
Arise and Shine

Good Food helps You feel healthy.
You are what you Eat  is often quoted. . .
But really,...You are healthy...feeling good, can seize the day Or you are bogged down with health issues and with that comes lots of other issues...Lets talk about is or Shout about what is ailing us and how it can be changed.

How Good Food Helps
Researchers suspect a healthy diet helps ward off the blues in several

Or, can fuel your body with corporate foods...

Was it Jack LaLane who said if man made it do not eat it...perhaps he knew that carrot sticks, fruits from nature

Vs potato chips,...was the way to go...

It is well said; If you want to feel happy for more than a minute, go for the sticks,or the fruit.
First, living food diets deliver lots of folate, which enhances communication between brain cells.
My hubby needs all the help he can get connecting the Dots'

so I keep keep the brain healthy with good foods.

Second, fruits and veggies are also packed with antioxidants, which are linked to lower rates of depression.
And finally, there's fish.

Lots of research has shown that long-chain omega-3 fats, found in abundance in fish, may defend against depression
by reducing inflammation in the brain.
In many studies, researchers characterized the typical diets of middle-aged volunteers as either "whole food" -- meaning he or she tended to eat plenty of fruit,
vegetables, and fish -- or as "processed food" -- meaning the study participant favored fried foods, sweets, refined grains, processed meat, and high-fat dairy

So with all that written I would like to start a discourse of your journey with Food in general

DISCLAIMER: I am not an MD, However, I have been in the pharmacy industry for 15 plus years and observe many afflicted people daily...Drugs in my opinion are NOT the answer.
The information in this blog material medically has not been reviewed by the FDA, or any agencies not specifically named,who feel' they have a right to that opinion'..and as such should not be taken as medical advice or medical fact.However we do share as a group,.. tips and personal or holistic ideas that have proven to be beneficial one to another.

Views: 16

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