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Neocon Gaffney: 4000 US Troops ‘Had To Die’ In Iraq

Steve Watson
Infowars. net
Wednesday, Dec 17, 2008

A renowned neocon talking head has stated that in his opinion four thousand American troops “had to die” in Iraq, regardless of the fact that Saddam Hussein posed no imminent threat to the United States.

Former Assistant Secretary of Defense Frank Gaffney, also told MSNBC’s Chris Matthews during Tuesday’s ‘Hardball’ that he was “delighted” with the outcome of the Iraq war.

The debate on the Iraq invasion became heated when Gaffney commented that Hussein presented a “mortal threat” to the American people.

Matthews laid into him for “still [using] the strategic language” of the Bush administration.

“Where do you get this from?” Matthews screamed. “We can’t find the weapons, we can’t find the rationale, what kind of mortal threat? Where do you get these words from? Mortal means you die.

“You guys sold the war as a nuclear threat to the United States…you sold every trick you could to get us into this war,” he continued. “And now you’re backpedaling. And I do find it astounding….Four thousand people are dead because of the way you feel. And Frank Gaffney, you’re wrong about this.” Matthews asserted.

Gaffney responded with the following sick comments we have come to expect from neocons of his ilk:

“My position is it is regrettable that any Americans died. It is regrettable that they had to die, but I believe they did have to die. The threat we knew about was the chemical capability that Saddam Hussein had used against his own people. The potential for biological agents were real. There was evidence that there was an ongoing nuclear program, we had been surprised at how far advanced it was before. The danger was inaction could have resulted in the death of a great many more Americans than 4,000. And that’s the reason I’m still delighted that we did what we did.

Watch the video:

Presumably Gaffney would have no trouble standing face to face with the families of four thousand dead Americans and making the same borderline psychopathic statements.

Presumably Gaffney also believes that somewhere in the region of one million Iraqis also had to die, with millions more maimed and/or displaced. Presumably he is still “delighted” with all of these outcomes.

Gaffney is the founder and president of the think tank Center for Security Policy, whose stated mission is to asses“near and long range threats, devise appropriate actions, and then promote those ideas within the government, Capitol Hill, newspapers, radio, the internet, and television.”Other members include prominent neocons Richard Perle, Douglas J. Feith and James G. Roche.

Gaffney’s comments come just hours after Vice President Dick Cheney told ABC news that it was irrelevant whether or not Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and that the US invasion would have gone ahead anyway.

Views: 2

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