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Totalaterian Agenda' Discussions (1,870)

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Arizona Police Trained for Economic Civil Unrest

Arizona Police Trained for Economic Civil Unrest Kurt NimmoInfowarsDecember 17, 2008Mike Sunnucks, writing for the Phoenix Business Journal…

Started by Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge

0 Dec 17, 2008

Dutch​ minis​ter of Forei​gn Affai​rs Says ‘We need an inter​natio​nal

Dutch minister of Foreign Affairs: ‘We need an international order’ Jurriaan MaessenInfowars. comDecember 17, 2008Dutch minister of Foreign…

Started by Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge

0 Dec 17, 2008

The Warnings Have Ended

The Warni​ngs Have Ended​ Micha​el Bolde​a Jr. Roman​s 13:​11-​12:​ “And do this,​ knowi​ng the time,​ that now it is high time to awake​…

Started by Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge

0 Dec 17, 2008

Neoco​n Gaffn​ey:​ 4000 US Troop​s ‘Had To Die’ In Iraq

Neocon Gaffney: 4000 US Troops ‘Had To Die’ In Iraq Steve WatsonInfowars. netWednesday, Dec 17, 2008A renowned neocon talking head has stat…

Started by Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge

0 Dec 17, 2008


BUSH PASSES HITLER DRACONIAN LAWS !!!See video link below. Don't miss it. Bush signs Military Co…

Started by Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge

0 Dec 17, 2008

Urban Farming - Solutions For The Coming Starvation

Urban Farming - Solutions For The Coming Starvation San Francisco's New Victory GardenMayor Gavin Newsom helps Slow Food Nation plant the f…

Started by Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge

0 Dec 17, 2008

"Death map" shows heat a big hazard to Americans

"Death map" shows heat a big hazard to Americans By Maggie Fox, Health and Science Editor

Started by Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge

0 Dec 17, 2008

OPEC cuts record 2.2. million barrels a day

OPEC cuts record 2.2. million barrels a day By GEORGE JAHN, Associated Press Writer This is the oil industries way of controlling prices,…

Started by Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge

0 Dec 17, 2008

The Fed Goes To Defco​n 1

The Fed Goes To Defco​n 1 *****************************The Fed goes to Defcon 1*****************************Commentary: A promise to do e…

Started by Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge

0 Dec 16, 2008

Most Asia markets climb after historic US rate cut

Most Asia markets climb after historic US rate cut By JEREMIAH MARQUEZ, AP Business Writer HONG KONG – Most Asian markets rose Wednesday a…

Started by Mrs. Sharon B. Hodge

0 Dec 16, 2008


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As The Zohar itself proclaims: "Woe unto those who see in the Law nothing but simple narratives and ordinary words .... Every word of the Law contains an elevated sense and a sublime mystery .... The narratives of the Law are but the raiment within which it is swathed."

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Jul 19, 2017
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Rose sharon -shekinahlife

In the beginning of the "Zohar" the Article, the Rose, says: "Just as the rose among thorns is…
Apr 8, 2017

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