
Arise and Shine

As for atonement.... {I did not write this info bulletin However here may be something for you here //James}}

According to Judaism, there is vicarious atonement in the death of all saintly martyrs. This was a belief that pre-dates Yeshua time. We read in Maccabees about the atonement found in the martyrdom of Eleazar the Priest and his family:

"Indeed it would be proper to inscribe upon their tomb these words as a reminder to the people of our nation: 'Here lie buried an aged priest and an aged woman and seven sons, because of the violence of the tyrant who wished to destroy the way of life of the Hebrews.

They vindicated their nation, looking to G-d and enduring torture even to death.' Truly the contest in which they were engaged was divine, for on that day virtue gave the awards and tested them for their endurance.

The prize was immortality in endless life. Eleazar was the first contestant, the mother of the seven sons entered the competition, and the brothers contended. The tyrant was the antagonist, and the world and the human race were the spectators. Reverence for G-d was victor and gave the crown to its own athletes. Who did not admire the athletes of the divine legislation? Who were not amazed? The tyrant himself and all his council marvelled at their endurance, because of which they now stand before the divine throne and live through blessed eternity. For Moses says, 'All who are consecrated are under your hands.'

These, then, who have been consecrated for the sake of G-d, are honoured, not only with this honour, but also by the fact that because of them our enemies did not rule over our nation, the tyrant was punished, and the homeland purified -- they having become, as it were, a ransom for the sin of our nation" - (4 Maccabees 17:9-21).

We also read in the rabbinic literature:

R. Hoshaiah said: "It was unnecessary to say 'boards of the Tabernacle'; the verse means that the boards [of the Sanctuary] stood up as a pledge. For if Israel ever deserved annihilation, it would be their security with G-d. Then said Moses to G-d, 'But will there not come a time when they have neither Tabernacle nor Temple? What then shall be [the pledge] for them?' G-d replied, 'I will take one righteous man from among them, and hold him as pledge for them, and I will atone for them on account of all their sins.' Hence, 'He slew all that were pleasant to the eye in [return for] the tabernacle' (Lam. 2:4) [ in order to atone for the rest of Israel]" - (Exodus Rabbah, Terumah, 34:4).

So you see, the death of a righteous man can atone for the sins of Israel. And, if we argue "kol v'kohmer" (light and heavy), that is to say, that which applies to a minor matter can also be applied to a major matter, then ... if the death of a single righteous man can atone for the sins Israel, then it can also atone for the sins of mankind as a whole. He who murders one, murders all; he who rescues one, rescues all. Believing in Mar Yeshua's atonement does not conflict with Judaism.

R. Hoshaiah also said: "'And His land shall atone for its people' (Deut. 22:43). How can you know that the martyrdom [the slaying] of Israel at the hands of the Gentiles is an atonement in the World to Come? Because it says, 'O G-d, the heathen have come into thine inheritance ... they have given ... the flesh of they saints to the beasts of the earth' (Psalm 79:1-2). (Because they are called 'Saints' ['holy ones'], therefore the Sifre assumes that they had by their death an atoning efficacy for the rest of their brethren in faith)" - (Sifre Deut., Ha'azinu, note 333, from 140a to the end).

This is all tied into the rabbinic concept of the Merits of the Fathers. So, I personally, see no need for Yeshua to have been YHVH Himself or a Divine Emanation from the Pleroma (Fullness or G-dhead). It was enough that he be a Spirit-filled "Man of YHVH," a saint (a Tzadiq, a Righteous One; a Chasid, a Pious-Benevelonet One) and that he died a martyr's death for the sake of Heaven.

But, what is it that we are being "saved" from? What is the efficacy of Yeshua's atonement with regard to that which we are being "saved" from?

Many people see Yeshua's atoning death as being their "Golden Ticket" to the Heavenly Chocolate Factory and as a "Get-Out-of-Hell-Free" Card.

Cf. my blog entry: We're Just Dying To Get To Heaven...?

If that's all there is to it, then ... why be crucified? The Divine will be gracious to whom He will, right? If it were all about excusing and pardoning others, then ... there was really no need for Yeshua to be crucified. Grace is unmerited and unearnable. There's no gimmick and no magic formula to it. It's either given or it isn't. In short, I don't think "atonement" is all there is to Yeshua's martyrdom. There's something more to this equation that the Church is either missing or is deliberately overlooking, IMO.

That's why I like the motto: "Think harder! Dig Deeper!"

Research by Smadewell

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