
Arise and Shine

Is something wrong with this picture:::

75-year-old widow to be flogged

The sentencing of a widow to 40 lashes for mingling with two young men
has sparked new criticism of Saudi Arabia.

Khamisa Sawadi, who is Syrian but was married to a Saudi, was convicted
and sentenced last week for meeting with men who were not her immediate

The two men, including one who was Mrs Sawadi's late husband's nephew,
were reportedly bringing her bread. They were also found guilty and
sentenced to prison terms and lashes.

You can look up the rest of the article

However I think there should be a outcry from the illustrious United Nation on this issue~Sadly that won't happen because it is part of the global socialism plot

People helping people should not be regulated nor should it be a crime.

I was reading about Akiba a Rabbi a simple plebeian trained up into Torah truth in the second century who the Romans took him out at 90 years of age and literally torn his flesh off.He died in obedience and edifying the Master/Ha'Shem with his last breath according to Talmud and historical writings from the time.

I think real love is shown by the deeds and that is just plain arrogant ignorance.

The Inquisition was the same,...Religious foolishness from the imperial church of Rome said they were using torture to save souls ..Give me a break you do not torture to save someone. You show them the Shekinah glory, the Light within each and every one of us.
In Judaism the major theme is Tzedakah 'Acts of charitable giving'...Simply to go out and repair the world [Tikkun Olam]
The first is study the highest form of worship in Judaism next to obedience to Torah standards.
Second to that to be a Hasid or tzaddik to go out and do a charitable deed for someone even if it happens to be an enemy. It is taught in all the yeshivas. That is community' PHP People in the communities sustaining each other instead of government intervention/socialism...
IMHO as it should be...Sustainable Communities: something we see eroding in the USA in favor of corruption and greed.
Why we the sheeple have elected leaders who have not matured past the high chair tyrant syndrome is well above my understanding...
The greatest love and the greatest salvation to humankind is not on some religious misconstruction from Rome, but more so upon common people interacting among between and amidst the people in their immediate neighborhood breaking bread house to house in fellowship.
That is what some great Rabbis have taught down over the centuries.
No middle man had to die for you... no lambs or goats need to be slaughtered Just Obedience to the Basics, the Seven noahide laws given to humanity in the beginning will do it.
Really it is just you and G-d working together to help HIS Children Now that lines up with the Biblical correct and historically proven way to be in the world to come. That is simply doing good deeds, that is Love at its finest from one to another.
It is all about Tzadekah [acts of pious-benevolence/ charitable giving]and becoming One with the Divine Master YHVH/YAHweh/Adonai/Father G-d .

What is your mission?.... Are you doing your part and If not what is your fear?... What keeps you in the bondage of missing this simple truth.
If it is religious traditions then you may want to re think your purpose on this planet ?

Above all enjoy your journey.

Shalom ...JLH

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