
Arise and Shine

On a blog response a dear soul asked for three answers to three questions~~

1.) If the Son is eternal and existed at creation, who was His mother at that time?

2.) If the Son is eternal and immutable (unchangeable) according to the doctrine of the Trinity, how can the reign of the Son have an ending?(I Corinthians 15:24-28).

3.) Did Jesus Christ have two fathers? The Father is the Father of the Son (I John 1:3), yet the child born of Mary was conceived by the Holy Ghost (Matthew 1:18, 20; Luke
1:35). Which one is the true father?
 I thought to respond with this::::>The Hebrew name in the TaNaKh for your Eve' ( in the christian version) is Chavah which simply means 'Mother of all living"...All living humans.

 She essentially is the Womb of G-d~for all humanity!... That would include the man known as Yeshua /J-sus...

# 1...Yeshua was and will forever be a simple man/ student of G-d who went about doing we all should try to do it is called Tikkun Olam~~

#2 ~You answered your question/// According to the Trinity or Imperial church of Rome would have you believe~)...

Maimonides devotes much of the “Guide for the Perplexed” to the fundamental idea that G-d is incorporeal, meaning that He assumes no physical form. G-d is Eternal, above time.

He is Infinite, beyond space. He cannot be born, and cannot die. Saying that God assumes human form makes G-d small, diminishing both His unity and His divinity.

As the Torah says: “G-d is not a mortal” (Numbers 23:19).

#3~Yoseph is Yeshua's biological father.Mariam and he went out to the field(As was done in those days) and knocked boots or whatever is the proper term for intimate communion..without the Catholic version that all sex is dirty and our little baby Jesus would not have any of that un-clean stuff)

Also~~To answer this difficult problem, apologists claim that Jesus traces himself back to King David through his mother Mary, who allegedly descends from David, as shown in the third chapter of Luke. There are four basic problems with this claim:

a) There is no evidence that Mary descends from David. The third chapter of Luke traces Joseph’s genealogy, not Mary’s.

b) Even if Mary can trace herself back to David, that doesn’t help Jesus, since tribal affiliation goes only through the father, not mother. Cf. Numbers 1:18; Ezra 2:59.
c) Even if family line could go through the mother, Mary was not from a legitimate Messianic family. According to the Bible, the Messiah must be a descendant of David through his son Solomon (II Samuel 7:14; I Chronicles 17:11-14, 22:9-10, 28:4-6). The third chapter of Luke is irrelevant to this discussion because it describes lineage of David’s son Nathan, not Solomon. (Luke 3:31) d) Luke 3:27 lists Shealtiel and Zerubbabel in his genealogy. These two also appear in Matthew 1:12 as descendants of the cursed Jeconiah. If Mary descends from them, it would also disqualify her from being a Messianic progenitor.
As to trinity it is antisemitic and replacement theology at best... What is true is Sh'ma Israel Deverim 6:v4-9ff

I hope that helps someone~"come out of Her"

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