
Arise and Shine

Someone suggests that the doctrine of inclusion was wrong, but is it if understood in the right sense is it then right?

Perception is everything~~~we are either all inclusively the created beings of G-d in His image=His Essence ( we all look the same in that perception~LOL).. God formed Adam the First Adam and she 'Chavah the mother of all living" human beings was the created womb of G-d that all of humanity came forth from...Good so far?? Adam was the purest of the pure he was the closest to the master, and yet he was a failed leader and yet the plan of man did not stop there, Why because that is where Grace and Hesed/mercy came upon humanity for the first time...why because goodness and mercy follow Israel all the days of there lives that is the greatest salvation keys
To have the love of G-d follow you all the days of your life....Why? Because HaShem is your very next breath and He has a no child left behind policy...Obedience is key to those of Jewish Linage.
Therefore I submit that we are all one in the divine plan of humanity we are all one species and we better learn it well.IMHO or Moshiach will not be showing up real soon in any place until the hearts and egos of mankind get the yetzer harah in control and dismiss the high-chair tyrants that control the sheeple.

Salvation is a perception: Like this is a question to determine a perception: what is and what was the perception of Salvation and the mindset of the Rabbis in regard to that concept in the thirteen hundred years leading up to what Yeshua and most other Rabbi's who even ventured out to the gentiles would have been teaching as to inheriting a place in the world to come"~~
To answer that would give you or anyone in a serious historical quest for answers with great certainty they would find conclusive answers or at least put together a working model from all the fragments scattered in hundreds if not thousands of Scrolls.. of what the man Yeshua was really about..My team has done that to expose the truth from the lies and misconstruction from Rome. Just waiting for the green light from HaShem to publish it for truly it is a joy to see the real Yeshua emerge as the Pious Servant of Hashem that he was and the rich truth of Torah that his teachers so richly taught him so that we too would go out and heal the world once we learned the way ...That we too would learn how to bring heaven down to earth...It is time...shalom.

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