
Arise and Shine

Thought Manifestation

What is it, if anything?
Where will it take us should we decide to ponder its possibilities? Or better yet to see how deep the rabbit hole continues to go in this quest for inherent truth.
Since it is inherent truth we are in a quest for and since it is part of the DNA the very essence of all creation is within each one of us, then we do not have to go far for the truth Now do we?
The Christian Bible makes a reference to ‘calling those things that are not as though they were”.
If that is a possibility, then what things is the author suggesting we call into manifestation?
Perceiving that the Sage Shual/Paul was a student or master of Qabbalah, and the Divine names and furthermore that he was using a clearer than a glass dimly approach to his teaching.

I can fully assume that Paul and Yeshua were both teaching a deeper level of spiritual physics to those who would listen.

They knew the authority within them, the boundaries and the privileged positioning in being used for the Divine plan
I would then suggest he is into thought manifestation, calling things into being that are not, IMHO.
Let me use this as an starting point;
Have you ever desired something and had it soon come to pass?
Like a day vision and a few weeks later something in the vision you mentioned to the Master that you liked it, you simply find you are in possession of it.

It is yours for the keeping.

Interesting when those things happen
But the question may be should it be happening more?

If everything belongs to the Lord and he needs you to have something for the journey, Is it out of character for it to be manifested first in a vision or dream, then brought to pass either by Divine intervention solely, or through your vocal/physical participation to call those things into manifestation.
In the meantime ponder this a moment:
"You are a physical extension of that which we call G-d. You are sent for such a time as this...Nothing is by chance, all is orchestrated. Therefore You in connection with Ha'Shem the Most High G-D. The Self Existent One' of all creation are on the leading edge of thought manifestation. HIS Manifestation in and through you.
Yeshua' the mighty prophet and servant of YAHweh stated the Kingdom of heaven is within you. Therefore it is my perception at this junction you are to be a vessel of the essence of YAHweh, intentionally bringing heaven to earth.
You are a physical extension of that, which is Non-physical, and with that, it all starts in your essence, and that is what connects you to Ha’Shem.
Hope someone got that. Doubt it. Rome watered down the story so much all we sheeple do is follow the other blind sheeple for the most part. Then there are those like Moshie who will venture out from the daily quagmire and turn to the Fire of G-d for a greater vision for the people YIsrael.

What is your thought(s) Let it manifest here...

You are the arms Ha’Shem to a hurting world, which is all the more reason to walk in wisdom and Refuah'~ health and healing. Friend; Please do your part' Humanity needs you to arise and shine with the Shekinah Life ~~Yeshayahu [Isaiah] 60:v1

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Interesting...something to think on
Yes it is something to ponder..Todah for the feed back...Shalom
I'm a non-texter, and I think that IMHO is some kind of texting code that I'm suppose to know that is in this post. Sorry, but I don't know what that means. Please explain it to me. Thanks.
In my humble opinion
Oh! Cool! Thank you!

For the chosen, it doen't work to just set there imagining something. It has to be mixed with prayer, or calling it up, or both. But, if it is not in the perfect timing of Abba Father, you may be praying for years without it happening. If the time is right, you may barely get the words out of your mouth before it comes. There can be blocks, you know, "Corks", but even when those are all gone, if it is not the right time, forget about it! When I was a child, waiting seemed endless, and I don't think that has changed. There are so many things setting in The Store House of Blessings for Mankind in heaven that it is mind boggling. When we pray, "Let it be done on earth, as it is in heaven." this is literally what we are praying about. It would be the same thing as if we would pray, "Abby, open the doors of the Store House of Blessing, and pour forth this thing which I'm praying for." If you're praying for a great business blessing, you can pray, "Abby, send forth the Minister of Finance to bring forth the carriers of the gold." You'd never guess that this angel is the minister of finance though because he is dressed in a brown burlap over garment looking thing, which is very humble. But if we are not suppose to be one of the great blessers of the kingdom of Yah, then praying for this angel to come will pretty much be for nothing, because this money has to go back into the kingdom, and for those purposes, and we need to be aware of which kingdom purpose it is suppose to go to. The yet unseen factors that are in heaven, that we are desiring to manifest here on earth are dependent on many factors, but out of all of the factors, timing is the most crucial of them all.


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