
Arise and Shine

Research brings me to this conclusion: Judaism is the Root of all world religion... and yes Yeshua was a Torah observant Jew. Hopefully you overlook the bastardization of who he really was, seek out historical truth and yes there is plenty of Rabbinic writings regarding Yeshua and what possibly his mission was to the Jew and Gentile alike. His Yeshiva Teacher ( R.Hillel) would have taught him that the Gentiles would merit in the world to come they just need to comply with the Noahide Mitzvot. The basics for all humanity.

Other than that' What is despicable to you, Do not do to another person"...the basic community laws that Yeshua was noted to have done known as the Beatitudes teaching.

It has been noted globally that Christians/Messianic's/J4J sects for the most part violate the Torah basics or even the seven Mitzvoth to all humanity, instead favoring the misconstruction from the Imperial Church of Rome's Hellenistic version Without question or real study for themselves. And yes you need to get beyond the Christian corral of foolish favorites and Dove awards to see real depth or revelation~~~In simple terms, It is just another religion built upon the foundation of Judaism as all Religions have gleaned from this absolute truth of Ha'Shem.

I have spent the better part of three decades looking at the scrolls with earnest, Yeshua Never' saved anyone,... and always pointed to the creator of the Multi-verse. He if anything would be a causer of your salvation by Obedience,... His walk would be your example[ see: 1st John 2:v6] if anything as a gentile seven laws are considered foundational, however if you are from Jewish mother or Jewish linage and you choose to follow Torah and remain teachable you have a place in the millions who have gone before you seeking Chabad' = Wisdom Knowledge and understanding. Those things we are to seek out for ourselves to grow up into the full stature of the Man... Not follow foolishness.

I might mention Yochannon/John as well was not a baptist as some conjure up. Why? because the Hebrew/ Aramaic way was and still is the independent~ Unassisted immersion into the Mikveh/baptismal/ or river or moving body of water unto Teshuva. Just you and YHVH** (G-d) in receiving embrace.

No doubt he was a watchman/ Navi for Y'Israel

The only thing you need to be saved from is the Yetzer Harah...the bad or evil inclination. Once that is under control then you can go about and do good'...Ultimately if we raised up a global generation of responsible kids knowing that we all need each other to be sustainable and eco-friendly, that we are essentially one in this awsome universe.
That we all need each other to create and to be creative.
Because G-d created one woman and we all came from her.
May Chavah= Mother of all living' (eve) be remembered with gratitude for she herself received the man child promise.
Therefore I submit that the Hasidic teaching that we are all' One in the Divine plan for humanity is correct.
Furthermore that if we pool our resourses, strengths, talents and ambitions, this would be the greatest world. For that to happen we would have to beat our swords into plowshares.

.... Then the world would be a wonderful place

The Tetragrammaton ' YHVH' (Greek meaning "four letters") is a way to describe the name of G-d written in Hebrew. Because it is a holy name, a Kodosh name it would be better to recommend Exodus Chapter 3. and glean the intimacy with the Divine Master.

IMHO It is a magnificent dialogue.

What is your take

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