistanis who would not risk being seen at the American Embassy. The bombing, which targeted one of the most heavily fortified locations in Pakistan's capital, will likely claim close to 100 lives after the dead are pulled from the rubble
President Zardari, who had just given his first major address as Pakistan's head of state, on fighting the Taliban and Al Qaeda, was the target of Saturday's attack, the vice president for research at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, Daveed Gartenstein-Ross, said
"He was expected to attend the iftar dinner at the Marriott," Mr. Gartenstein-Ross said "Think of the symbolic value if they were able to kill Zardari after his first address as president of Pakistan in a speech announcing his fight against the terrorists. The symbolic effect of the attack on the same day would be devastating"
An adviser to Senator McCain and a former director of central intelligence under President Clinton, James Woolsey, said Al Qaeda has a "history of doing three things at least related to elections. One is to attack before elections, such as in 2004 in Spain, and of course the assassination of Benazir Bhutto. They also have a history of attacks when new leaders take over, like Gordon Brown in Britain and the new leader in Pakistan, with the attack over the weekend. Also Al Qaeda sends messages to populations in elections. You really don't know which one of these they are going to implement"
Earlier this summer, another McCain campaign official mused in an interview that an attack could benefit his candidate in the polls. But whether that statement is true is unclear: At the Republican National Convention this month, Mr. McCain praised the president's counterterrorism policies for preventing an attack in America since September 11, 2001. The Bush administration has deliberately refrained from pointing to this success in light of the many plots that the president has said have been aborted on American soil since September 11
The deputy communications director for the McCain campaign, Michael Goldfarb, said: "There is no doubt that Al Qaeda is still dangerous and still desires to strike at America and our allies. But Americans will not be intimidated and their votes will not be swayed by terror"
A spokeswoman for the Obama campaign, Wendy Morigi, said, "Last week's attacks demonstrate the grave and urgent threat that Al Qaeda and its affiliates pose to the United States and the security of all nations. As Senator Obama has said for some time, we must refocus our efforts on defeating Al Qaeda around the world"
*********************************************************************************** US Struggles to Balance Fear of ‘October Surprise’ with Pakistan Relations ***********************************************************************************
Last week Afghan Defense Minister Abdul Rahim Wardak, on a visit to Washington DC, warned that he expects another Taliban offensive before winter. The Bush Administration appears to fear strikes in the region as well. The Sunday Telegraph, citing a “senior US intelligence official,” insists that the escalation of US attacks in the Pakistani tribal regions this month are designed to disrupt the ability of al-Qaeda and other groups to coordinate pre-election plots
The increase in US attacks, referred to as “phase one” of a three stage plan, have focused on North and South Waziristan. Several air strikes from US drones have killed dozens in the tribal areas, many of them civilians. Perhaps the biggest provocation though came early in the month when US ground forces and helicopters attacked a tiny South Waziristan border village, reportedly killing 20 civilians
Relations have worsened with Pakistan since the beginning of “phase one,” with repeated warnings from Pakistan’s civilian government and Pakistan’s Chief of Army Staff General Parvez Kayani ordering the military to bar foreign incursions with force. All this tension came to a head Thursday, when US and Pakistani soldiers traded fire for five minutes across the border between North Waziristan and Afghanistan’s Khost Province
Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari has positioned himself as a public friend to the United States, a label that is becoming an increasing liability as anti-US sentiment rises with the Waziristan body count. And while Zardari continues to praise President Bush publicly, there are fears that his position is increasingly tenuous
In fact the Washington Times cites regional specialists and US officials who caution the US attacks are creating a potentially dangerous situation for the civilian government, particularly with Zardari out of the country visiting the US. The Times quotes former adviser Bruce Riedel as saying Zardari “has little, if any, control of the army,” and speculating that the Pakistani military may be suspicious of Zardari’s “close ties to (Afghan President Hamid) Karzai”
And while General Kayani seems much less willing to meddle in governmental affairs than his predecessors, he may find himself under increasing pressure to be more proactive if the US strikes continue while the president issues only weak warnings and denies that the more serious incidents have even taken place
ZIONIST JOE LIEBERMAN SUGGESTING AN ATTACK NEAR ELECTION - Jul 1, 2008 - Terrorists might attack the U.S. in 2009, Sen Joe Lieberman warned, echoing a statement by McCain advisor Charlie Black, who said such an event would benefit the Republican candidate before the November presidential election, In an appearance on MSNBC, USA Today reporter Susan Page and Reuters reporter Jon Decker discuss the possibility of such a so-called "October surprise" and how it could influence voters
Colin Powell - Maybe it's a JANUARY surpprise? Attack on January 21 or 22
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