Barbara Loe Fisher is the founder of the National Vaccine Information Center,, which is, unquestionably, the best resource for vaccine safety and efficacy information on the Internet.
If you need to make a decision about whether or not the risk benefit ratio of a specific vaccine is appropriate for you or someone in your family, this is the go to site you need to review before you make your decision. It will provide you with loads of objective unbiased information that you simply will not get from the media, the CDC or your doctor.
In this interview, we discuss her participation in the May 7th FDA Vaccine Advisory committee, which focused on the rotavirus vaccine and the newfound issues of broad contamination with two different types of pig viruses. This meeting produced amazing revelations that have profound and important implications for the whole concept of vaccination and vaccine safety that you need to know about.
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~Shalom/Welcome to SHEKINAH~LIFE'¬ Your hosts Jim and Terry Hamilton
As The Zohar itself proclaims: "Woe unto those who see in the Law nothing but simple narratives and ordinary words .... Every word of the Law contains an elevated sense and a sublime mystery .... The narratives of the Law are but the raiment within which it is swathed."
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Jim and Terry (mobile)\
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